
The Dragon Emperor In Beyblade Burst

This story is purely a fan fiction about beyblade burst original. Ryuga will be reincarnated in this world when mysteriously disappeared from his original world after passing down the star fragment to Kenta... (Not any random Otaku... it's Ryuga himself who will be sent to another world)... Watch as how he rose from nowhere(i mean new world where he never born so it means nowhere, right?..)to world strongest undefeated blader in the world. ALSO DON'T GO COPYING MY STORY.....COPYCATS.. _____________________________________________ !WARNING! Beyblade burst series belong to its original author, I asked for permission to writer this story, so no copyright issues will be implemented... except Ryuga character, all are same in this fan fic. In my story, Ryuga is the main character in beyblade burst not Aoi Valt. Also I will not explain how each beast come out of the bey.. I will explains some ... For example:- Like how Valt's Valkyrie rise from his bey. Okay.!.. So, you can check in the internet yourself if you want. I will only changes some events... But first u have to watch all the original episodes, then read this later it will give you some satisfaction to read properly. Also I am an inexperience author and this my first story, so please help me in spreading this story. Also there will be some grammar mistake, sentences mistake..so I will try my best not to make many mistakes. In This, Ryuga will be Op as hell, will have many rivals (guess who's them). I changed his Beyblade to my liking...will explain in chapter.. And also he has the same pride that he showed in his world.. The Dragon Emperor's pride. THANK YOU! YOURS TRULY AUTHOR ====================================

IWhoMustNotBeName · Kỳ huyễn
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20 Chs

Chapter 6

Next morning!...

Valt - Let go Valkyrie!...let's win tons of matched...said while running out of his home....as his siblings and mom screaming at him to eat something

As for Ryuga, he's now standing in the entrance of Beymall....doors open as he walks inside.

Inside Beymall,

It flooded with people who came to watch Beyblade....also tons of participants checking and talking with each other.....Ryuga is resting at a wall with his arms and eyes closed, many participants approached him in hope to learn some informations about his bey...well he didn't even bother to open his eyes more less speaks, so they all left in disappointment.

As the lights closed down... only a single light appears as a voice spoke,


Ok! Ladies & Gentelbladers! Welcome to the Wbba - sponsored Beikoma Regionals. To those who haven't registered yet! the deadline's coming soon, Now hurry up, everyone!

So those who haven't registered yesterday.... went to registration counter to register...

Okay! Boys and Girls ! The opening ceremony begins now...let's hears what President of Wbba of Japan Branch has to say....

..spoke the announcer while the person who was standing next to him appeared in front while holding a mike....

Good morning everyone! I am Komazaki Shinjirou..President of Wbba, Japan Branch.

So All battlers! You all are Beyblade's future. Starting now are the battles that will start your bey careers. Only those who are not willing to give up will be able to fight more battles & I hope everyone has good battles. Thank You!

after he finished speaking he left the stage but not before looking at Ryuga ....this act of him didn't go unnoticed by Shu ...as he follows his gaze towards that direction and see Ryuga resting at wall ...

Shu - 'So he came..just like I thought ...'

Scene change,

Okay! Then let's get ready.... for the first match...of Block A!..

The bladers fighting in our first match,

Aoi Valt...as Valt enters the stage while shaking with nervousness then he collides with a person on the stage, fell down..

Others - Haha... hahahaha

?? - Damn it ! You just ruined my dramatic entry ...shouted...when Valt heard this voice he looks towards the voice..

Valt - Boss! what are you doing here?

Ran - I am your first opponent..ya fool!...then his name announced

Now his opponent Kiyama Rantaro!

Valt - what? I thought you was in another block A

Ran - This is block A you numbskull! ...said while massaging his temples...

Now both players are on the stage...now let's see the stadium.....as the stadium came to views..

It's a round shape tube like structure with a center, inner ring & outer ring which are red in color as the wall is yellow in color while the edges is black, which is situated near the outside area of the outer circle...(search in net)

Now let the opening battle begins!....as everyone cheered aloud....then a referee walk to the stage, stood between the blader...

Referee - Over Finish 1 point

Spin Finish 1 point

Burst Finish 2 points ...he explained while showing action....as both Valt & Ran nodded with surprised expression on their face..

What? President Shinjirou himself become referee for the first match,....spoke the announcer while everyone else cheered..

Referee - Are you Ready? looked towards the bladers ...as both prepared themselves...then nodded....as he said ..

1st Battle!

Ready! Set!...

Valt - I will definitely win this....Let's go partner!.....3,2...

Both at the time said 1....Go shoot..

