
The Dragon's Domain

Dragons are strong and proud animals. So what happens when two very different kingdoms live just miles apart.

SincerleySecret · Kỳ huyễn
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2 Chs



'...'-means thinking

"..."-means talking

...-means different location/focus person

There once was a land called Dragonia. In Dragonia there lived two opposing sides. One was The Ice Kingdom, known for there cold abilities and even colder hearts. The other was the Fire Kingdom, who were known for their fiery hot abilities and a personality to match. Every recorded encounter between the two Kingdoms had been full of blood and pain. There has never been a peaceful moment between the two. This unprovoked hatred has never been earned from either side. When two cultures are so drastically different how could they ever have a time of peace.



"As King of the Fire dragons it is my responsibility to look after my people and protect them from harm. If those shifty little Ice dragons didn't keep causing problems, I could be signing royal decrees and taking care of felons right now. "Thinking, 'Or be relaxing in my beach house soaking up the sun.' "Darn Ice dragons always attacking my Kingdom."



"That stupid little Fire King always has to go messing up my plans. Yeah maybe I did send some soldiers to go freeze the outer wall of his Kingdom, where is the harm in that. But why did that little lizard think that called for melting some of our buildings. Just because they are made of Ice doesn't mean you can just go melt them Willy nilly." Frustrated, "Those things take along time to build."

First time writing something so hopefully it turns out well. Sorry for any grammar or spelling problems I am doing the best I can.

SincerleySecretcreators' thoughts