

"Would you mind if I told you a secret?" He asked and finally gazed at me, sharing eye contact with me. "No... I won't, tell me..." I replied and he took a deep breath. "Rather let me show you." He said, stood up from the garden chair and stood in front of me with a distance of about five feet. "Come." He said and I stood without hesitating. It was almost like I was being compelled but I wasn't. I walked up to Raman and stood at least two feet away from him. Raman crossed the little distance between us and stood very close to me and all of a sudden, I felt his strong and masculine arm hook around my waist and he pulled me closer to him that our nose was almost touching. ****** When havoc is wrecked on the world of demons and the witches, when the rules binding the demons and witches for thousands of years is broken, when confusion and division is brought upon the demons and witches by a human, how far will the witches and demons go to resolve this problem? What happens when the witches make a shocking discovery that binds them all to Ella? Follow the tale of Ella and Raman in this intriguing love story.

Samuel_Eunice · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
13 Chs


I was greeted by the bright morning sun that shunned brightly into my room through the shutters. Sitting up, I dragged my hand through my hair and was about to get out of bed when suddenly the images of every little thing that happened yesterday flashed in my head. I still couldn't believe the fact that I was starting to know my saviour well sooner than I expected and yes, I need to prepare something for him today. I immediately dashed into the bathroom and showered. Walking out of the bathroom with a towel around my body, I walked up to the closet, pull it open and pick out a dress and some undies from the collection of the new dresses and undies which I made sure to properly arrange in the closet last night before going to bed. Closing the closet, I walked up to the trundle, drop the clothes on the trundle before walking up to the dressing table, sat on the vanity chair and picked up the body lotion I had carefully kept on the dressing table. I gently and softly creamed my body, once I was done, I walked back to the trundle to pick up the dress I had kept on the trundle. Today, I was extremely excited which is why I was in a hurry. For the first time in my life, I was really happy that someone really appreciated my cooking efforts. I returned back to the dressing table and sat on the vanity chair the instant I was done dressing to comb my hair. The instant I was done combing and styling my hair into a side parting, I was about leaving the room but halted in my tracks the instant the view outside the window caught my attention. Taking a few steps up to the casement, I couldn't help but admire the beautiful view of the garden. I immediately found myself drawn to the beauty of the garden and right now, I really just want to go sit in the garden. I headed out my room with the attempt to go get a better view of the garden. On approaching the swell step, i halted in my tracks the instant my gaze fell on the enormous, extremely beautiful lounge. Though I'll be approaching the lounge for the third time, I couldn't help but fall in a daze with every step I took down the stairs. The only difference is that this time around, I'm viewing the lounge all by myself. The sea blue glass mosaic diamond silver wall ties were just amazing, the two rectangular glass table at the center of the lounge added a very beautiful touch to the lounge. The crystal rain glass chandelier and side bulbs contributed excellently to the beauty of the longe, the seabrook sofas, every little thing made the lounge look totally amazing.

How could a man be this rich?

I asked myself before I finally headed outside to the garden. The garden looked more beautiful than what I saw from the casement. On both sides of the garden were beautiful flowers grown on every row and column. In the middle of this extremely gorgeous garden was a garden bench where one could sit and enjoy the cool breeze and awesome scents the flowers gave out.

Walking up to the garden bench, I sat on it and gazed upon the mansion.

The exterior design of the mansion was magnificent. I couldn't help but wonder how the remaining part of the mansion would look like on the inside.

Who knows, it might even be more beautiful than this part of the mansion.

A smile crept to my lips as I closed my eyes and soon, the breeze ruffled through my hair. Shutting my eyes to enjoy every brush of the breeze against my skin, my mind suddenly drifted to everything I had passed through in the past two months of my life.

I had escaped from the palace on my wedding day and I'm very much sure the king will still be on the look out for me. He'll definitely take his anger out on my parents.

What horrible things could the king possibly to my parents? I thought to myself and without realizing it, I felt a drop of tear roll down my cheek. Will I ever get to see my parents? Or should I just go back to Vartish?

No, I can't do that. I'll either be forced to marry the king or worse, I might even be put to death. But what about my parents and my precious little Gina?

I felt my heart squeeze from pain and soon uncontrollable tears ran down my cheeks, I tighten my closed eyelids, trying to stop those tears from pouring out but my eyes failed me as tears didn't for a moment stop rolling down my cheeks. I couldn't control or stop the tears that were running freely down my eyes.

How could I be this selfish? I didn't even stop for once to think about what my parents will go through if I escape. I was too busy trying to safe myself that I didn't think of the consequences. What on earth will happen to my parents and my little Gina. Oh my gosh... Tears streamed down my eyes and it somehow felt like the breeze was in my favor as it gently and softly caressed my skin.