
The Dragon King's Rise

There was a young man who fought at the top of the world only to lose. After the young man's defeat, he and the Vampire Prince who wanted to kill him were transferred to another world. Once there and they tried using magic the caused that world's race(s) to completely vanish. Once the young man saw what they done he immediately began to cry and scream. While that was happening, the Vampire Prince noticed the young man attempting to create multiple realities only to began to fail. The Vampire King looked at the young man and say, "I do not care what reality you want to belong in. However, do not attempt to ever find me or care for me. I will kill you otherwise, grow strong and once we can truly fight on the grand stage I shall call you brother." At that moment every reality that the young man was attempting to create was created. Once he entered in one both he and the Vampire Prince both liked the same room in the same hotel. They both unconsciously protected that place.

Drakeking12 · Kỳ huyễn
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199 Chs

Chapter 142 Getting married pt 1

Drake went and started looking at the books. The first shelf was about who married who. Drake went to the next shelf and learned who the children were.

"These were a waste." Drake said in a soft voice.

Moving to the next shelf was the people who had gone through the Hellish Library. Explaining how people died inside and out of the library. This made Drake realize just how lucky he got to end the trip so early. Most of them once they reached the fifth point they never could get out of their own grave they dug.

Drake blessed the shelf with the god of Life and Blessing energy. Not only was the bookshelf blessed with the Blessing energy but the books had the other energy.

Moving to the next shelf, it had nearly everything to start the marriage ceremony but one book was missing. Drake did not want to mess up the sequence because he truly wanted the women closest to him to become his wives, not only in name but in paper too.

Drake then continued and all the other shelves were full what happened because people did not know there was a book missing from that shelf. Some of them talked about how people became monsters and lost all intelligence. Some how the people survived but would fight and would cause family wars over the issue. There was some that just managed to kill each other so nothing happened.

Drake felt completely hopeless. Even though what he wanted was right in front of him. He did not want to take any chances.

Drake continued but there was nothing on his side of the room.

Ariel saw Drake looking hard and decided to go to the other side. There was a piece of paper laying on the floor.

"Those who seek marriage must first complete the ordeal."

Ariel read and asked the priestess if she could read what was on the paper.

"Those who seek marriage must first climb the steps hand and hand."

The priestess whispered what she read. This surprised Ariel. She knew that the key to this altar was right in front of them.

The two quickly reached Drake on the other side who had just finished looking over the last book.

"This was completely good. I at least know what to accomplish before the marriage." Drake had a weary smile.

"Drake!" Ariel hugged him.

"What is wrong?" Drake asked.

"I WANT TO GET MARRIED!" Ariel had complete determination in her eyes.

"The problem is what to start with." Drake told her.

"We must hold hands and climb the steps." Ariel told him.

"Is there anything before that though?" Drake focused on the priestess.

Ariel with determination in her eyes said, "There is an ordeal we must do. I believe we can overcome the situation with the priestess and the lich."

"Then let's start. Priestess, I want you to be on the back side of the altar and when I say climb." Drake knew that in order to have the marriage ceremony a priest or priestess and someone watching must be present.

Drake did not know the start had to be something simple.

Drake was on the left holding Ariel's hand. Ariel was on the right blushing. She knew this day would come but seeing its outcome now. She was really nervous because she was still in her vampiric form.

"Are you ready?" Drake asked.

"Of course." Ariel replied.

The lich went to the right side and watched what was about to transpire. He did not worry much about what the end would be. He was more focused on what would be in-between.

Drake shouted, "Start the climb."

The room had a purplish glow to it from what the lich could see and he felt the entire room was on his shoulders. He did not know what to think but each step they took the heavier the room became. He tried getting skeletons but they would not come up.

Finally they reached the top step in front of the altar and the weight went off of the lich's shoulders. The entire time the lich watched them climb up the stairs. He did not know if he was supposed to or not but he wanted to see what would happen.

The altar then glowed purple writing could be seen on the altar.

"Those who have passed the ordeal. Have the right to marriage on the altar."

After reading what Drake could. Ariel then looked down on the altar.

"Those who seek marriage and stay together for better or for the worst. Have the right to marriage on the altar."

Ariel knew that she could never be separated from Drake through this marriage. She would probably die the moment they tried anything special.

The priestess looked down after seeing Ariel raise her head.

"Please say the following words. Do thou Drake, reincarnated into this world. Take Ariel the vampire princess to be your wife."

The priestess said, "Do thou Drake, reincarnated into this world. Take Ariel the vampire princess to be your wife?"

Drake looked at her and looked down to make sure nothing would go wrong. Seeing the altar not light up. Drake smiled really big and said, "Yes I want Ariel to be my wife."

The altar glowed blue. Drake looked down and saw, "Your feelings are true. Time for the other to reply."

Drake was so happy to read that he almost shouted.

The priestess looked down again and saw the altar writing. "Do thou Ariel the vampire princess take Drake reincarnated into this world and grandchild to the most powerful Dragon God and Reaper to be your husband."

The priestess said, "Do thou Ariel the vampire princess take Drake reincarnated into this world and grandchild to the most powerful Dragon God and Reaper to be your husband?"

The lich was shocked to hear who Drake was. He knew in his bones that there was only one person even capable of stopping this ceremony. That would be the Dragon God.

Ariel looked down and saw nothing and she smiled and replied, "My feelings towards Drake are happy. I wish I could have him completely for myself but that would make me selfish and I do not want Drake to be mad at me. Yes I want Drake to be my husband."

Drake heard the words that Ariel spoke they hurt him. Drake also knew that your true feelings would be opened up here and if you said the truth that would grant you your marriage.

The altar glowed pink and the three looked down and saw the writing. "This altar recognizes the marriage between the two of you. If the priest or priestess and those who watched the ceremony are okay with it. You are now married."

The joy on Ariel's face was truly good.

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