
The Dragon King's Rise

There was a young man who fought at the top of the world only to lose. After the young man's defeat, he and the Vampire Prince who wanted to kill him were transferred to another world. Once there and they tried using magic the caused that world's race(s) to completely vanish. Once the young man saw what they done he immediately began to cry and scream. While that was happening, the Vampire Prince noticed the young man attempting to create multiple realities only to began to fail. The Vampire King looked at the young man and say, "I do not care what reality you want to belong in. However, do not attempt to ever find me or care for me. I will kill you otherwise, grow strong and once we can truly fight on the grand stage I shall call you brother." At that moment every reality that the young man was attempting to create was created. Once he entered in one both he and the Vampire Prince both liked the same room in the same hotel. They both unconsciously protected that place.

Drakeking12 · Kỳ huyễn
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199 Chs

Chapter 129 The Threat Arrived

Feeling calm before the storm arrived. The researcher became very restless. Not only because he saw his fellow researcher die but this feeling that something bad was about to transpire and nothing was going to stop it.

The mother spider tried to control Drake but it was like the copy became alive and started to get into an attack stance.

The mother spider feared that her children would get caught in the middle and she screamed. Her children ran over to her and a couple of them got smashed to death by the creature's tail.

She ultimately allowed her children to die. She did not want them to but feeling something was not right. She bypassed her emotions and allowed them to die.

The creature then stood up in its tail and six hind legs. The front two legs fell off and became pincers. The tail split into two and became two legs.

Seeing this the mother spider felt a little better about the fight but not much.

The baby spiders seeing their mother watch this fight earnestly made them watch it earnestly too.

The creature roared. The copy of Drake dashed forward and stopped the roar midway. This caused the creature to tremble. It not only got stopped off its roar but also trembled because of the speed that Drake copy used.

That started the beat down of the creature. Getting hit so much. The creature could not swing its pincers fast enough.

Ultimately, the creature knew Drake copy would beat it to death if it continued. So it changed into the original form.

Drake copy did not care and continued to beat down the creature while transforming. The creature was slowly dying and nothing was going to stop it.

Finally after a good while, the creature transformed but the damage was already done. Drake copy did not care anymore to fight the creature and went back up the stairs.

The creature gave a smug look. It thought it was tougher than what Drake copy could damage it. It did not know a few of the spider babies had left their mother's side and went behind the creature.

Suddenly the creature felt several bites on its back. It knew the spider mother had sent some babies to bite it.

It tried to scream but nothing happened. It had been poisoned and paralyzed. One could see the muscles twitching from losing the connection to the brain. The most visible one was the tail because it would go back and slam against the wall.

It took a long time before the creature eventually died. When the paralysis would wear off enough. Several of the spider babies would die. Before more would die, the paralysis would be turned back on.

Once the creature finally died, the only ones left were the spider mother and the three siblings. This made them stronger. They relied on each other much more and became better hunters because of it.

The first instance was when they finally finished eating the creature. The four of them went to finish the creature's family.

The spider mother spread out her web on the top of the creature's. It was almost invisible, however the spots visible were made visible so the researcher could actually see them.

"This thread is marvelous!" The researcher wrote.

Seeing the joy of the researcher's face the spider mother also had a smug look that only the researcher was allowed to see.

"That look is something that only I will ever see." The researcher wrote.

It did not take long for the creature's family to be finished off. However the three would only attack one at a time. They were scared that one had similar skills to the big creature.

Once the creature's family was killed. There was a strange glow in the Labyrinth.

"It looked like the glow was blue. However, the glow was something different." The researcher wrote.

The spider family rejoiced before another glow came.

"This glow is something different." The researcher wrote.

The spider family all looked depressed. The researcher knew something bad happened. He was the first to encourage them.

"I must explore the Labyrinth with them." The researcher wrote.

"To the next floor guys and queen." The researcher told them and wrote it down later.

The spider family all looked at him heading back towards their den. The spider then all decided to follow along and see what would happen.

The spider family and the researcher all journeyed to the end of the Labyrinth. They would kill whatever the top creature was and another would be rewarded with the top creature.

Whenever the spider family would be depressed the researcher would encourage them to move forward.

No one knows how long it was before they reached the bottom. When they did the end of the stairway was solid black.

This made the spider family anxious. Seeing them the researcher also became anxious.

The spider made a web so the researcher would not be able to come out without the spider family.

They crawled out into the darkness and a red glow happened. Sensing fear, the spider family jumped out and saw they had entered the mouth of a fire breathing dragon.

The heat from the dragon made the room extremely hot and where the three siblings would eventually die but not before passing their will on.

The spider family all rushed into the dragon's mouth and shut it tight. Webbing on the ground and what came from above gave enough time for the spider family to web the inside of the dragon's mouth.

It could open slightly at first so the researcher could see it but it was closed right after.

The spider family would slowly eat the fire dragon. The siblings knew they were destined to die. So each one of them got an egg. The researcher saw this and the siblings all turned their attention to the researcher and waved goodbye.

Seeing this the researcher cried his heart out before the mother shut the mouth again. She did not want to see him crying nor did the siblings.

The growl the siblings made was something for them.

Eventually the next generation came and ate their siblings to gain their skills and ate the fire dragon. They did not get the skills they needed and another generation was born. The ritual lasted for no telling how long before the siblings finally got the skills they needed and could go into the stomach of the fire dragon.

They then killed the fire dragon. The mother finished eating the fire dragon. She immediately got all the skills she needed. She could not go down to eat because she kept the mouth closed.

Finally after no telling how long, the spider family became the top creature. There was joy on the last floor.

Nearly a week after the spider family got a visit. This time it was Drake, and no it was not a copy or the original copy, behind Drake was his wives.

The researcher cried seeing the family whom he had watched growing up and became strong. The family got completely destroyed.

The researcher saw they fought as long as they could. The spider mother, now she was the Spider Queen. Call her children back and she fought to the death with Drake.

Seeing her death the researcher ran out and hugged her. He cried. He cried so much the wives did not know why he wanted to be there instead with them.

Ariel saw the researcher drop the book. She read the book. She called Drake back and they went to the entrance of the Hellish Library through the exit.

The siblings and the researcher all died right there together.

The researcher died from a long life and a broken heart from being the last one alive.

The third one to die was the first sibling. He would huddle with the researcher when it was the two of them.

The second one to die was the second sibling. He died shortly after the last one due to injuries. So did the first one, after a week of living.

The Labyrinth did not get anymore creatures that would ever become the top creature after that.

These spider family chapters are brought to you The former god of Life and Blessing through the former god of Balance.

I will post a chapter for the next two weeks.

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