
The Dragon King's Rise

There was a young man who fought at the top of the world only to lose. After the young man's defeat, he and the Vampire Prince who wanted to kill him were transferred to another world. Once there and they tried using magic the caused that world's race(s) to completely vanish. Once the young man saw what they done he immediately began to cry and scream. While that was happening, the Vampire Prince noticed the young man attempting to create multiple realities only to began to fail. The Vampire King looked at the young man and say, "I do not care what reality you want to belong in. However, do not attempt to ever find me or care for me. I will kill you otherwise, grow strong and once we can truly fight on the grand stage I shall call you brother." At that moment every reality that the young man was attempting to create was created. Once he entered in one both he and the Vampire Prince both liked the same room in the same hotel. They both unconsciously protected that place.

Drakeking12 · Kỳ huyễn
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199 Chs

Chapter 182 Beach Time pt1

Exiting the carriage after a three hour ride. Everyone arrived at the beach. Haru and Ariel immediately went around and looked for something fun and exciting to do.

Meanwhile, Medusa dragged Drake around to the other side of the carriage. She wanted Drake to know something important to her.

Looking at Drake, Medusa hugged Drake. With her head by his ear she whispered, "Make sure to give me the marriage at the altar also okay."

Medusa let go. She wanted Drake to understand how she felt. This was the first time she had actually tried to do something special like that.

Drake found it amusing that Medusa also wanted her marriage at the altar. He did not show it on his face.

Letting Ariel and Haru go around. Drake led the other women to the sandy beach. Mermaids had already been notified of their arrival.

"We thank you, Dragon King." The mermaids were polite.

Drake felt that if he did not say anything he would be hurt.

"I do not understand why you are thanking me. Let me say your welcome." Drake bowed to the mermaids.

"A King must not bow to commoners." One of the mermaids said.

"A King must also know why he is thanked." Another one argued.

"Let me through." A small mermaid rushed out and felt part of the sandy beach.

Drake looking at her felt that she was connected with Amelia. Even though he did not know, he still made sure to pat her head.

"Father must be the one to defeat the evil creature." The little mermaid said.

Drake felt something hit him. He did not dare to look back. He felt everything would be over if he did.

"Why do you call me father?" Drake asked.

The little mermaid looked up unconsciously and said, "You saved me from the evil creature back then."

Drake then felt several more hits and still did not dare to look back.

"Whose daughter are you?"

"I am the daughter of the concubine that got brought back to the castle. Mother told me she had already gotten your essence when you fought the evil creature."

Drake felt death glares he decided to turn around. Seeing his wives giving the death glares. Drake did not know what to do. He wanted his private time with them but seeing how angry they were. Even he did not know how the essence was given to her.

"Will you please tell me how your mother got my essence?" Drake asked.

The little mermaid looked up and said, "The Grand Water Fairy gave Uncle Kraken some of your essence. Who in return gave it to my mother."

Drake felt a small burden off his shoulders but wondered why the Grand Water Fairy actually did that.

The little mermaid saw Drake a little confused. So she decided to hug her father. Upon doing so, she felt warmth that she had never felt before. This surprised the little mermaid. She knew her father was a great man but to actually see how great he was. That was the most special thing to the little mermaid.

"Make sure to come defeat the evil creature father." The little mermaid waved.

She dived back into the sea.

The rest of the mermaids did the same.

Drake felt a bad feeling from what the little mermaid said. He knew if he actually started to see them as threats. He would then probably start to massacre everything again. He did not want that to happen.

Standing up, Drake looked at his wives. Looking at their smiles, even though they were not good intent smiles, Drake brightened up.

"Thank you my wives." Drake's smile made them shudder.

Not only did they now have to deal with a little girl Drake. They would soon have to start thinking about everyone else having a little Drake.

Their talk would last all night not giving them even a second of sleep. Once the sun rose, they began to feel the warmth that Drake gives them with the morning sun.

Drake then heard Ariel shouting. Drake rushed over there to figure out what she wanted. All the other women went into a village just barely inside some trees.

Ariel seeing how they left. She knew all night with Haru and Drake would be a blast. Even though she wanted it to be one on one date. She knew Haru needed to get back to the Dragon Clan.

She would allow Haru to join in and make things spicy for them. She and Haru had already talked about how the night would be long.

Ariel, Haru, and Drake ended up walking towards a giant boulder. Haru used her magic to make it. Even though Ariel was against it at first.

Haru explained that no one would be able to bypass her defenses in this current state.

Ariel agreed. Haru made it so that they could enjoy the view of the sea and sky. Even though no one would dare to get close because of the killing intent around the boulder.

One could not be safe with Katsuki roaming the Labyrinth and could exit at any time. Haru was more worried about other people peeping at her and Drake.

Ariel, even though she had already been seen having the time of her life, she too did not want anyone suspicious coming to her. She knew Drake would kill them before they even left. She did not like seeing her husband going on a killing spree.

It would be different for monsters inside Labyrinths and dungeons. They need to be hunted down all the time. If not they had the option to break out and cause chaos in cities and villages.

Since nearly all the upper levels were always entered. The lower levels had their means of keeping everything under control.

Drake sat down between Haru and Ariel by the boulder. With a little side blocked on their left and right and the entire upper sky in view.

Drake wondered what this date would entail. Even though he had only one guess. He knew his first married wife, seeing how quiet they were. Drake's thoughts began to sleep through his pants.

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