
The Dragon Emperor In Beyblade Burst

This story is purely a fan fiction about beyblade burst original. Ryuga will be reincarnated in this world when mysteriously disappeared from his original world after passing down the star fragment to Kenta... (Not any random Otaku... it's Ryuga himself who will be sent to another world)... Watch as how he rose from nowhere(i mean new world where he never born so it means nowhere, right?..)to world strongest undefeated blader in the world. ALSO DON'T GO COPYING MY STORY.....COPYCATS.. _____________________________________________ !WARNING! Beyblade burst series belong to its original author, I asked for permission to writer this story, so no copyright issues will be implemented... except Ryuga character, all are same in this fan fic. In my story, Ryuga is the main character in beyblade burst not Aoi Valt. Also I will not explain how each beast come out of the bey.. I will explains some ... For example:- Like how Valt's Valkyrie rise from his bey. Okay.!.. So, you can check in the internet yourself if you want. I will only changes some events... But first u have to watch all the original episodes, then read this later it will give you some satisfaction to read properly. Also I am an inexperience author and this my first story, so please help me in spreading this story. Also there will be some grammar mistake, sentences mistake..so I will try my best not to make many mistakes. In This, Ryuga will be Op as hell, will have many rivals (guess who's them). I changed his Beyblade to my liking...will explain in chapter.. And also he has the same pride that he showed in his world.. The Dragon Emperor's pride. THANK YOU! YOURS TRULY AUTHOR ====================================

IWhoMustNotBeName · Kỳ huyễn
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20 Chs

Chapter 9

You must be wondering where is Tonton Sama ..right?...well passed out from fear after Ryuga threw him...


After destroying Tonton's bey, Ryuga walked towards him who was kneeling while a stench of smell was coming from his pant....Ryuga process to grap his collar to lift him up....

Ryuga - Listen well garbage! Beyblade are not tools nor they are designed for children's toy,

they aslo have same feelings as we have...spoke with angry voice...then he faced the crowd....while toss away Tonton..

Ryuga - Don't waste your time by using bey if you don't have any interest in doing so!...Even if you use, then understand your Bey clearly.. don't do it half-heartedly and claim to be the strongest and when if you lose, ran way home while crying...the fault is with you and not in your Beyblade....I hate cowards like these..if I ever come across such coward, I will destroy them....and I stand what I say....

said with warning tone..

Remember this also, if you don't realise how to utilise your bey with full potential...then you all are detestable blader...when he spoke these words he gazes at Valt's direction then averted his eyes...

"But this act of his didn't go unnoticed by others...they know he said those words to Valt.."

I alone managed to to beat back the dark power and succeeded in drawing in out L-Drago's true power and I harnessed a true power that I gained by putting my very life on the line to be the best I could be in my battles..said this with voice full of pride...

Wake up all!..We are living in the era of Beyblades, if you have courage and will to fight you can do many things....but if you give up after one defeat then you all are worst than that garbage...

He who is not courageous enough to take risks, will accomplish nothing in life....

said Ryuga then point his finger toward Tonton.... spoke.....

He has great courage to insults others but he didn't has power to back his insults....Trashes like him are everywhere...after he said that, he left the stage.....

Everyone just keep looking at his back.....as they are processing what he said...

(End of Flashback)

Remember this happened after Referee declared the result....

Unknown to him, his act of this was recorded in cameras and phones....later, it will be one of the most popular and most viewed video...

"He never noticed because he never bothered to look at those"..

'Now the second quarter final will begin after twenty minutes break..... please be ready both contestant.....'said the announcer....

Meanwhile...with Valt & co,

Shu - Even my Spriggan cannot attack with that kind of speed.....told to the person standing next to him.....( you know who is he, if you watched the original series)

Valt - So cool!....but why did looked at me when he said those words...asked a confused Valt...

Ran - You !...Did you even understand a single word he spoke....

Valt - Of course!...I am not dumb....he exclaimed ....then asked

Valt - Hey Xaka....how come you are here.... didn't you said you will going to your home...

Indeed the mysterious person who stands next to Shu is ...Shakadera Xaka....One of the Four Spin Emperor..

Xaka - I have come to your watch your battle but never thought I will able to see some interesting! it seems you all need to work hard to defeat him ....said Xaka.

Valt - Of course!....No can defeat my Valkyrie.....we will definitely win...spoke while holding his Valkyrie..

Xaka - No you can't, not with this power...you haven't mastered your new move...plus you won't be able to put a scratch on his bey unless you unlock your Valkyrie's full potential...

Valt - I know but I will try my best.....

Shu - He never use his full power, in every battle he won just by using a single move but in this match he showed us a new move along with Power Up Form (sync)...even that was not his full power....if not then he should be sweating by now and there was no sign of that...

Ran - But what is that Power Up Form....

Xaka - It's a form where blader and his bey became one .....it means two entity become one for sometime.....but to perform that move ....both blader and his bey(beast) need to be in perfect sync with each other and it can only happen when the bond between bey and blader surpassed more than 100%..also there's a risk in using that move...if you succeeded then no problem...if not then you will possessed by your own bey...and it was just a myth up to now....he explained...

Ran - So that's why he said about dark power... honestly, I thought he was joking.....

Shu - But why his beast appeared when he used that move...and how can they both spoke at single time.. it's like they become single entity... questioned Shu..

Xaka - The trust he has on his bey is outstanding....not many has that level of trust because they feared their own bey...in fact the beast inside the bey....

Once the founder of Beyblade said..

His words were...

"A Beyblade's true strength doesn't have anything to do with attack power or stamina, it attacks with the feeling of the Blader that's connected with it, as if all the power in the cosmos was being poured into it. You must put your heart that is as big as the starry sky into it..."

Xaka - It means when you trust each other then a new power will be unlocked....and no one able to do that, that's it... until now....but he seems to perfectly fit the example of those words ..founders spoke .

I also have a feeling that he will not use that move ...not in this tournament..

(Also all about founder and power up form are made up by me ....I wanted the story to be more interesting so I added some new power ...)

Shu - It seems he only used that move because his opponent was spouting insults... towards him and his bey.....also that move can't be used more than twice in a day..it will put burdens on the blader....

Ran - Hey! Shu your match is coming next...he reminds Shu

Shu - I going to the room...bye...

With Wakiya,.

Wakiya - Damn! I never thought he was this strong but it's within my calculation..,I will have to practice that move, once it's complete...then defeating him along with Shu Kurenai.... is a pipe dream.... as he assured himself by saying these words inside his mind....

Unknown to him, Ryuga didn't even used more than 10 percents of his full power, he could've noticed these if he paid enough attention but he didn't...So he is enjoying his delusions without knowing he is walking to a Dragon Den.... As I said "Sometimes ignorance is bliss after all!....."

In a far away place,

At the same time, in a room which looks like office ..three people watching a recorded video....when they saw Ryuga's Power Up Form...they become surprised...

?? - Did he used a move, that only exist in myth....said a young man with mid-toned skin, curly dark brown hair, and amber eyes. He wears a dark green turtleneck under a red ruffled shirt, and a black and gold vest. His pants are dark brown as well....with shocked voice...

?? - That was not his full power ..he seems to be only using less than 10%.....

Again a spoiler! can you guess who are those three individuals....

IWhoMustNotBeNamecreators' thoughts