
The Dragon's Rose

"In your eyes, I am nothing more than a plaything, an insignificant pet. Not more than a bar of refined gold, your accessory as an Emperor. Isn't that what you take me for? Just your female prostitute." --------------- Celestine Schleifer, in her whole life, has trained to be a courtesan. Finally, at her coming of age ceremony, she was appointed to be part of the Celestial Roses at the House of Amora. However, on her first night, due to unforeseen circumstances, her peaceful life has been shattered, with everything going against her beliefs. With no other choice, Celestine chose to go against her values, and when it seemed like all hope was lost, light once again surfaced-the Emperor. The Emperor has graced her life with his presence, providing her with light amidst her life's darkness. Yet, will all remain the same? For it turns out, the sun that has shined her life with light and warmth was actually as cold as the wind in the dark night, illuminated by the proud and round moon-as ruthless as an errant dragon.

sweetenedromance · Lịch sử
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20 Chs


The sun shined brilliantly, along with the warm morning breeze that was carrying bits of fallen leaves from the great oak trees. The water surface of the East Lake was dazzling for it was sparkling, and glittering as it reflects the golden sunlight.

Everything was in their perfect place.

The loud chattering resonated throughout the city as the further celebration of the people carried on because of the victorious return of their Emperor.

"Life goes on, even if your world is crumbling to pieces."

Celestine remembered those words, it was from a book that she has read before. That phrase fitted perfectly to what was happening in her life.

As she felt the warm air blowing against her face, suddenly, it seemed cold for her. She tried to harden her heart. Today, she will lose everything. A mere courtesan like her no longer has the free will to decide for herself. Prolonging her pointless struggle was only to prolong her own misery.

It is better to accept the fate that she has been given. After all, she was indeed warned before by her mother.

"Not everyone can attain real freedom and happiness."

She smiled bitterly as she remembered those words.

In all honesty, never did she thought that she would be one of those to face such life's tragedy. Somehow, she thought that she was different from everybody else. She possessed great qualities, even as a child. She knew that she was brilliant, and is supposed to be one that is shining amongst the stars.

However, nothing really does go one's way. Life seems like an endless struggle, and what's sad is the fact that the more you struggle, the more you are bound to be in such a deep misery.

Everything seemed pointless for Celestine.

Last night, she spent all of her time, crying in despair. However, when she noticed the scroll that was given to her by her mother, which she threw because of extreme anger, she felt torn, unsure of her feelings.

The scroll's contents were the preposition that was given to her mother by the Governor. Unlike the original terms, the family was allowed to leave, bringing their possessions with them. They will also be given a small house, by the mountains on the outskirts of Maylea, however, they will not be allowed to once again enter the city.

Knowing that her family's circumstance somehow got lighter, she felt relieved, but that did not change the fact that she was displeased about the decision of her mother. She wanted to at least be the one to decide for herself, even though she knew that she would also agree due to the fact that she values her family's safety more than hers.

That is why, for now, she won't be doing anything rash, and will just follow the orders sent by the Governor's decree.

As she was about to leave the house, her family all gathered to send her off, some of them were crying, the others calming them down, sending her a sad and pitiful look, while the others looked like they simply did not care.

Because she was still hurt and ashamed, she failed to return her family's bidding, only giving them what seemed like a cold shoulder before proceeding to follow the guards that served as her companions.

And now, as they were on their way to the Governor's residences, Celestine couldn't help but question, 'Why must I attract such powerful yet cowardly man? Resorting to such disgraceful acts just to get what he wants, he clearly is far from being a gentleman.' She thought.

Sighing, she tried to come to terms with her feelings. She understood that it wasn't her mother's fault, but she will also not blame herself, for she knew, she did nothing wrong. Heck, she only tried to help the man as he stumbled, not being able to carry himself up due to him being so drunk, and yet, this is how he has repaid her? Assaulting her and now, separating her from her family by creating such an awful decree, he also got another bonus because now, she and her family are not even on good terms anymore, leaving her nothing at all.

She scoffed. 'So much for a man.' She thought.

Looking around, she couldn't help but feel envious towards the children that were playing, it's like they have no problems, exactly just like her when she was a child, she knew nothing.

"Ignorance is a bliss."

She knew that that saying was true. As a child, she viewed things as how she saw them, not even thinking outside the box, and then suddenly, that incident between her older sister and the man's wife happened, and adding her mother's words, finally getting her to think about the true meaning of life.

However, thinking about it now, she felt regretful. It would have been better if she stayed the way she was before, maybe her life wouldn't be so bad as she won't be so cautious and in Nesryn's words, selfish, trying to find freedom and happiness on her own.

Sighing, Celestine fixed her gaze straight ahead, they were nearing the Governor's residence.

The Governor's residence, unlike the loud, seemingly chaotic central part of Maylea, is what someone can describe to be serene.

Rolling her eyes, Celestine scoffed again. 'These people are living in such a lavish life.' She thought as her eyes looked around the luxurious area. 'Yet, they have no time to help the poor.' She added, remembering the unfortunate people of the city.

