

The {Lunaria Empire} is soon to meet its doom. With the advances of the {Dragon Hunter}'s descendant, most of the dragon races have gone to extinction. Furious, the survivors of the dragon people waged war with the human race. They aim to eradicate all humans; man and woman, young and old, none forgiven. Same goes to the humans, they wish to slay all dragons for their own selfish desires. What should the young dragon, Hestia, do now? Save both races or leave it all behind along with her precious family? Follow Hestia and her soon to be companions as they embark on their newfound journey and figure out the mystery behind Hestia's origin and past...

V_Andrei826 · Kỳ huyễn
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9 Chs

Chapter 1: The New Generation

A girl in a night gown was thrashing wildly in her sleep. Only her heavy breathing was to be heard through the night. She was apparently having a nightmare. She was muttering in her sleep, "N-no...help...somebody, anybody...HELP!!!"

Then suddenly she jerked from her slumber, "What was that?!" she said, wiping the sweat from her forehead. The girl was trying to recall the contents of her nightmare, when a girl younger than her came.

"Big sister? Are you okay? " the little girl asked poking her little head through the door.

"I-I'm fine Chiyo. There's nothing for you to worry about." the girl assured her sister.

"Really? Are you sure? " Chiyo asked anxiously, "Sister Hestia, you've been having nightmares lately right? "

This took Hestia a bit surprised, she didn't know that her sister had noticed. But rather than confirming it to her sister, she merely smiled wryly to her. "There's nothing for you to worry about me, I'm the older sister, I should be the one who worries, not you. " she said this while chuckling.

Hearing this, Chiyo pouted. "Hmph, you're so mean! Why do you always hide things from me.", she harrumphed while heading to her room. Once Chiyo left, Hestia then said, "You really are full of surprises. You even noticed that?" a weak smile casted upon her face.

Hestia then looked out her window. She was a beautiful girl for her age. Her hazel-brown hair seemed to illuminate a silvery glow against the moonlight. Despite that, a look of worry was visible in her golden eyes. 'What was that? Why do I always dream about those two? Who were they? Do they have some sort of connection with me?' Hestia thought while looking absentmindedly at the window through the horizon.

The night was peaceful as usual. The moon was full tonight, it's bright light envelopes the dark surroundings of the village. Not a soul or a whisper were to be seen or heard in the streets of the village. Nevertheless, Hestia couldn't help but feel wary of the darkness ahead. Feeling tired again, she sighed and went back to her bed to continue her supposed rest.


In the treacherous forest of Windsor, a boy was nimbly speeding through the murky woods. He was being chased by a hulking male vampire. Although the boy was expertly weaving himself between the trees, darting this way and that way, he was still overtaken easily by the vampire, pinning him on the hard, cold ground.

And then slowly but surely, the vampire approached his neck, his breath drawing nearer, his fangs only inches away from him. The vampire bit him vigorously, sucking his blood without a single bit of remorse. "AAAAGGHHHHH!!!!" screamed the boy through the unbearable pain.

The boy felt helpless. The vampire would surely kill him on the spot once he gets his fill. Then when he thought everyting was going to be over for him, he heard a loud bang, perhaps a gunshot. The vampire then paused and fell on top of him. Pushing the dead heavy vampire on his small body, he looked from where the sound came from. He saw a hooded child, a bit older than him, holding of what looked like a gun. Accompanied by the child was another hooded child, perhaps a bit smaller and thinner than the first.

"You there. What's your name?", said the one holding the gun in a cold tone. He seemed to be a boy based on his voice.

"Z-Zeke. Zeke Valerian" said the younger boy weakly.

He didn't have that much energy since he got bitten earlier.

"Zeke....Alright then Zeke, join me" the older boy suddenly said.

"W-what do you mean?" Zeke asked, confused.

"I mean become my subordinate." the older boy snapped. There was a hint of impatience in his voice.

"B-but why do you want me to become your subordinate? I mean I'm weak, I wasn't even able to defend myself against a vampire, he literally just bit me." Zeke said this in a shaky voice while holding the bleeding bite mark on his neck.

He then realized that the wound was completely healed!

"Because you have potential hidden within you, I can see it---" the older boy paused and then smirked "and besides you're a vampire yourself now."

Startled, Zeke hurriedly put his index finger to his mouth and felt a sharp tooth graze upon it. He then looked at the boy again and he saw the boy giving him a toothy grin .

Breathing shakily, Zeke gulped. 'Who are they? Why do they want to recruit me so much?' However he didn't wait for an answer and reluctantly said, " Fine I'll join you."

Smiling widely, the boy then took his hood off and replied "Welcome Zeke into the {Elusive Serpentine Slayers}...this is my other subordinate Esteriana, she doesn't speak much but do get along with her." indicating his companion behind him.

"And you are?" Zeke asked realizing that the mysterious boy hadn't introduced himself yet. He at least needed to know who his recruiter is.

Looking at Zeke, the hooded girl was the one who answered this time and the tone she used was rather harsh, "Insolent boy. How dare you use a casual tone to my master---"

The mysterious boy then intervened, "Calm down Esteriana, he's still a rookie." he then gave Zeke a menacing glare, "Isn't that right Zeke?"

Zeke then gulped and nodded his head.

Esteriana, seeming that she calmed down a bit, spoke up again. Her voice was dangerously cold, "His name is Elijah Blade Draven, descendant of the almighty {Dragon Hunter}".