Ran did his usual shoot while Valt copy Shu's basics ...as his his launcher level parallel to the the floor...then shot.

Ryuga who was watching this only raised his eyebrows.....but Shu become surprised...

As both beys landed.... with Valkyrie circling in the outside ring while Ragnarok took the center...

Ran - Looks like you managed to get your stances perfectly...said as he notices that Valt's bey didn't went out of control like before

(I will write 'xyz' when commentary happens)

Valt - Go Valkyrie!....as it move to attacks Ragnarok...

'They made the first contact....'

Valkyrie hit Ragnarok who is in the center, it didn't even budge, sent Valkyrie away..

Ran - That won't work on me!..said when he saw how Valt's been attacking him repeatedly

'No matter how many Valkyrie attack Ragnarok, it won't stop spinning!..With that heavy weight gravity disk & revolver drives, its spinning power is unreal!! This is truly a stamina type!'

Ran - heh! Send it flying Ragnarok...said while breaking the lolipop.....then a beasts emerge from his bey(check in the net .. Rising Ragnarok).....then it throw a fireball at the Valkyrie's direction, sent away flying out of the stadium....

Referee - Over Finish! Ragnarok 1 point..

'With Insane power It knock Valkyrie out of the stadium....blah blah...'

2nd Battle!

Referee - Both bladers are you ready....Ran nodded as he's long ready while Valt didn't reply...so he asked..

Ref - Blader Valt are you ready....Valt then come of the thoughts as he nodded..

Ref - Then ...Ready!Set!...

Both took their respective stances....said ..


Valt - 1..while he moved his launcher to an upward angle, (which is wrong.. since that will sent flying the Valkyrie immediately when it landed) ....Go shoot...said ....at that time a creature sitting on a horse, emerges behind Valt as it aims its sword to touch the launcher then lowering it angle a bit with the sword..then disappear. Valt's stance which now looks like the launcher aims at lower angle compared to normal....(Of course Valt had no idea what happened)

Ryuga, Shu, Wakiya and some others are the only ones who noticed this.....

Ryuga thought when he noticed this,

Ryuga - Did he just lower the angle of his launcher...from that angle its speed will increase rapidly when it spins....haha seems it's not him ...oh his beast.... interesting..i knew that bey has great potential but the blader didn't seems to utilise its full power...let's see what happens now....

With match,

Both bey landed, Valkyrie spun around the stadium with great speed, just like Ryuga predicted.. Ragnarok went to his favorite place which is center..

'Victory Valkyrie is already heading for Ragnarok....waah, Valkyrie's running up the slope !! what are these movements? now it's heading for Ragnarok again?...

'Valkyrie just keep on attacking over & over...well this is something I've never seen before..it seems a new move'

Meanwhile, Valt just like everyone become surprised as he didn't know what are these movements.....while had unconsciously spoke while punching in the air...

But his surprised face didn't go unnoticed by Ryuga...

Ryuga - I knew it! he didn't noticed when his launcher was lowered....said inwardly..

Valt - Valkyrie, Rush ,Rush....!Rush Shoot....!

Valkyrie was just attacking with normal speed after Valt spoke its speed started to increase 3 folds as it does so fast that Ragnarok unable to escape from the center and is hit with powerful barrage of attacks..then suddenly with the last hit it bursts....

Ref - Burst Finish! 2 points to Valkyrie...2-1, ...Aoi Valt wins!

Ran just stood there with his eyes and mouth wide open as he become so shocked his lolipop fell down...

'Hahhaha ...what a match! It indeed was spectacular sight to watch...as Victory Valkyrie shows a powerful move....also with President Shinjirou excellent Refereeing skills ..This match become more outstanding!' the announcer announced..as loud sound made Ran come out from his frozen state....he walked towards Valt

Ran - Hey Valt! when Did you made a move like that!.... I've never seen during our practice... suddenly asked Rantaro..

Valt - hahah ....I don't know, it just moved like that during the match... replied while scratching his cheek with his finger.....his reply leaves everyone dumb founded...

Ran - Damn, did I just lose to a lucky move.....said then both of them left.


Wakiya - So, he just got lucky.....it seems my thoughts were unnecessary...said, then looks at where Shu is standing....

look like you are my only equal but that'll soon change when I defeats you Shu Kurenai ... spoke inside his mind.....

Hey Guys!....From here on I will write commentary with ' ' mark okay......and thoughts with ‘. ’ or ". " ... Remember this or you will be confused while reading.....

Than You

Yours Truly


IWhoMustNotBeNamecreators' thoughts