
The Dragon God of Tyranny(DxD)

“Why did I start killing?” Once asked this question by a associate, Mark Nathaniel Anderson, Grand Master Assassin had a few answers. “Anger at the world? Revenge for what happened to me? Because I am insane? Because I am a twisted monster? All are correct, but most importantly because it’s fun.” When it was finally his turn to die, by a stroke of luck, he was reborn in a new stolen body that had a treasure in the form of Ddraig. His new friend and mentor. His new path, the path of Dragons and Tyranny was set in stone. (MC is a ruthless hypocrite and a womanizer.)

God_Of_Wolves · Tranh châm biếm
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115 Chs

Loose Ends and Child Discusions.

Following the successful evolutions of Tiamat, Ingvild, Valina, Runeas, Calypso, and Athena from the Fruits of Ascension he was proud of their progress. But despite their new power, he felt that they needed to master them right off the bat rather than waiting long periods of time.

As such, he initiated another training period where he decided to spend 550 years in seclusion. All of them were used to this and considering how much better his control over Time and Space he would shrink that time to just an earth minute.

He himself would have kept them all for 1,000 years, but he knew that it was not yet the time for this so he compromised to only 500. He spread his Full Powered Domain throughout the entire Training Dimesion and made it into a horrible hellish place. Gravity so crushing that simply walking required them to use Divine energy to reinforce their bodies constantly.

Air so volatile, toxic, acidic, and cursed that they had to manually purify the air from the condensed mixture of gasses. Not to mention they had to endure the sheer Chaos that ravaged them on all sides.

Maulketh never coddled them because he believed in them. If they could not surpass themselves how could they ever hope to keep up with him? The issue now came in the fact that he had access to 4 different Concepts at all times.

Infinity, Destruction, and Chaos Karma caused his Domain to become even more monstrous. He sometimes was forced to weaken the effect when one of them nearly died, and at one point or another Kimmi, Rias, and even Kuroka died.

When that happened no one panicked as they were now so powerful that their souls simply repossessed their corpses and started their life functions once more. His respect for them was elevated once more, but he did not stagnate.

He constantly fought with Ophis, Tiamat, Trihexa, Astrid, Celestine, Grimnar, Leman, and Valina. Sometimes he would initiate grand tournaments where everyone would fight him and the one who lasted the longest would be allowed to rest for 8 hours as he never gave many breaks in these 'Seclutions' as they had come to be known.

Every waking moment was a fight for survival showing that Maulketh applied his Concept to everyone, not just himself. But while the training of his lovers was extreme, he was far more extreme on himself as he held himself to a higher standard.

But training forever was pointless, so the moment the 5th century came to an end, he depowered his Domain. But the centuries of his Domain being applied to the training dimension had forever altered it.

Unless he actively removed, the effect would linger for millennia. But without him actively using his Domain caused the effect to be leagues weaker. Kimmi was currently fully nude under a waterfall with a long sword on her lap.

The waterfall in question was dark purple as it was a weaker version of Maulketh's personal energy. Kimmi had her eyes closed as her fair skin seemed to be unaffected by the harsh effects of the waterfall.

As she sat there, she lifted her head as she could feel a noticeable shift in the intensity of the waterfall. When she opened her eyes, her eyes were noticeably dark purple as Void Energy flowed through her physique.

"Ah, it's time to leave."

She stood up and walked out of the waterfall and into the lake of the stuff she had taken for herself. She walked on the surface of the lake until she walked to the shore. Here, he took a deep breath as she looked at herself.

She had noticeably gotten taller as she was now 6'1. Her body was lithe, but she had athletic muscles on top of her sensual curves. She waved her hand as she forced clothes out of her energy.

"Now, to see the others."

She was not the only one leaving their training areas as they were all leaving. In another area, a giant ocean of molten Infernity glowed in heat hotter than stars. A cavern began to form as something large began to surface.

In silence, Runeas emerged from the depths of her ocean in her Demon form. She was larger than when she first evolved the form standing 300 meters tall. Her entire body burned hot as she surfaced on the land.

She had not left that ocean in over 50 years as she had mastered herself. She huffed as she returned to her human form still looking mostly the same as she used to.

