

Once upon a time, in a place far from the bustling city was a small town called Bluebells. In this small neighboring town, its residents were a bunch of interesting folks. The early morning sun shines its rays upon the sleeping town, bathing its golden rays upon the small houses giving the town life. Residents waking up from their beds as dogs and cats sprung up from small homes and dumpsters and looked at the town as all of the creatures and people living to prepare themselves to start the day.

And on top of a hill on the east side of the town was a large mansion with the morning glow engulfing the house as the dew from the flowers start to shimmer against the sun's light. And the sun then crept through a window into a large room and into the face of a sleeping young boy warming up his light pink face waking him up to a new day.

This young boy was Lilian Willows, the boy grudgingly rose from his night blue sheets as the sun cast his room with an ambient glow. He rubbed his eyes as he then got up from his bed and stretch his arms to release all of the sleepiness he still had. He walked towards the bathroom passing by his mirror. He stopped as he took a glance at himself, his brown hair all ruffled up, his blue eyes half-closed with a little bit of snot going down his nose. He quickly wiped the snot as he then went to the bathroom.

He then left his room and walked down the light blue hallways and into the dining room. He opened the door as he is greeted with the sight of his father sat down eating his breakfast while joyfully talking with the composed maid Kylia with a small smile upon her face who sat down at his left side. His father now noticing Lillian walking towards the table, smiled as called out with a warm voice.

"Li you're awake! Come on sit down." His father gesturing to a seat beside him, as he sat down Kylia then stood up a did a little bow. "Good Morning Young Master." Lilian just smiled. "Morning to you too Big Sis Kylia." Kylia then just sat back down as Lilian's father continued what he spoke to Kylia. "So where was I, oh yeah! So, I was just on Mrs. Cindy's farm picking up some of her famous 'Midnight Roses' when suddenly a deer just came out of the woods and leaped over her fence with little Xyrie chasing after it with Jicky running behind her with an oak tree. And the deer then trampled on some of her lavender's. Oh, and the look on Mrs. Cindy's face, if only you saw it Ky! Her face was as red as a rose, there was some mud splashed all around with some on my suit but others on her face....".

Lilian sat down with his face resting at his hand as he listened to his father's story. A butler then arrived with a plate of eggs, mashed potatoes, and a salad. "Here you go, Young Master." A butler which goes by the name of Oliver then placed the plate in front of Lilian as he thanked the old butler. "Ollie! You should sit down and listen to this story." Lilian's father said as Ollie just had a small smile and shake his head. "I apologize, sir, I have to clean up the kitchen. Maybe Kylia can tell me the story later." Oliver then bowed as he exited the dining room in which Emman continued his story as Lilian continued to listen.

"...she then threw some mud at me in which she then laughed at me instead. I then went home seeing Xyrie clean the front garden with Mrs. Cindy cross as she scolded her from my rearview mirror." By this time Lilian and Emman had finished their meals in which Kylia collected their plates. "That was a nice story, sir, though it is to be expected from Mrs. Cindy you did laugh at her." Emman then did a small shrug. "I couldn't help it, she looked like she had a mud face from a spa." Kylia then had a small chuckle as she finished collecting the plates. "Also, sir, the ballroom is now finished being dusted and is being decorated at the moment."

"Thanks, Ky." Kylia then left the dining room as Lilian looked at his dad with a puzzled face. "The ballroom? Dad are we going to have a party for what?" Lilian's dad then looked at his son with playful shock. "Well, it's your birthday kiddo." Lilian's dad then hugged him while ruffling his hair. "Dad! I just combed my hair." Lilian said as he bawled his fists and kept hitting his dad.

His dad just chuckled as he then let go of Lilian with his warm smile staring down at his son. "Happy birthday Kiddo." he then placed his hand on Lilian's cheek as he softly rubbed it in which Lilian just had a bashful smile plastered on his face "Thanks, Dad." With this, his dad then hugged him again laughing joyously with Lillian struggling. "Dad stop it, we've done this already." But his dad just kept hugging in which he then started to laugh as well as the golden sun highlighted them.


The door of the mansion was then opened as Lilian and Emman left the house. Lilian was wearing a lavender-colored shirt with an unbuttoned sky-blue polo as his dad wore a bluebell buttoned shirt with his slightly beaten up straw fedora. "Bye Kylia bye Oliver, we'll be back." Lilian waved at Oliver and Kylia who were at the door waving back. "Be safe young master," Oliver said he and Kylia watched them both drive off into town. He then turned to Kylia. "Well, those banners won't prepare themselves." Kylia just nodded at her best friend and colleague as they went back inside to prepare with the other maids and butlers.

