
Chapter 1

In ancient times, there was a very powerful dragon named Kenji. Kenji is a magnificent creature, but despite his greatness, he has been living alone in a void where you can't see anything for millions of years. And even if he has a powerful ability to do anything, he still can't shake off the feeling of loneliness that has troubled him for so long. Days after days, his desire for companionship has only grown as the days passed. Because of what he is currently feeling, he came up with the idea that he would create a world where a lot of living beings could live in harmony in one place. Kenji planned for days and nights patiently and carefully.

Once he had already planned everything, he designed six different kinds of beings, each with their own unique abilities and qualities. The first thing that he created were the elves, with their pointed ears and their skills in archery, magic, healing, intelligence, wisdom, and their many abilities. They also have a deep connection to nature, and they were the guardians of the forests, mountains, and rivers. The second thing that he created is the dwarfs, their strong frames, and their skills in mining and crafting. They were also experts in forging weapons, and they were also known as the builders of magnificent underground kingdoms.

Kenji then moved on to the fairies, with their delicate wings and their ability to gracefully float through the air. They were also the keepers of natural balance and responsible for spreading good fortune and blessings throughout the world. After the fairies were created, the next thing that Kenji created were the demons. They were known for their personalities as mischievous creatures that have a deep love for cleverness and trickery. They were also the creatures who are often the cause of the violent and chaotic nature of the world. The demons were also the masters of magic and alchemy. Then the second-last thing Kenji created were the angels. They are powerful and majestic beings that hold the responsibility of maintaining order and also protecting the world from harm.

And they were also responsible for guiding other beings, and they were renowned for their ability to heal and purify. And finally, the last thing that Kenji created is human beings; he gives them the gift of free will. Who could achieve such great feats, creativity, and intellect? As he breathed life into these beings, Kenji could feel the sense of contentment and satisfaction that came from creating something new, something that would develop and grow under his guidance. He watched with joy as the world that he had created began to take shape, with his six different kinds of beings coexisting in perfect harmony.

He knew that he had created something that was truly special and unique, something that would leave a permanent mark on the fabric of time. As Kenji sat back and was filled with excitement at what he had made, he then realized that his work was far from over. Although the world of Constellation was already beautiful, it was still in its beginning, and it was up to him to help it grow and develop into a growing and comfortable civilization. He knew that this would be no easy task, but he relished the challenge and was eager to get started. One of the first things the creator did was observe the people of Constellation as they went about their daily lives.

Over the years, he watched them with interest as they worked hard to build their own homes, grow their own food, and create their own communities. He saw the struggles they faced and the hardships they endured, but he also saw their resilience and determination. He was impressed by their ingenuity and resourcefulness as they tackled each new challenge that came their way. Kenji knew that in order for the world of Constellation to develop, he needed to provide the people with the tools and resources that they needed to succeed. He worked tirelessly behind the scenes, manipulating the forces of nature and imbuing the world with new forms of energy and technology.

He watched the people of Constellation learn to harness these new resources, using them to create amazing new inventions and push the boundaries of what was possible. As the world of Constellation continued to grow and evolve, Kenji watched with pride and satisfaction. He knew that the world he had created was now capable of achieving greatness and achieving things that were beyond the wildest dreams of its inhabitants. With a deep sense of satisfaction, Kenji continued to guide and nurture the world, ensuring that it would always be safe for the people of the constellation to call it home. As Kenji saw the world grow and change, he couldn't help but notice the incredible advancements that were made by mankind.

Everywhere he looked, people kept creating new technologies and inventions that seemed to make their daily lives easier and more convenient. They have created technologies ranging from cars and planes to smartphones and smart home technologies. It was clear to him that human beings were pushing the boundaries of what was possible. Additionally, with this technological advancement, he also saw that people were building their own nations and forming communities based on their shared beliefs and values. Even though he was glad that they were making advancements, there are times that he feels disappointed that the nations often show off how they are so proud of their heritage and territory that this leads to conflict and war because of their pride and territorialism.

Kenji couldn't help but feel frustrated by this aspect of human nature every time he saw something like this. He is wondering why they couldn't simply learn to live peacefully alongside one another. He tried everything that he could to solve this problem, but despite his best efforts to solve the problem of territorial rivalry, he found that his interventions had little impact on the larger scale of things. He watched the nations continue to compete and fight, seemingly unable to find a way to coexist peacefully. But Kenji was patient, and he continued to watch and wait as civilization continued to grow and evolve. Over the years filled with destruction from the countless wars, he began to see that the rivalries between the nations had started to lessen. People started to slowly understand that cooperation and collaboration were more beneficial than having conflicts and aggression like what they have done for the past years.