"Wonder what the big guy has been up to?"

In another area, in a giant vital forest where Conceptual Life Force flowed through the continent spanning forest two giant tigers came out of their caves. One was black with white stripes and 9 tails.

The other was the opposite, white with black stripes with the same 9 tails. Both had a pair of demonic wings with saber teeth. Kuroka and Shirone in this harsh place had their Nekushou bloodlines forcefully evolve into something greater.

Instead of mere Cat girls, they had become Demon Tigers and they were both 100 meters long. They reverted to their human forms showing physical changes. They were both taller standing exactly 6 Feet and even more sensual.

Kuroka smiled as she raised her hand in the air feeling the near-constant trials weakening.

"Finally, I get to breath air that is not trying to kill me."

Shirone nodded.

"Agreed. Now then, let's go."

"Right. And maybe now, Maulketh will grant our wish."

Shirone did not think he would.

"You know he does not want children at this point in time."

"But, we are nearing 2,000 and we are not even Nekushou anymore. Why is he so apposed to reproduce? I want to be a mom, ain't I strong enough."

Shirone shrugged.

"Beats me if I know, tell him not me."

Kuroka sighed as they both flew in the air on their Demonic Wings.

"Let's see him first."

In another area, in what looked like a glowing blue ocean of crystalline water, a titanic serpentine dragon began to surface. Ingvild rose from the depths and out in the air.

She coiled around herself before she reverted back to her human form. She took a deep breath with a smile as she was still as chipper as always. As for Rias, she had taken her home inside a giant volcano that did not spit out magma.

Under her influence, it had been to spill out the Energy of Destruction in a pure stronger form. The volcano shuddered for a moment before it burst apart as she made her way out.

Rias spread out her large draconic wings as, unlike Runeas, had followed the path of dragons rather than Demons. She was large, around 450 meters tall, and even longer, but she was not bulky like Maulketh or Astrid.

(Image here)

She was more like Celestine streamlined, but noticeably very red. She took a breath before she reverted to her human form. She was taller and older, but sexier as her bust had gotten a size bigger.

Her ass had too, and she showed it off as she was nude with her skin taking a darker tone along with her hair and eyes. She stretched out before a noble dress formed around her.

"About time."

She rushed to join everyone who was emerging from their seclusions. Akeno did the same, but unlike everyone else, she did not have a more monstrous form or transformation. Simply put, her Fallen Devil(Demon) and human bloodlines had perfectly fused into a true Nephilim simply giving her greater synergy with herself.

But she had even drawn out the very diluted blood from her Ancestor Amaterasu and taken that into herself. The place she took for herself had taken the form of a plain field where lightning stormed in the air.

It was Infernity, Divine Energy, and Divinity all in one. Akeno raised herself from her kneeling position as she walked away humming a small tune. She had changed the least, but her power was another thing entirely.

The nearest to Akeno was actually Calypso who had taken to a giant mountain that rose out of a large body of water. As a Titaness, she did not change much, but she had been drawing out the energy of the Fruit she consumed.

Her titan bloodline was more pure than ever and she had trained in that. Even the powers of Gaae and Ouranous which she had made her own. Ouranous was long dead and Gaea was consumed by the planet Will Maulketh made making him the rightful owner of planet Earth.

Calypso got up from her mountain and crouched down before leaping away in a massive leap shattering the mountain under her as she did. As for Valina, her small personal area had taken the form of a giant field of towering crystals that were solidified light.

She reverted to her human form which now was much more mature than before. She put her hands in her pockets as she walked away. On her back formed the Divine Dividing gear which Maulketh had returned to her.

[So Albion, you missing Maulketh?]

'Yes. I would not be this strong if not for him that now, I think I want to go back.'

That hit a nerve, but she knew he was kidding.


Meanwhile, Athena dressed in her full war gear was simply relaxing as she slept on a tall tree, It was the only tree around as everything else had been destroyed by the rolling cloud of Divine lightning in the air along with the winds of time that flowed around her.

But when she felt the Domain power down she woke up and got up instantly ready to join everyone else. She walked in silence as she took her stroll at leisure. Now that everyone was moving, Maulketh began to stir.

