
The Dragon King's Rise

There was a young man who fought at the top of the world only to lose. After the young man's defeat, he and the Vampire Prince who wanted to kill him were transferred to another world. Once there and they tried using magic the caused that world's race(s) to completely vanish. Once the young man saw what they done he immediately began to cry and scream. While that was happening, the Vampire Prince noticed the young man attempting to create multiple realities only to began to fail. The Vampire King looked at the young man and say, "I do not care what reality you want to belong in. However, do not attempt to ever find me or care for me. I will kill you otherwise, grow strong and once we can truly fight on the grand stage I shall call you brother." At that moment every reality that the young man was attempting to create was created. Once he entered in one both he and the Vampire Prince both liked the same room in the same hotel. They both unconsciously protected that place.

Drakeking12 · Kỳ huyễn
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199 Chs

Chapter 170 Drake's uncle

Walking to the throne room. Drake saw paintings of several different dragons. Some had extraordinary achievements within the clan, some made extraordinary tools for the clan, then there were the family paintings.

Those hit Drake hard, seeing his father around his mother. She looked somewhat decent in the paintings but compared to Drake's father she looked miserable.

"I hope nothing happens to me or my family." Drake thought about walking towards the throne room.

Seeing that Drake was interested in the paintings. The group went at a slower pace so if Drake stopped he could look at the paintings with ease.

Once a pair of solid metallic doors were seen. The two men bowed. Haru stood up front and directed Drake how to act.

"Mio be good. The King of Dragons inside iron doors." Haru explained.

"Of course."

Haru and Drake continued and opened the metallic doors.

Sitting on a throne, a young man was seated. The man was younger than his father but older than Drake. Staring at Drake, the man knew who Drake was.

"He is my exiled brother's child." The man did not say anything.

Haru wanted to get angry but Drake already could see that the King knew who he was.

"I am Drake. My father is the exiled prince and my mother is the woman whom my father left with." Drake felt the need to explain.

"Of course. My dear nephew has seen the wondrous land. I shall not judge you if you want to leave. You were not raised here. Haru, please be advised that reading my mind is akin to trying to rebel." The King spoke.

"I not promise." Haru puffed her chest out.

The King looked sad seeing Haru not fully expressing her words. He knew she would never be the same.

"My nephew, I am the late King's final son. I hope you enjoy your time here. I will try my best to allow your parents to enter the fields if they so desire." The King declared.

"Thank you." Drake bowed.

"Boys! Show them around." The King ordered.

"Yes!" The two men sounded and came rushing in.

"Uncle I wish to get stronger. I am not sure how to. What can I use to train my god energy? My physical and magical stats are already above peak for normal dragons and elves. My god energy is still at a newbie level." Drake wanted to beg.

"Your god energy?" Drake's uncle's jaw dropped.

"Physical strength is stronger than a normal dragon?" The thin man said.

"Magical strength is stronger than an elf." The bulky said.

All three of them said in the same breath. With a moment of breathtaking silence.

"Ho that is an interesting grandchild I have." A voice spoke.

"Father." The King said.

"Your Highness." The men said.

"Baby." Haru spoke.

"Please do not tease me mother. I could tease back." An Elder fellow was seen.

"I take it you are my grandfather?"

"Correct. Our family has guarded the best and the worst of the entire Dragon Race. We will and always be the guardians." Drake's grandfather said.

Drake took a second to process what was said because his grandfather spoke in ancient dragonic. The language Drake was not familiar with seemed to get processed quickly but it was still slow compared to the men who were raised inside.

"That is the difference huh?" The bulky one asked.

"Maybe not. That is one thing we have an edge on." The thin one said.

They were talking in the ancient draconic and Haru seemed to notice that Drake was quickly receiving it. To her surprise, Drake did not really care for the language.

"This language is not really good for learning stuff." Drake thought and then thought about Haru reading his mind.

"Oh well if she did, she did. I do not care." Drake continued his thoughts.

Haru giggled. That shocked Drake's grandfather and uncle. Seeing Haru laugh was something she never did nor wanted to do.

"It seems he has more stuff going for him." Drake's grandfather thought.

"I wish she would have come here sooner. I want to learn about what happened all those years ago." Drake's uncle thought.

Drake and his uncle continued in talking. Drake was using normal language, while his uncle spoke in ancient draconic.

Neither one wanted to give up the victory but they seemed to agree that Drake would have an easier time speaking normal language.

"Let us go to the Library. You will learn a little about the ancient draconic language and I believe Haru had a book on god energy." Drake's uncle spoke up.

The two of them went. Haru was going to go but Drake's grandfather stopped her.

"I go too!" Haru spoke.

"I want to help you with your speaking. Will you allow me to help you mother?" Drake's grandfather pleaded.

"I help Mio." Haru spoke.

"You will be able to help Mio," Drake's grandfather wrapped his arms around Haru, "I want to help you. Will you allow me to help you?" Drake's grandfather whispered.

"Make sure Mio safe when I say." Haru spoke.

"He will be with my son. I guarantee that he will keep him safe, if not I will personally kill him."

Hearing those words, Haru felt relief in her body. This was the first time in an extremely long time that Haru wanted to be away from Mio. She remembers the final time before she clung to Mio. Upon remembering that, she felt saddened. She never knew why she did not want to be around Mio.

"Mio safe." Haru spoke.

"We can watch him a little before I start giving language lessons." Drake's grandfather walked with one of his arms around Haru.

The boys felt fear with the arm around Haru. They had already seen it countless times. They feared that Haru would die. They did not want Haru to die.

"What do we do?" The thin man spoke.

"We stop the old man." The bulky one replied.

Looking at each other.

"We will die." The bulky one said.

"Of course. I want him to die also." The thin man replied with a grim face.

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