In town, Emman parked their beige-colored Beatle in front of a small two-story building. "Well, here we are kiddo. Let's see if Erin still got the secret ice cream combo." They both exit the car with Emman quickly entering the store with Lilian behind as he stops and looks at the large sign on the top of the store window, it read 'Erin's Ice-cream Store'. Lilian then entered the store with the sounds of a bell as he opened the glass door. Inside, the store was a bit chilly as Lillian walked towards the counter in which his dad is striking a friendly conversation with a woman who seems to be slightly older than him with her blonde hair tied up into a bun as she wore a pink apron. She then noticed Lilian in which she greeted him. "Hey there shorty, Happy Birthday." Erin gave a smug smile as she ruffled his hair. "Why does everyone keep touching my hair?" Lilian said as he fixed his hair again. "Not my fault you got soft hair." Erin shrugged as she turned towards Emman. "So, you here for the secret stash huh? Well lucky you, the guys haven't gotten here yet." She then turned around and opened a secret hatch in the metal table and she took out two large cups and a scooper. She then placed 4 large scoops in each cup and she served the cups to the two boys in front of her.

"Here ya go, Erin's Special and Secret Combo or as I like to call it: Midnight Magic." Both of the boys then took a small scoop out of it as both gave a satisfied sound as they both shivered like kids.

Erin chuckled as she looked at both of them. "Wow Em, will you ever grow up?" Emman just looked at her. "I do, I just don't grow out of it." They both then shared a small chuckle. "Well, I guess it's time for you guys to go before anyone else will find out about my secret ice cream." Eren shooed them off as they exit the store while waving goodbye.

For the rest of the day, Lilian and Emman drove around town off to their little adventures. : They once stopped to help Mr. Adrien in carrying a bunch of boxes filled with sculptures into his workshop, another is them chasing Ms. Susan's dog who god out of his leash, and another one was both of them in the park sitting down in a bench with a bunch of kids playing Monopoly in which Lilian won. Through their little adventures, the sun has started to set as Emman walked with his son on a dirt road. "Dad, where are we going?" Lillian asked.

"You'll see kiddo, It's the best place you can ever be in." His dad only replied as they then hiked up a hill and when they arrived Lillian's eyes were filled with wonder. They now were on a hill overlooking the whole town. His dad sat down on the soft grass as he patted the spot beside him. Lillian sat down as he and his dad stared at the view. The cold air now blowing slightly bending the grass as the brushes and trees softly rustled. "Woah," Lillian said under his breath.

"Awesome right." Emman turned to his son seeing him captivated by the view. "Hey Look there's Ms. Erin's Ice cream Shop, and Mr. Adrien's workshop I see him sculpting! And Mrs. Toriel is walking home with groceries!" Lilian kept pointing to many things he saw as Emman looked at the wonder in his son's eyes. "And, there's home." Lilian pointed to their house on the opposite side of the hill. He then noticed his father staring at him."Dad? What is it?" He asked.

"You are just like...it's nothing." Emman cut off himself as he then stared back at the wonderful view. He then placed his hand around his son's back hugging him close. "Happy Birthday." He said softly as Lilian just smiled as they now watched as the sun slowly sets down the town.

Emman then stood up and patted himself, removing any grass."Let's go, Lillian, you have a party waiting for you." Emman said as he walked towards the car with Lillian following behind him. As they drove home, Lillian stared at the sky as stars start to appear. Emman seeing this from his rearview mirror just had his signature warm smile as he continued to drive.

They finally arrived home, as Emman got off the car and opening his son's door. The house was surprisingly quiet even with the lights being on, they opened the door and entered.

"We're Home!" Emman said as his voice traveled through the house. Confused, Lillian then ventured to search around the house as Emman hung his hat on the racket beside the door. Lillian then entered the ballroom, and when he opened the doors there were suddenly confetti cannons as he was then greeted with a chorus saying "Happy Birthday". The ballroom unlike its empty and dull norm was filled with all of the town's people cheering at him. The walls are now filled with decorations, the dusty chandeliers are now cleaned as new, with the ballroom now filled with life and a home full atmosphere. Lillian is in the door with a huge smile as his dad walked behind him now in a blue suit. He then shouted into the ballroom." The birthday boy has arrived, LET'S PARTY!" The whole room erupted in cheers as the music started to play.