In the center of the training Dimension where he had holed himself up training nonstop by himself, Maulketh crawled out of a black hole he formed. He had subjected himself to harsher training than anyone else as nothing, but that would forge him to better himself.

While everyone trained for 500 years, he had trained for 1,000. Where they trained under extreme gravity, he did so in a black hole. But he had gained immensely for that. Under the extreme gravitational forces wanting to crush him, he endured and come out stronger forged like metal.

His Two Dragon Demon Hearts and his Demon Dragon Core continuously produced purer energy which was refined further by his Concept before being fused with Void Energy. Most of his body was so saturated with the stuff at this point that he had begun to commune more often with his 'Patron'.

Apparently, the Void Energy in his soul was extremely diluted which his Concept was actively purifying. He was not relying on that amount in his Soul because his Heart and Core were producing it.

He had come up with a proper name for the fusion of Infernity and Divinity which he decided to just name Tyranic Essese. It was basic, but he was proud of his Concept and title. But when he named it as such, his Concept seemingly worked even better on the stuff which caused his strength to rise rapidly.

Not to mention the access he had to over three Concepts besides his own. But it was time to leave as while he was used to training for longer periods of time, he had other things to do.

Maulketh exhaled as from his blackhole emerged Tiamat, Ophis, Trihexa, Leman, Grimnar, Astrid, and Celestine. They were special as they were Dragon Gods and they benefited from harsher training like him.

But when they came out, they were bigger, but they were dwarfed by him now. He had been growing nonstop in the past 500 years. When he stood up and stretched out, he had grown at Titanic at this point.

He was now 3,000 meters tall nearly 2 miles long. But now that he was out of his singularity, the sheer force of his Tyranic Essese and Void Energy caused the entire Training Dimension to tremble under him.

He sat down and coiled his tail around him as they all relaxed a bit. One by one they began to revert to their human forms with the exceptions of Grimnar and Leman who sat on either side of him.

He waited patiently before everyone gathered around him one by one. He stayed silent before he broke the silence with a loud roar which was actually a yawn. He shook his head as he looked down at everyone.

"I am proud of all of you, these 500 years have been harsh for all of you. You all have changed immensely, through the use of Divine energies for some of you and Conceptual ones for others, your bloodlines have mutated and grown to new heights worthy of yourselves.

You have shown that you shall never be satisfied with staying weak which I greatly respect. Before you all can go anywhere, you are all going to talk to Hephestus to get him to make you all Symbols of Power as you are going to need them.

If you have them already see if he can't upgrade them in any way. Soon, I will pick out a Soul Beast for you except for those of you who are already a 'beast' so look forward to that. Now then, what is on the docket?"

He took a step forward before shifting back to his human form. He had not changed at all as he took great care to limit his size increases. At this level, he had perfect control over himself so it was easy to do so.

Athena spoke up as she removed her helmet.

"I would recommend relaxing after this, but knowing you all now, you won't listen so I will get straight to it. Loose ends. There are many gods who would jump at the chance to betray you, so we snip that in the butt.

We gather all the pantheons under your rule which we are already doing, but on a grander scale. Actually, militarize them and rule or leave someone to rule in your place."

Runeas thought about that.

"Loki, Angra Manyu, help me out here."

Athena thought of a particular pantheon that was all but faded away without worship.

"Lamashtu, of Mesoptamia. When that particular Civilization fell, I was only a little girl no older than 10. I heard that she tried to leave for new territory, but she was actually defeated and sealed in her weakened state.

As for the rest of the gods, I think they are in hiding or dead as they had not shown up in a long time. Not to mention all the other obscure pantheons like the African gods who had been reduced numbs of their original power by the colonisation of their territory.

Even the Philippine gods suffered the same fate due to Colonization under God. So many gods are now so weak with few worshipers."

Maulketh smiled.

"I will search for them and I have been training the power I stole from Barbatos. If I go into the Dimensional Gap I should find either alternative versions of our world or even new ones. If we can't find these gods, we just search for alternative versions at their peak."

Calypso opened her eyes as she smirked to herself.

