
The Dragon Emperor In Beyblade Burst

This story is purely a fan fiction about beyblade burst original. Ryuga will be reincarnated in this world when mysteriously disappeared from his original world after passing down the star fragment to Kenta... (Not any random Otaku... it's Ryuga himself who will be sent to another world)... Watch as how he rose from nowhere(i mean new world where he never born so it means nowhere, right?..)to world strongest undefeated blader in the world. ALSO DON'T GO COPYING MY STORY.....COPYCATS.. _____________________________________________ !WARNING! Beyblade burst series belong to its original author, I asked for permission to writer this story, so no copyright issues will be implemented... except Ryuga character, all are same in this fan fic. In my story, Ryuga is the main character in beyblade burst not Aoi Valt. Also I will not explain how each beast come out of the bey.. I will explains some ... For example:- Like how Valt's Valkyrie rise from his bey. Okay.!.. So, you can check in the internet yourself if you want. I will only changes some events... But first u have to watch all the original episodes, then read this later it will give you some satisfaction to read properly. Also I am an inexperience author and this my first story, so please help me in spreading this story. Also there will be some grammar mistake, sentences mistake..so I will try my best not to make many mistakes. In This, Ryuga will be Op as hell, will have many rivals (guess who's them). I changed his Beyblade to my liking...will explain in chapter.. And also he has the same pride that he showed in his world.. The Dragon Emperor's pride. THANK YOU! YOURS TRULY AUTHOR ====================================

IWhoMustNotBeName · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
20 Chs

Chapter 8

Like that, In every battle, Ryuga completely dominated his opponent...same for Shu, Kamiya while Valt winning by narrowly or by creating miracle....that's what everyone thoughts...

As for Rantaro he lost against Valt again in block A last match.....( I changed this )

Wakiya is the only players who went to semifinals while last three quarter finals..were between...Ryuga and a random blader...,Shu v/s Armani Koji and the last ..Valt v/s Daiga....(No in my story Valt and Daiga will not be friends but Daiga met Valt before the match to plant a seed of doubt inside Valt)....(As for how they will take part in tag team match.....you will see)..

During battle for semifinals, Ryuga came across an opponent who only criticized others bey & treat his own bey like it's a tool....

(His name is Tonton....I created it😂)

Both Ryuga & Tonton enters the stage as then headed towards the stadium....When Tonton saw Ryuga standing there are with closed arms....

Tonton - Hey! wannabe Dragon Emperor....are u here to lick my shoes....if you do, then I may only destroy that tool of yours a little....what do you think?...as he insulted Ryuga and his partner...

."he don't know how Ryuga defeated his opponent, if he only saw Ryuga's previous matches...then he will definitely pissing in the pant but he didn't did means he is going to slaughtered...."

Everyone who heard his insults became silent....the whole area was filled with silence..... not even announcer spoke a single word....

Ryuga who heard his insults....only looked at the referee...then the referee said..

Ref - Ready! Set! ....

Tonton take out his bey then said to it...

Tonton - Hey! Tool its your turn ...then connect his bey with his launcher...while Ryuga was talking with L-Drago...

Ryuga - Hey! partner... let's use that move..along with synchronisation....said with antagonistic voice..

L-Drago - okay partner..... replied as they both became ready for sync..

Ryuga then connect his bey with launcher then use unparallel stances.... while his eyes are still closed

Everyone are still silent but all they thoughts inside their minds ...."he is using some unknown stances and it seems he is furious..."

Tonton - Are u going to give up now ? sorry I can't step back ....I will teach your some manners....so everyone could understand the greatness of Tonton Sama....said as he didn't noticed that Ryuga slightly open his eyes then close it again but there's a glint in his eyes..similar to dragon slits.

Only Shu noticed this....as he shivered

Shu - What was that ?....his eyes is like those of dragon eyes..

Both blader said at same time ...3,2,1.....go shoot....as they both pull the cord when Ryuga pulled, a fire sparks illuminates...his bey spun there for a second then landed...

Ran, Valt, Wakiya and Shu all become surprised when they say this ....

As both bey landed, L-Drago spun around with insane speed while producing some sounds while Tonton's bey went to center...

