
The Dragon King's Rise

There was a young man who fought at the top of the world only to lose. After the young man's defeat, he and the Vampire Prince who wanted to kill him were transferred to another world. Once there and they tried using magic the caused that world's race(s) to completely vanish. Once the young man saw what they done he immediately began to cry and scream. While that was happening, the Vampire Prince noticed the young man attempting to create multiple realities only to began to fail. The Vampire King looked at the young man and say, "I do not care what reality you want to belong in. However, do not attempt to ever find me or care for me. I will kill you otherwise, grow strong and once we can truly fight on the grand stage I shall call you brother." At that moment every reality that the young man was attempting to create was created. Once he entered in one both he and the Vampire Prince both liked the same room in the same hotel. They both unconsciously protected that place.

Drakeking12 · Kỳ huyễn
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199 Chs

Chapter 10 Mom and Daughter reincarnation

"I have been in this world a week. Surprising it is not, because dad had already talked about with you and Aunt Medusa. However what is surprising is that my Status is available to me anytime. So here it is," saying Ariel to Dracula.

Name Ariel

Race Non-Ritocian/Vampire

Status Non-Ritocian Princess/ Vampire Princess/ Hero's first non-Ritocian friend/ Hero's first Vampire friend/ First befriender of Ritocian people/ god of Blessing and Life

Str 250

Mana 2500

Mana Control 3500

Speed 35,000

Defense 250

Favorite Weapons: Cuteness

Skills Trap Detection (works about 75%), Trap Destroyer, Dungeon Searching, Blood Moon (Vampire Royal Family Skill), Life Giver (god of Blessing and Life special skill, when all life is dead you use your highest stat and put it directly into this skill and multiply it by your magic for a grand total of Life Magic), Life Magic (ultimate skill of god of Blessing and Life by using Life Giver skill you use all of your magic to recreate Life in the cosmos), God's Trio attack (by befriending both the god of Balance and the god of Destruction and Death the three of you can create an ultimate universe ending attack), All seeing Girl (knowing your knowledge is behind for friends you can always see your status)

Dracula was surprised to see Ariel's status and showed Ariel hers too.

Name Dracula

Race Non-Ritocian/Vampire

Status Non-Ritocian Servant/ Non-Ritocian Queen/ Vampire Servant/ Vampire Queen/ Wife to god of Destruction and Death/ Mother to god of Blessing and Life/ Servant to Ritocian Princess/ Servant to Ritocian Queen/ First female servant to ask protection from Ritocian people/ First female servant to get protection from Ritocian people/ First female non-Ritocian to talk with the current Hero/ First female Vampire to talk with the current Hero/ First female to allow Ritocian Princess see naked body/ First female to allow Ritocian Queen see naked body

Str 3591

Mana 25,431

Mana Control 27,457

Speed 24,488

Defense 50,342

Favorite Weapons: Fist, Husband, Vampire teeth, Warhammer

Skills Trap Detection, Trap Destroyer, Dungeon Searching, Drain Blood (Vampire skill only by biting anywhere on an enemy you can drain there blood but only on weaker foes), Servant Trainer (Servant training required and student to have learned teach all skills a servant needs to another), Contract holder (must have had at least knowledge on ten different kinds of contracts), Contract Giver (must have Contract holder you can write contracts that you know down for different people), Mother's Wrath, Close Combat Expert

Ariel is completely bedazzled by her mother's Status not even looking anywhere else.

Ariel says, "Can anyone force their way to see other people's status mom?"

Dracula did not know the answer to it and they went to go see if Death knew anything about it. Death did not know but would look into it.

Death told Ariel, "You need to awaken your eyes. Since we have a little over a year before we leave, train like never before."

Ariel asked, "Tell me about our eyes and the difference, I do not know how to awaken my eyes without knowledge, D-A-D-D-Y."

Death took Ariel to their library and handed her two books. The first one was about eyes and the second one was about awakening. Ariel immediately starting reading about the eyes only to be disappointed.

"There are four different types of eyes. First is a strength or leadership, like father's. The second is a cunning one, it is a little less red with a silver speck in the center. The third kind is a traitor eye, completely silver. The fourth kind was half black and half red. This eye belonged to the first Vampire King, it awakened while he was traveling," Ariel explained to her parents that night.

Death was pleased about that knowledge and said, "Which eye do you believe you belong in?"

Ariel did not know the answer and wanted to ask her parents about it.

Dracula said, "By definition, you belong to the fourth set of eyes. Is there any question about it?"

Ariel was stunned about this answer and asked, "Why do I belong to the fourth set?"

Death explained, "The first is proving you are the strongest or a great leader. You are not either. Second one is one that is mainly used during war. We will not be in war for a long time. Third I would kill you if you thought any about betraying anyone of us. So that leaves the fourth eye for you."

Ariel did not think like that and put it into practice.

She told her parents during this week, she would try each and every kind of eye seeing what would help her the most. During that week, Ariel found out that she belonged either to the second eye or the fourth eye. She trained daily until a day where her father yelled for his mother.

"We have been reborn in this world, it is much better than what I remember and Death's mother," Dracula sighed thinking about her. "She is going to give birth, I wonder what happened to his father though."

Dracula did not think much about it and helped Ariel train. That was the plan until one day.

Dracula heard Death shouting, "GO GET MY MOTHER AND QUEEN NOW." Death kept shouting until both women came in a office type room.

Ariel looked through a crack in the door to see what was going on. Death was trying to save his other child, which was a boy. He did everything he could until he realized his son was already dead.

Dracula stayed close to Death's side while mourning the Death of only son. His mother tried to comfort him only to find the truth.