The townspeople danced to the music swaying their hips and moving around as some just awkwardly danced while others sat and just chatted with all of them having a wonderful time. Lillian danced with Kylia as Lillian danced radically, Kylia just swayed side to side as she held Lillian's hand. She then gave off small giggles at Lillian's stupid dances. After a few more minutes of dancing, Emman tapped the mic in which got everyone's attention as the music then died out. "Hello everyone, now I just wanna say something to you all." He then pointed his hand at Lillian where a spotlight then appeared with Mr. Oliver pointing it at him as he gave a thumbs-up to Emman who returned the with a thumbs up as well as he continued his short speech.

"My boy Lillian is now 11 years old, and I just wanna say that he's such an awesome kid. He has been kind to all of us, and I swear that sooner or later I might just pass out from that boy's cuteness. Give it up for my Lilian guys." The whole town then clapped as Emman steeped out of the balcony as a butler then announced the slow dance to start.

Many couples then started to hold each other and danced to the slow beat. There were different types of couples, there were the wedded who snuggled up with each other, elderly couple leaning onto their partner's shoulders as they reminisce their old memories, and there were some young teenagers and adults who awkwardly held each other as they were embarrassed with their first dance. The air was filled with love as everyone melted into the moment. Each couple was now in their little worlds, enjoying their own fairy tale stories as each note brought more feeling and love upon the atmosphere.

And upon the banisters was Emman watching down onto the ballroom with his face upon his palms as he leaned and stared upon the sight. His eyes had a look of nostalgia as he reminisced upon memories he kept with a small smile appearing upon his lips as he too was lost in his world in his past. Kylia who stood beside him noticed his smile as she lets out a breath as she also stares upon the magical dance floor.

Then suddenly the butler Oliver then approached Kylia from behind as he greeted her which snapped her eyed away from the dance floor. "So did you enjoy the young master's party so far?" Oliver inquired as they both stared into the dance floor as partners danced in an ambient atmosphere. Kylia just nodded as her cold stare covered her expression as Oliver just looked at her with a knowing look as he then noticed Emman. Oliver then silently nudged Kylia as he looked at Emman as Kylia then looked back at Emman.

"Master seems to be very absorbed upon the dance, maybe he needs your help." Kylia understanding what Oliver meant just sighed as she approached Emman. "Sir," Kylia said with her head down as it caught Emman attention. He cleared his throat as he replied with his joyful tone. "Ah Kylia, I'm sorry for being distracted. What do you need and why aren't you enjoying the party?" Emman said with a quick smile as Kylia just outstretched her hand. "May I have this dance?" Emman now had a look of surprise as he then had a cheeky grin. "Oh my, my prince has asked me out to a lovely dance. Of course, I shall accept, my prince." Emman said with a dramatic tone as he and Kylia walked down the balcony and onto the dance floor. Mr. Oliver then gestured the other butlers to dim the lights as the orchestra now played Valse Sentimentale.

The crowd parted to form a circle as Kylia and Emman danced in the middle. Mr. Oliver then quickly went to the spotlight butlers and told them to focus a spotlight on the master and his partner. A spotlight then appeared highlighting Emman and Kylia as they danced to the music.

"Woah, It's been a while since I moved these legs to the music," Emman said as he then stepped on Kylia's foot in which gave a small grunt as she gave a death stare at Emman who in turned just nervously chuckled. But Kylia then returned to her cold facade but she had a cheeky glint in her eyes as a small smirk in which would be unnoticeable appeared. "Well then sir, just follow my lead and you will dance well enough." She then pulled Emman as she now directed him to the proper steps of the dance. Kylia was now the one in control as she guided Emman steps. She was now controlling the Master of the house as he fell under her snow cold aura as Emman followed her steps like a shadow, he faltered in a few steps and so but sooner then he followed her steps willingly and in perfect synchronization as if Kylia danced with her reflection with Emman letting go if his resistance and let Kylia take over and control the dance with him trusting her to help him in each step.