"Tarturus, and Chaos. Chaos is from where all Greek Immortals came from, and in Norse, it would be the Ginnungagap. Kill Tarturus and absorb Chaos as they would surely bring you greater power. And Loki, don't forget him."

"Ah, him. So many meals so many powers. But if we want to make it in the DC and Marvel worlds we better do everything to get stronger. Come on them, let's leave."

Before he could turn Kuroka walked toward him with her arms crossed.

"Maulketh, a word please."

He cringed as he knew what she wanted.

"Kuroka, it's-"

She raised her hand.

"You know I want to be a mom, I am strong now, strong enough right?"

"Theoretically yes, but-"

"Then what is the problem?"

He stayed silent as he looked down at her. For the first time in a while, he was speechless.

Runeas pondered about it.

"When I met you, you wanted to have kids in 50 years you said. We are all at least 2,000 years old and we have yet to have a kid. Do you still want them or not? No pressure, just curious."

"Things changed, I thought I only had to deal with this one world, not a whole Omniverse."

Valina understood that.

"He is right, anything can happen, and having kids at this point is not safe."

Rias nodded.

"I agree with you."

Akeno thought about it before she shook her head.

"I think it's the perfect time. We are going to begin a large war in DC right? Why not take the time to have children now, so we don't later."

Ophis snorted at the idea.

"Even if he wanted to, fertility is affected by strength. Dragon Gods are the divine form of dragons known for bad fertility. How much time would be needed to get you pregnant? I say you hold off for a few more millennia. No need to rush."

Tiamat disagreed.

"Why not just study Kuroka and Shirone to figure out why they got that First-time pregnant ability? Now that they are Demon Tigers that should be stronger no. We replicate that and then we get pregnant or fertilized the first time."

Trihexa crossed her arms as she did not think it wise.

"You could, but let's say we all get fertilized. The stronger the Dragon the fewer eggs they lay per clutch, and what about Dragon Gods? We would produce one egg or maybe two to three. But Dragon Eggs take centuries to hatch and when dragons mate with mammals, it takes longer than 9 months for gestation.

Are you all going to be ok out of commission for who knows how long to give birth?"

Astrid thought about this as she sat down on a rock.

"True. Lots of us here would lay eggs rather many of you have become dragons or Demons. And let's say we die, who would look after the little ones on their own?"

Kimmi thought about it before she shook her head.

"Too risky to have kids now, especially when we are at the cusp of Interdimensional War. Ever since we opened that gate to DC the time of both have evened out and the gods must be getting ready for Maulketh's return.

Granted he is not alone, but neither are the gods, right? We should wait for a few more millennia until we are less at risk."

Ingvild looked at Kimmi a bit before she looked at Maulketh.

"I say we go for it. Rather than wait for later, let's get it over with and spend time in a Time Formation until we give birth or lay the eggs in question. We have plenty of allies we trust don't we, they can safeguard the little ones for the duration until they hatch in the case of the eggs. As for natural births, time formations."

Shirone looked at Kuroka who was seeing both sides and becoming more and more hurt. Her tails and ears were drooping until she spoke up.

"I also say yes. We are in a perfectly good time formation, we have abstained from sex for 500 years. And how long has passed outside."

Maulketh groaned.

"1 Minute."

"See. 1 minute. We all have spent time in Time Formations. What makes this any different? We can spend time just having sex as you have learned proper Dual Cultivation right? That is still training and we get knocked up and stay for however long it takes, for the births or hatchings. Then return back to the invasion or war you want."

Celestine could feel he wanted to abstain for however long it took until he was the ruler of existence, but how many millions or billions of years would that take?

"I vote we go ahead with the mating plans."

Astrid turned to look at her as she understood the thought process.

"Makes sense, actually. But, I will follow what you want to master."

Calypso though smiled.

"I vote we go for it. About time don't you think?"

The choice was up to Maulketh now. He thought about it while his brain ran faster and faster to think of cons and benefits. He could be a father, but children were a weakness. Weakness could not be accepted.

If his lovers became mothers they would become weaker because they would care for their children. Their attention would be away from him which he did not want, he was happy child-free.

But some like Kuroka were not, Was he about to pick himself over her desire? After several minutes of silence he had his answer picked out.