
Chapter 3

Another year passed, and Sylvia grew older, wiser, and more adventurous. And on her 23rd birthday, Kenji chose to mark the occasion in a momentous way. He bestowed upon her the most amazing gift he could ever give: a human form. The excitement in Sylvia's eyes was visible, and she was thrilled that she would finally have the opportunity to explore the Celestial with Kenji as his equal. As another special birthday present, Kenji decided to take Sylvia on a tour of all the places he had visited over the years, and the two embarked on an incredible journey that left them both in awe. From towering mountains to vast deserts, from vibrant cities to remote villages, they saw everything together.

Sylvia relished the chance to explore the world with all her senses, breathing in the scents, tasting the exotic foods, and soaking up the cultures of each location. Her 23rd birthday was an epic experience, the ultimate celebration of her life thus far, and one that she would never forget. Through all the adventures and challenges, Sylvia had come to mean so much to Kenji—more than just a companion or friend. She was his sister in every sense of the word, someone who had shared in all his joys and sorrows and who had never once faltered in her loyalty or support. In the end, what had started as a simple companionship had blossomed into something truly beautiful and enduring—a bond that would stand the test of time itself.

After making the decision to stay in the constellation every 6th and 7th day of the week, the two siblings experienced something that they had not had before. Through living with the people of the constellation, they learned how to live in a new and different way. During that time, they ate the food of the constellation, participated in their activities, and shared their daily lives. As a result of this experience, the siblings gained a deeper understanding of each other, and they grew closer than ever before. The bond between them was so strong that it was unbreakable. It was like the bond between King Arthur and Excalibur, an ancient and legendary sword that could not be corrupted or broken. The two siblings shared a deep-rooted love and respect for one another, and it was evident in the way they interacted.

But, despite their unbreakable bond, Kenji felt that something was still missing inside. He felt that even though he had already experienced everything that life had to offer, there was still something out there that could fulfill him in a way that he had not felt before. He tried to talk to his sister about his feelings, but he found that she did not take his concerns seriously. Instead, she laughed at him. At first, he thought that she was thinking that his thoughts were silly. Despite this, he could not shake off the feelings that he had. After a few minutes, Sylivia stopped laughing. She started to explain to him what the possible reason was why he was feeling like that, and their talk lasted a few minutes.

After the tense conversation had ended, Sylvia left him alone to ponder her words. He couldn't help the feeling of confusion that overwhelmed him. He had always believed that power and strength were enough to sustain him, but Sylvia's words struck a chord within his soul. As he stood there, contemplating his thoughts, he began to realize that he had never truly needed anyone before. He had always been content with his own company, relying on his immense power to get him through the toughest of times. Sylvia's words made him question everything that he had ever believed in. Kenji decided to go outside of the house that he made in the void before Sylvia came. As he was flying around in his dragon form in the void, his thoughts were still drifting back to Sylvia's words.

He thought her words even farther, saying that sometimes that power and strength were not enough. Even the most powerful being in the universe needed someone to love and cherish them for who they were, not what they had. He, too, needed someone in his life. Someone who would love him for him. Someone who would stand by him through thick and thin, someone who would make him feel loved and cherished. His flight into the void has cleared his mind, and he accepted that he needed to find someone who would love and cherish him the way he was. The man needed a moment to clear his mind and gather his thoughts, so he decided to go to the constellation for a walk.

He was trying to find a quiet spot where he could take in the sounds and smells of nature around him. After a few minutes of trying to find a place, he eventually stumbled upon a beautiful snow-covered mountain peak towering above him, and there was a magnificent waterfall cascading down from it. It was a breathtaking sight to behold, and the man felt very small in its presence. In spite of that, he found that the view was exactly what he needed to clear his head and relax. Kenji couldn't help but notice the lush pine forest behind him. He could smell the sweet scent of pine needles, and he knew that it was a sign of abundant life thriving in the area.

He sat down near the center of the edge of a cliff, marveling at the view laid out before him. Kenji surveyed the surroundings from his vantage point, feeling the peaceful stillness that blanketed the entire area. The gentle gusts of wind blew past him, rustling the pine needles in the tree beside him. The cool air was refreshing and invigorating, and it helped Kenji steady his thoughts. He sat there for a while, enjoying the silence and the stunning beauty of the world around him. Suddenly, he sensed movement nearby, and he tensed up. He tried to focus on his breathing and stayed still, hoping to avoid detection by whatever was approaching.

He listened attentively, his ears straining to detect any sound. Perhaps it was just an animal, the rustling of the leaves, or maybe it was his imagination playing tricks on him? In any case, he decided it was time to move on, leaving the peaceful sanctuary behind. As he walked down the busy street, he heard a loud noise that snapped him out of his thoughts. He looked around, trying to pinpoint the source of the sound, but struggled to identify it between the hustle and bustle of the city. But his attention was soon diverted when he saw a young girl lying on the ground, looking disoriented and dazed.