
The Dragon’s Sweet Prey

Born in the slums, Estelle is known to be the cleverest in her district. After seeing the sufferings people of the slums suffered, she decided to take the role as a phantom thief, stealing from the wealthy to return the rights of the poor— that is until a horrible accident happened which almost took her life and made her decide to quit for good. Things went even better for Elle, or worse, as she was revealed to be the missing daughter of Count Arthur. A wealthy noble’s daughter anyone had dream to be! While her father seemed delighted to greet her, her step mother and sister seemed to have held an opposing emotion. She thought she could ignore their bullying or perhaps continue her life back in the slums but realized that her father seemed to hold more secrets than he shows- a secret that could get her killed by the supernaturals who seemed to have regarded her as their "prey" She thought things couldn't get even worse, but god she was wrong! Out of everything she could do, Elle had mistakenly caught the eyes of Lord Magnus- the great Lord known for his handsome face, charming actions, and kind behavior... or at least that was how he appeared to others except Elle who unluckily discover his secret, a bigger secret that could either kill her or save her. Can Elle survive in this new world of nobles and supernaturals. What if the secret her father hold would eventually kill her? Or would she first die in the hands of her step families? Read to find out~

mata0eve · Kỳ huyễn
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261 Chs

Lovely Heartache-II

Power… thought Estelle in her head. She had never thought of herself as a leader, much less having such responsibility and power which she could use to control others— especially these nobles. All this time she was a thief who stole from their luxuries now she's standing in front of them as someone who is strong enough.

Magnus looked at her face and smiled, "You can drag anyone here whom you don't like. You can accuse them for something even if it isn't true. You can simply hug me, look at my eyes with your starry gaze, and then ask me to kill someone who you think had disrespected you. It was all that much easier because I will do as you requested me."

Elle furrowed her eyebrows, "You know I wouldn't do that."

He laughed, his voice sounding deeper, "I know but you also need to know the power that I have granted to you."