There were so many finely detailed ornaments, the walls are painted with a combination of green and white, designed by small but elaborate flowers. The garden itself wasn't actually bad, in fact, it was marvelous. Celestine has never seen such a fine landscape before.

She was amazed by the sight around her, however, her admiration immediately vanished as she caught sight of the man that has caused her loss, her face immediately becoming taut.

With a warm smile, Roux greeted her, as if nothing has ever happened between the two of them. "Welcome, my dear Celestine." He greeted with a wide smile, holding out his hand.

Even though she was furious to the point of vomiting blood, Celestine couldn't bring herself to do anything harsh, not while all of these guards are around them, she won't be able to stand a chance, she doesn't even have a sword.

Instead of answering Roux's greeting, Celestine chose to ignore him, as for now, that is the only thing that she can do, treat the damned man as air, nothing more, nothing less.

Seeing the woman's reaction towards his greetings, Roux nodded understandably. He can still remember as if it was as bright as day, what he did to Celestine. He knew that what he did was despicable, however, as he remembered, Celestine has already started to hate him, thus, the only thing that he can do to be close with his beloved is to get her, by hook or by crook.

Roux signaled all of the guards to disperse as he got situated near Celestine, who was looking obviously annoyed. She wanted to slice the man into pieces, 'How dare he act all innocent?!' She thought, wanting to peel off the man's smile from his face, but thinking that he could still act lively, Celestine just muttered what she really had in mind. "You really have such a thick face." She whispered, her jaw clenching.

Roux who was not able to catch what she said properly, only looked at her expectedly, in which she answered with an eye roll.

Looking quite amused, Roux guided Celestine towards one of the pavilions of the residence. His father was there, waiting for them, along with a bunch of maidservants that were lined up at the edge of the pavilion, waiting for their Master's command.

A luxurious feast by the center table greeted Celestine and Roux as they entered the pavilion, the lined-up servants greeting the both of them in acknowledgement.

"Good morning, Young Master, Young Mistress." They all said in unison, bowing their heads.

Celestine knotted her eyebrows, confused towards the servant's call to address her. Seeing the feast, she cannot help but think if there is actually a party happening currently, as the food seems to be the one that is prepared for celebrations.

The Governor stood up from his seat, greeting his son, and soon took a look at Celestine with a hint of lust in his eyes.

Noticing the uncanny look on his face, Celestine felt a shiver run down her spine. She now knew where Roux got his character, for it was the same as the old man in front of her. Their perverseness seems to run in the blood.

"Greetings, Celestine, I am Ronald Maynard, Roux's father, and as you know, the Governor of Maylea. It's a pleasure to meet you." He said, as he reached for Celestine's hand to kiss the back of it, however, Celestine was quick to snap her hands away from the old man who only chuckled because of her action.

"I like you, feisty." He said, smirking, giving her a look, in which she returned with a disgusted one.

She wanted to vomit due to the actions of the old man, he was far worst than his son! Of course, she would notice what type of gaze he was throwing at her, she was used to seeing that from some of their customers, and she hated it.

Roux guided her to a seat, as she had no other choice, she decided to comply, Roux then seated beside her. His father sitting down at the end center.

"Eat, Celestine! For today is a celebration towards you and my son's engagement!" Ronald announced, getting Celestine's full attention.

"What?!" She shouted, clearly confused, causing her to stand abruptly from her seat.

Roux immediately tried to calm her down but she slapped his hand off hers when he attempted to and gave her a cold, menacing look.

"What do you mean?" Celestine asked, her voice low as she looked directly at Ronald's eyes.

Ronald however was not fazed by Celestine's gaze, instead, he was amused. It was like seeing a cat, pretending to be a tiger just because they had the same stripes. His reaction was not anything out of the ordinary though, since he is a politician, he has encountered far more than just stern gazes.

"Don't worry, my dear. For the official engagement, of course, we will be holding a large banquet, I will be inviting various figures from all throughout the empire, who knows, you might even get to see the Emperor himself!" Ronald said, boasting his powers.

In normal circumstances, Celestine would have felt grateful, who wouldn't want to be married to an affluent family? You can say that a lavish life is most probably every girl's dream. However, because of the way that she and Roux met, what's happening right now is far from her dream, way too far.

If only Roux tried to get her attention in a normal, loving way, she might have been able to fall in love with him, and if that happens, she also might have been able to endure his father's current behavior, but after seeing their true colors, all of that would remain what-ifs, she wouldn't want to be married to such family.

"Marriage was not part of the decree." Celestine said firmly, she knew the contents of the scroll, and this was not part of it.

Ronald let out a loud mocking laugh. "You were sold to us. You have no say in what we want to do with you." He said. Even though he was laughing, his words seemed like poison for Celestine, she was hurt as her present circumstance is rubbed against her like salt against her wounds.

For the first time, she looked directly at Roux's face. She was desperate, despite hating the man, it looked like in the meantime, he was the only one that could help her, he was supposedly the man that she was going to marry after all. "Please." She mouthed, pleading.