Ryuga for the first time spoke before coming here...

Ryuga - Hey ! did you know what I hate the most... asked with a voice that sounds very different

Tonton who heard his voice become paralyzed....

Ryuga - I hate trashed like you! ...roared as an invisible pressure (yes...you guessed it right, Its Emperor Haki) slam down his opponent to the ground...while that aura pressure descending into the surrounding area that managed to make the onlookers felt like

something heavy on their back...

Air around Ryuga started shaking and tearing as if there's going to be huge calamity descend upon his opponent.

Ryuga covered with a red coloured aura,as

Red aura emerging from his body while taking form of a fire dragon

Dragon with red scales covered from head to toe with fire on every part.... But lower body is like a tail with no end . Golden eyes with fire glowing in the place of eyebrows, it's emitting fire from its mouth and nose when it breathe, two long horns from both corner of its head, a golden diamond like stone in between its horns , along with two pointy ears, two upper claws looked likes it's about to slaughter the opponent while the lower claws waiting to grab its prey, with tail swinging from left to right ,.... Roared the beastly dragon.... It frightened Tonton, who already fell on his knees even the spectators are no exception, also the stadium started shaking...

Ryuga & L-Drago majestic voice spoke at the same time....

This voice shocked everyone.... because it's more like a beasts voice...but some present there understand what is this?.....

Dragon Emperor Raging Tornado!!....

Suddenly, L-Drago covered in fire, spun around the stadium...a red fire like tornado emerged from the center, i.e, since L-Drago is spinning around on the outline of inner circle.....it totally covered the opponent and blocked the view.....but some could see what's happening inside...and what they saw, made them opened their eyes wide....

«This is what they saw....»

Inside the tornado,

Instead of throwing the opponent upward, L-Drago keeps raining down attacks at it with insane pace..while the other bey has some parts available with left side completely broken even the pieces didn't remains.

After some minutes, the tornado completely disappeared...as everyone can clearly see what's going on...then they saw,

L-Drago spinning with normal speed..(but his normal speed means others high speed... hahah)...while the other bey..they don't know what to say...

It only spinning slowly with right being intact as the left side purely decimated not even its pieces can be found..

Onlookers are in shocked....as referee was about to announce the result....Ryuga who's with synchronisation form spoke as he looked at his opponent..

(From now I will call this sync ...Power Up Form & no it cannot be used regularly because of the strain it put on Ryuga...until now Ryuga could use 20% of full power.)

Ryuga & L-Drago - We will show you that We are not easy to be messed .....told the same majestic voice....while applying more amount of invisible pressure.

Unknown to him, he unconsciously unlocked the gift God gave him....( Yes.... it's Emperor Haki, he only unlocked 50% ...and to unlock the power he need to desparate situation... don't misunderstand, he never asked for this...God gifted him on his own will.)

Tonton who was the target of this pressure, already peed in the pant while kneeling because it couldn't move even his mouth...

Then Ryuga become normal as his aura along with the dragon vanish as it appear, it was not there in the first place.....

Ryuga - Finish this! Vanishing Dragon.....after he spoke ..... L-Drago suddenly vanish then appeared in front of the other bey to attack it with totally obliterated the remaining parts ...

While the referee don't know what to do because there is nothing left of the other bey, so he went down the stage to talk with crew...after few minutes..he appeared on the stage...

Referee - Burst Finish! L-Drago 2 points, Ryuga wins...said while moving his hand to where Ryuga is standing..

After the results, Ryuga move out of the stage with angry expression as for why...hehe ....I will explain down here...

'What a battle ....no it's a complete

massacre...Not even single parts remains....Ryuga along with his L-Drago move to semifinals...He will face Wakiya Murasaki in the first semifinal.....' spoke the announcer who was silent during the whole match...as for why , he also become surprised and shocked along with everyone when he saw Ryuga with his Power Up form...

You must be wondering where is Tonton Sama ..right?...well passed out from fear after Ryuga throw him...





. .....To be continued in next chapter...

oppss... sorry, please check the next chapter..


Those who are having problems in reading my story please reply in comment so that I can help you by rectifying if any thing is needed.

IWhoMustNotBeNamecreators' thoughts