Each gesture and movement was more graceful than the other. Despite Emman and how rusty he was, Kylia guided him as they melted into their world. Their charm and beauty captured everyone in the ballroom into their fantasy as reality swirled around the pair leaving the guests as awestruck spectators. The guests and butlers can feel the magic in the air, pure wonder floated in the atmosphere touching each guest's heart as they continued to stare at The Master of the house dancing with the Winter Maiden. The Master's warmness and the joy-full flame of passion burnt into the souls of those who witness them, his warm flame of love and care filled their hearts with the warmth of a homely fire you arrive from a long day. The Winter Maiden he danced with balanced his calm flame with her ice-cold persona, her beauty, and the aura she omitted as she dance was of a calculated predator who already planned everything. Her presence and authority brought the nostalgic cold one gets as their venture out into the woods and watch the first snowflakes soft dance in the cold wind and into the ground, her beauty at the moment grasp each guest with chills of amazement on her cold and fair face with her sharp and focused eyes met the Master's comforting and warm sight. They danced and danced as the music started to be more vigorous and faster so did their magical waltz. Their steps now more bold and brave as the once calm dance now had a storm of emotions as the once cold spark became a roaring flame that now danced with a pure cold blizzard. The two elements danced with each other bending reality and possibility with the music bringing more passion into the flurry. The guest now on their toes as they continued to stare at the beings who danced on the circular battlefield. The intensity increased more and more as the music climbed with the two danced more fiercely now, too focused with each other that they failed to notice the real world and the impact they had with everyone in the room.

And suddenly they stopped…

Silence now filled the room, the orchestra waiting as the conductor had his hands in the air. Emman and Kylia both frozen in a stare as they waited for the music to return. The guests just stood as none breathed, coughed, or moved a muscle as none dared to disrupt the dancers. The storm is now gone, no emotions, no intensity, passion nor vigorousness…only pure silence with everyone waiting in baited breaths

And now the conductor now moved as he now directed the music to its final overture. The light snowfall returned as it played around the warm flame as they both melted away as the music ended so did the waltz of The Master and The Winter Maiden.

The once quiet room now filled with loud applause from the townspeople as cheers emerged from their astonished and amazed faces. Emman who seemed to still be in his own dream stared at Kylia as he now started to lean forward entranced by his thoughts.

"Sir?" Kylia asked as Emman was now close to her face. Emman snapped out of his trance as he quickly backed away and cleared his throat, he then noticed the chorus of noise from the townspeople with wonder in each of their faces as he slightly blushed as smiled at all of them. He then looked back to Kylia as she had one of her rare smiles. "See sir, just follow me." Emman just chuckled as he had a large smile of wonder as well mixed with joy and amazement as he and Kylia both bowed to the Audience. But unbeknownst to everyone else, Emman had a look of sadness as if he saw someone else in Kylia. But they both slowly exited the dance floor and Mr. Oliver now stood yet again at the stage announcing the beginning of the games.

Lilian who sat upon a chair watched his father danced with amazement as he never saw his father danced before but yet to him it seemed as if he had done it all of his life. He watched with his mouth opened as clapped as they finished, he clapped so much that his hands started to become red.

Lillian now went to the food table and took a couple of hand fulls of chocolate from the half-empty bowls as he took a small chunk as well from his devoured chocolate cake. He wanted to approach his father but had the feeling that he shouldn't. He then decided to walk around the ballroom with some guests wishing him a happy birthday and some being more friendly. He was smothered in hugs, kept getting high fives and when he approached Erin, she ruffled his neatly combed hair as she bent down as secretly gave him some of her special candy.

Lilian then suddenly heard his name called, it was faint yet it was enough for him to hear. Lilian then followed the source as he walked through the open glass doors towards his garden. But as he arrived, he couldn't hear his name being called anymore which confused him. Lilian was ready to go back in, he turned around and there was standing behind him.

It was Stephanie Midnight. She went to the same school as Lilian and was the same grade as him even if she was 3 months older than him. She wore a midnight blue gown fitting for her name, her gown sparkled under the golden light from the ballroom. Her gown showed her soft and fair skin with gloves that went up to her tender arm with her hair now curled and flowing down her back slightly dancing upon the cold night breeze. "Hey, Stephanie," Lilian said as he quickly hid his chocolate in his back pocket. Lilian now wore a dark blue suit as the other Maids quickly ushered him when he was dancing and in a flash changed him into his suit.

Stephanie smiled as her blue belle eyes were highlighted as she held out her hand. "Hey, