
The Dragon King's Rise

There was a young man who fought at the top of the world only to lose. After the young man's defeat, he and the Vampire Prince who wanted to kill him were transferred to another world. Once there and they tried using magic the caused that world's race(s) to completely vanish. Once the young man saw what they done he immediately began to cry and scream. While that was happening, the Vampire Prince noticed the young man attempting to create multiple realities only to began to fail. The Vampire King looked at the young man and say, "I do not care what reality you want to belong in. However, do not attempt to ever find me or care for me. I will kill you otherwise, grow strong and once we can truly fight on the grand stage I shall call you brother." At that moment every reality that the young man was attempting to create was created. Once he entered in one both he and the Vampire Prince both liked the same room in the same hotel. They both unconsciously protected that place.

Drakeking12 · Kỳ huyễn
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199 Chs

Chapter 149 The Battlefield (R-18+)

Plah! Plah! Plah!

Sobbing was heard on a planet that looked like someone plastered red paint on it. Looking across the planet one would see thousands upon thousands of organs labeled and thrown across the painted planet.

If a body was intact it was a naked female with cum pouring out of every spot available including their eyes. Without any eyes and every hole pouring out cum a person would run away trying to help themselves. Once soft whispers of the forgotten women would be heard a strange looking creature would appear.

It had extremely pinpoint eyes you could barely notice because of how ugly the creature looked. With a tongue for a tail, it looked like it could lick its own butt and hate it but with the look on its face it would seem to enjoy it. With a snout and a bright red nose that would make even the famous reindeer hide from embarrassment.

The casual look of the snout looked like a clown's smile. The nostrils could hold a gold dollar and still have room to spin it. When the jaw was open, the creature looked like it had a bloody nose. Opening the jaw would cause blood to rush out of the nostrils and the blood would have white specks in it.

Considering that if you saw one, there were forty-nine others close by. One would pass out just by seeing the first creature.

With the soft whispers of the women, those creatures would hear them. Rushing over to the soft whispers, the creatures would find the woman's pussy. They would then stick their snout inside causing the women to scream. That scream would make the creature open its jaw causing the cum inside the women to crush the vital organs.

Once the screaming stopped, the creature would close its snout and move to the next woman.

If the woman kept her mouth shut. Then others would notice the silence and lick the woman's brain from her eye sockets. If that was not traumatic enough another one would shove its snout inside the woman's asshole and just open up. Ripping apart every muscle and feeding on her flesh because she would not dare to open her mouth.

Elsewhere one saw a throne and thousands of naked women lined up. On the throne was the Death god. He held a woman's arms behind her raping her.

Plah! Plah! Plah!

"Woman you are worthless. Expect your death."

The Death god then came inside of her. One could see the inside one saw the womb be instantly filled and then burst forcing more cum inside of her. The cum would then finally make the stomach explode. The cum going up through the esophagus and looking like the woman was throwing up cum. What little she could spit out, the rest of it was forced up inside the woman's skull. The nose was the first thing to show cum, afterwards the asshole would be forced to shove out the cum. Since that was not enough to stop the pressure on the brain. The eyes were pushed out of their sockets. Showing how much cum was forced up there.

Letting one arm go, the Death god then threw the poor soul somewhere for the creatures to find.

Lightning started to crack in the sky. The women feared for their safety. Death by this unknown man and his creatures or death by this lightning and the answer was clear.

They did not want death. They tried to hide and soon an electric scythe could be seen. With a single swing all the women were diced up.

A portal opens and laughter is heard. The laughter seemed feminine but the Death god seemed to get anxious with this laughter.

"Look, who is having a bad day. Seeing his grandchild actually get married at that stupid altar. That reminds me, wasn't your first son with the Dragon God and he also got married there." The feminine voice sounded.

"Asshole! Just come out and allow me to show you DEATH!" The Death god shouted.

The word Death seemed to echo in the universe they were currently in. Making every planet extremely black and they all seemed to lose everything about themselves. If one could land on any planet, it looked like the planet had just been born.

"Oh please. You seem to misunderstand. Your grandchild is about to awaken what the Dragon God calls the Mine trait. With that trait being awakened he will unconsciously awaken your Death Wake trait." The feminine voice sounded.

"SHIT!" The Death god roared.

In this moment of quietness another portal opened and the Dragon god descended. Seeing the destruction of the universe. The Dragon God knew he had to bring the Death god into the forbidden prison.

"Death god. You have been sentenced to 1,000,000 years in the forbidden prison. We both know you cannot defeat me but I will not lose either. If you help yourself and come quietly. I will ask for a pardon because of our grandchild." The Dragon god announced.

The Death god hearing that also made an announcement. "Our grandson has awakened the Mine trait. Soon he will get the Death Wake trait. What happens to him then?"

"Currently, nothing. For he still has a chance to awaken the final trait in that combo. If he does, he will be able to defeat that person's bloodline forever. If he does not. Well, we know what will happen next." The Dragon god replied.

The Death god split the throne and a woman came out. She was still completely clothed. Her hair is covered in blood, no one could tell what color it actually was. Her hair completely covered her body only the Death god knew what she looked like.

"Your Death will be my trigger."

A yellowish glint appeared in the Death god's eyes and he opened up his mouth. One would see millions of teeth that seemed to have a mind of their own. Touching the woman's skull she immediately fainted and the gods could see her soul getting devoured.


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