Swallowing, Roux turned towards his father, "Let's give her some time, for now, Father. I'm sure Celestine's just shocked. We can talk about the engagement at another time." He said, trying to persuade his father.

Hearing his son's request, Ronald nodded, agreeing. "Well, if that's how you see fit, Son. I think we have no problems with that." He said, he then turned his head towards Celestine. "Well, I guess we shall have the banquet for your engagement party postponed." He then continued, "You may now sit down, Celestine. Calm down and enjoy the food." He said, smirking while pointing at her seat.

Nodding, she sat down once again, facing Roux, she uttered a small "Thank you.", to which the man replied with a slight nod and a smile. Roux did not let the servants serve Celestine for he was the one who catered to all of her needs. To others, it may seem like a picture of a perfect relationship between a loving husband and his wife but it was far from that.

Nevertheless, Celestine chose to remain silent; accepting all of Roux's advances. She did not want to get him mad, for he has already done her a great favor by convincing his father to postpone their so-called engagement party.

They all finished eating silently, with Ronald being the first one to leave the pavilion, bidding each of them goodbye, before leaving with his servants.

Roux then escorted Celestine out of the pavilion, and into her official residence.

It was a room that was decorated with red and gold ornaments, her favorite colors. Looking around, she saw a sheathed sword, hanging in the wall, and in the other, a pair of gold-colored fans. Somehow, Roux knew where and when to try and reach out to her, starting with her likes and dislikes.

But this was not enough for her to forgive him. She knows that he is trying to coax her into forgiving him and that is not gonna be happening, not anytime soon. However, she did appreciate him trying, thus, it was only natural for her to thank him. "Thank you, Roux." She said, and with that, the man's eyes lit up, he was happy, he thought that finally, her beloved has started to notice his efforts.

"Don't mention it, Celestine. I have prepared all of this, just for you." He said, smiling. Celestine did not respond. His words, ticking into her mind. She can only think that he must have devised his plan long ago, as she can faintly remember that he has been visiting the house for quite a time, just as her sister said.

"I'll leave you here for now. You can enjoy as much as you want. There's a servant designated just for you, she's right by the door, just call out to her." Roux said, Celestine, nodded in return.

As he left the room, Celestine went ahead and observed her room. It was indeed extravagant. She proceeded to another room extension and figured out that it was actually a room full of various types of clothing, ranging from her favorite colors and attires.

Sighing, she went back to the main room and flopped herself in the bed.

Although she was now presented with all of this luxurious life, this was not what she wanted at all. She wanted to be free, she wanted to be happy, to join hands with her family, and live with them once more.

Now that she is alone in this quiet room, she deeply regrets the actions that she has shown towards her family. It was, after all, uncertain if she will still be granted the chance to see them again, knowing that they are banished from entering the city.

"I'm so stupid." Celestine uttered, lightly slapping herself.

She got up, knowing that dwelling in self-despair will bring her nothing. Instead, by Roux's words, she should try and enjoy. The moment has even presented itself.

She reached towards the sword that was hanged up on the wall, she unsheathed it and examined its blade. "Perfect." She remarked, smiling.

She then proceeded to leave towards the entrance of her room, upon opening it, a servant, most probably the same as her age appeared, seemingly guarding the room.

"Young Mistress, where are you going?" The servant said, lowering her head.

Once again, Celestine felt awkward hearing the servant address her like that. She reached towards the chin of the servant, and gently raised her head, for their eyes to meet.

Celestine looked at the lady, smiling. "Just call me Celestine, what's your name?" She asked.

The lady looked at her like she has grown two heads. Suddenly, she backed off, further lowering her head.

"No, that can't be, Young Mistress. I am nothing but a servant, and you are my Master." She said, earning a sigh from Celestine.

"Well then, if I am your Master, I order you to call me Celestine. Now, will you tell me your name?" Celestine said, further insisting.

The servant looked at her hesitatingly. It seemed like she really wasn't allowed to call her by her name, however, since she ordered it, the servant was now torn.

Celestine smiled charmingly, giving her a reassuring smile.

"I-I am called, Meira, Young- I mean, Celestine." She said, though stuttering, finally giving in. Looking at the beaming face of her master, she smiled in return, she was grateful to have such a kind master, unlike the other concubines of the Governor who feels and acts as if they own everything in the world.

"Well then, Meira, I would like to practice my swordsmanship in the meantime. Can you escort me to an open area?" Celestine said, showing her sword.

Meira nodded, walking ahead of her to show her the way towards the vast garden.

The sun was shining brilliantly. The wind brought upon a little whistle, blowing through the air.

As Celestine practiced her swordsmanship, because of her naturally light body, in some instances, she seemed like flying, her robe fluttering through the air, making her seem like a bird. At some times, she even incorporated her dancing to her unique sword skills.

With her forehead, glistening with sweat, Celestine continued to flutter her body, with her sword following through her each command.

Even though she was doing the act that she liked the most, Celestine was not contented. She knew that right now, she had no other choice but to live her life as a caged bird, but somewhere in her mind and heart, she knew, a time will soon come, a time for her to live freely.

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