
The Dragon girl

There is a city called Amelia . The meaning of the city is a dragon . There are some hidden powers in the city that no one knows , the power was hidden in a dark forest cave . many monsters are searching for it. The source of power is a ring . When someone finds the ring they will become king / queen of the dragon world . Someone who thinks about others before themselves and who is brave ,smart,kind hearted can only get to use the ring they can only use this ring to help others...

Ammu_and_Sweety · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs

Chapter 4 : Class camping in Leah forest !

Luna and Lia took Rex to the hospital to treat him . Rex's hands and legs are bleeding and his left eye turned black due to the punch he took from Arlo . but he managed to stand still against six people .
Lia is really scared and is shaking in fear ....
Luna hugged Lia to calm her down .

Lia : * sniffing *
Luna : Why did you do it rex . we were so worried you know * says while hugging Lia *
Lia : * calms down a little and breaks the hug * Rex
you know I was really scared ...They all came with weapons and you are weaponless if Luna had not fought with Arlo . I don't know what would have happened to you . Never do that again * hugs Rex *

Rex : * hugs Lia * I know and am really sorry I couldn't hold back my anger . It just made me furious ...
Rex : But ... Wow! Luna I never know that you are so strong * looks at Luna *

Luna : Hehe * nervous laughs * I just got angry seeing you all beat up by them .
Lia : Girl you looked so cool . They were all stunned you know .
Luna : Hahaha * nervous laughs *
Luna : Shouldn't we take rex home ?
Lia : Yeah we should .
Rex : should we have a sleepover at my place ? My parents went on a business trip .
Lia and Luna : sure .
Luna : Then I will call mom and tell her that I will be staying at rex's place .
Lia : Alright ! I should call my mom too .

Lia and Luna call their moms and say they are staying at rex's place .

Luna , Lia and Rex went to Rex's house .They played some games and Watched a movie at night . The next day was Sunday . so they played games all night and slept .

* Next morning *

Luan wakes up and after doing her morning routine
she makes breakfast and wakes Lia and Rex.

Luna : Lia , come on girl get up ! *pulls her blanket*
Lia : come on Luna . let me sleep for 5 more minutes * grips on her blanket *
Luna : No , It's 10 am now . I made breakfast .so, come on get up .
Lia : ugh ! Fineeee * gets up *
Luna : Now ! Its Rex turn .
Luna : hehe . I got an idea * goes near rex ear and stouts * OMG LIA FELL DOWN *
Lia : huh ! i didn't fall ?
Rex : * Gets up * WHERE ? what happened to Lia ?
Luna and Lia :* Laughing while rolling on the ground *
Rex : Thats not funny you know * Annoyed *
Luna : sorry ! I had to do that to wake you up *holding in her laugh *
Luna : Anyways I made breakfast . Go and wash your face I will set the dining table .
Rex : okay .

After eating . Their phones make a notification sound and they open their phone wondering what it is about . It was a notification from their class group chat saying they are going to have a camping trip tomorrow in the Leah forest near the city. And to be ready with all the necessary things .

The girls got excited and planned to go shopping .

Lia : Wow ! we are gonna have a camping trip *jumps up and down*
Rex : Woah woah ! Calm down Lia .
Luan : there is no way she will calm down *giggles*
Rex : Yeah !
Lia : Luna ! we should go shopping * excited *
Luna : Sure . * giggles *
Rex : wait ! Did you forget that I exist ?
Lia : You go and play football with your friends
Rex : Fine .
Luna : Alright ! It's settled then Let's go home and meet at the EI street .
Lia : Sure .

They said bye to Rex and went home .

At Luna's house

Luna : Mom ! am home .
Marry : Oh ! you arrived ?
Luna : Yeah mom.
Luna : Mom ! We have a camping trip tomorrow in the Leah forest .
Marry : A class camping ?
Luna : Yeah !
Luna : I and Lia planned to go shopping .
Marry : okay then dear . Be safe
Luan : Ok mom . Love you
Marry : Love you too Luna * smiles *
Luna : I will take a shower and get ready.
Marry : okay Luna !

Luna took a shower and got ready to leave

Luna : Bye mom
Marry : Bye Luna

Luna left the house and started walking towards the EI street .