Dracula asked Death, "Husband, when will you stop blaming yourself for what your father did?"

Both Death and his mother were stunned at Dracula's question and Death replied, "I do not blame myself for what my father did. I blame myself for never being strong enough to do anything about him until he took my son away. Destroying his soul and not his body is something that any parent cannot withstand."

Both women hugged Death even more and a voice told Death, "Do not blame yourself or your father. It was the work of the previous god of Destruction and Death. My dear boy."

Death knew that was no one's voice he had ever heard and took it to heart to become stronger.

Ariel's training got put on hold for two reasons first was about a family vacation to go see Medusa and the second one was Death's son funeral.

The four of them, including Death's mother. Went to see Medusa and were welcomed with open arms. No one did not want to anger the Queen, much less the Vampire King.

After spending five days in the Palace, Medusa took Dracula to see the church. She needed to hide some of her status Ariel told her.

Death took his mother and Ariel to go sight-seeing around the Capital. The trio had a lot of fun and no one tried to mess up there time in the Capital thanks to Medusa.

Eating at the Guild's restaurant. Death enjoyed the food, Ariel did not know what to think, and Death's mother was thinking about other stuff.

Ariel whispered to Death's mother, "What are you thinking about?"

Death's mother quickly whispered, "It is about Dracula my dear."

Ariel did not want to know more so she and did pry.

That night Death's mother and Dracula had a talk, "Dracula, do you swear to always be by the King's side no matter if he is right or wrong?"

Dracula dumbfounded about the question responds, "I do not understand your question, My Queen. Death is my Husband, so I will naturally always be by his side."

Death's mother gave a faint smile and told her, "My position has Queen was always a half-hearted position. The previous King killed my husband because he liked me. Once he realized I was already with Death, he came greatly angered. He finally calmed down before Death's birth. Only to get angered again by Death stealing his power. I was never truly a Queen, Dracula. I was always a stand in for someone else. After the death of my second son I truly felt happy about the two of you. I wanted to make sure my position has Queen could be passed on safely," Death's mother replied with a look of I'm going to die.

Dracula immediately slapped Death's mother and started crying. Death's mother could only feel what Dracula would have to do.

Death's mother grabbed the Queen's blade out of her cloak and handed it to Dracula saying, "When you can please give me the privilege of becoming one with Death's true father."

Dracula knew what she meant but did not want someone who she saw has a great person to fall by her hands. Shortly their after they returned to their domain and Dracula found Death and wanted to talk with him.

Dracula asked, "My King, I ask this not has your wife. I would rather not do what I ask but whether you want it to happen or not. My Queen, your mother, has asked me to take the right of becoming a true Vampire Queen. I want to know if you want me to or not?"

Death hugged Dracula and whispered, "You will always be my Queen. I never got a chance to like anyone else. If you want to become a true Queen or not is up to you," Death hugging her starting to cry.

Dracula knew at that moment she should not have asked but was glad she did. She began to research on becoming a True Queen. She found out the first Vampire Queen had something like this too. She traveled with the first Vampire King and the two never knew anyone else. Suddenly he was promoted to become the first Vampire King. His mother was by his side, because of his youth and not ever interacting with other Vampires. Then the big question came up, "Who is the true Queen?" The two ladies fought night and day until the first Vampire King stepped in and slapped the hell out of the two women until they could not speak and told them, "My mother and my wife why fight and kill over a spot that never should have come out in the first place?" The ladies were dumbfounded and put away all hatred they had and began to embrace each other. The first Vampire King's mother gave the blade that Dracula was handed to the wife. The first Vampire King's mother said, "I have enchanted this blade with most of my life. I have at most a week to live. Let this Blade be passed down like this if blood ever stains this blade the enchantment will break and I will stop everything."

Dracula used her hand to stain the blade with blood. When that happened, she was suddenly in the conscious of her mind talking with a lady dressed in Pure White Robes so pure it was only made out of one creature in the world. It was the Pure White Dragon, even though Dracula did not know. She still in front of the lady talking but no words ever left her mouth.

The lady then spoke, "Dear child, I have read your memories and felt your heart. You are truly the one to inherit this blade. Let this enchantment break and your clothes change and your heart lead the way."

After that a sudden bright light engulfed the world, and Death went to find Dracula. After finding her passed out in the library he could not even lift her up.

A week passed and she could change into the clothes they woman gave her. It included the Pure White Robes, a Pure Red undershirt made from the blood of the first Vampire King's blood, and a pure Pink underskirt made from the wool of an unknown sheep.

Months passed, Ariel did not awaken her eyes but had gained some strength none the less. Death's mother was still Queen since Death, Ariel, and Dracula were going to travel with the Hero. Dracula gained a new Status called, "True Vampire Queen" she did not know what that meant but continued on. Before they arrived in the village where the Hero was born Death took out a sheet of paper and showed Status to his family.

Name Death

Race Non-Ritocian/Vampire

Status True Non-Ritocian King/ True Vampire King/ god of Destruction and Death/ (other status are hidden due to Death's power)

Str 50,934

Mana 55,463

Mana Control 75,848

Speed 29,980

Defense 65,563

Favorite Weapons: Eyes, Scythe, Fists

Skills Trap Detection, Trap Destroyer, Horse Riding, Close Combat Expert, Dungeon Searching, Death Magic (god of Destruction and Death only can cause planetwide death by pouring more magic into this skill), Cosmos Destruction (god of Destruction and Death skill must be able to use Death Magic at will for this skill) God's Trio Attack, Blood Moon, Clone maker, Non-element mana user, Mana Flyer, Mana Fighter, Mana Weapon Maker, several others not needed to know