Luna : I should probably call Lia * calls Lia *
Lia : * picks up phone *
Lia : { hello Luna }
Luna : { Hey Lia ! are you coming ? }
Lia : { Yep ! I am walking there }
Luna : { I am at the EI street }
Lia : { Turn to your left . am there }
Luna : * turns left and sees lia walking towards her and hung up *
Lia : * waves at Luna *
Luna : * waves back *
Lia : Hey luna .
Luna : Hey gurl.
Lia : let's start our shopping * excited *
Luna : * giggles * okay

Luna and Lia went to the famous mall in Amelia city . The mall name is XER . They went to the sixth floor which is the girls section and bought some clothes next they went to the 7th floor and got some things necessary for camping . They went to the Arcade on the 8th floor .

Lia : Aww! look at those plushies in the claw crane
* pounts * I want one
Luna : Then lets go and get it
Lia : Really ? * excited *
Luna : Yep !
Lia : Then let's go * drags luna to the claw crane *
Luna : * puts some coins in the claw crane .operates claw crane and gets a pikachu plushie *
Luna : Here you go * give it to Lia *
Lia : ekk ! thank you * hugs Luna *
Luna : * hugs back * your welcome .
Luna : It's getting late. We should go home .
Lia : Yeah ! Let's go

Luna and Lia went home and prepared for the camping trip

* The next day *

Luna woke up , did her morning routine and left for
school .

* At school *

Lia : Hey luna !
Luna : Hello Lia!

As the students were murmuring the teacher arrived

Mrs.Beck : Come on class let's all get into the bus.
Class : yes mrs.beck .

The class got into the bus and the bus started to move towards Leah forest. The trip was quiet . They reached the camping area prepared for them and started setting tents in a pair of two . Luna and Lia set a tent together .

It was already night by the time they set their tents . so, they lit a fire wood and sat around the fire.
Everyone shared their own stories about ghosts , monsters and fun times they had together .

Everyone enjoyed their first first day of camping . Time passed by quickly as they spoke. it was 12'o clock in the morning .As mrs.beck is a strict teacher she told everyone to sleep . As the teacher instructed they went to sleep .

They are sleeping peacefully but all of a sudden Luna heard a scream coming from the tent which is besides them . Luna and lia went outside to see a 5 feet monster trying to attack on their classmate Ria . Luna ran and pushed Ria out of the way but Luna got hit and went flying into a tree.
As the inner power of luna was strong she is able to stand and fight back . Luna took the firewood beside her and lit it on fire . she hit the monster on its head and it collapses to the ground.

Her whole class is watching in horror . they were scared , the fear on their face is noteciable . Lia ran and hugged luna . Luna and lia helped Ria to calm down the tears in her eyes were uncontrolabel Ria was a quite girl and gets scared easily so it was terrifying experience for her .

Mrs.Beck : I've never seen anything like that in my whole life . Where did that monater come from ?
I never heard anything about monsters in the Leah forest ? * hugs luna and ria*
Luna : I don't know .

Mrs.Beck : Class! for now go to sleep . Our trip has been cancelled and we will be heading home early in the morning tomorrow .

Class : Yes! mrs. beck.
Luna : * walks up to Ria and nini which is ria's bff* Would you guys like to share a tent with lia and me as your tent have been colapsed ?
Nini : If you don't mind .

They were still scared and couldn't sleep . Luna could not sleep either she was thinking about the monster. " where did that monster come from ?" " Why did it suddenly atttack us ?" " why did it appear today out of no where ? " " Is it related to the monster that attacked mom and dad when they discovered the ring ? " These thoughts are running in a circle , like a toy train in luna's mind . As Luna was drowned in her thoughts she finally fell asleep.

soon morning came and Luna's class started heading to school . everyone looked pale their dark circles are huge as they are not able to sleep porperly out of fear .

The bus reached school and they all departed .
Mrs.beck reported to the princepal and the principal given three days of holidays for the students . The principal immediately reported to the police about the monster in Leah forest and the police started investigating.

Everyone went home looking pale and their parents noticed instantly . parents questioned their children and they explained .

Luna went home and explained about the monster to her parents . Marry and Jack hugged luna . It felt really warm and comfortable for luna after such a terrifing night .Luna went to her room to freshen up. Luna wanted to ask her parents about the monster they encountered when they discovered the ring . But she left it for another time ~To be continue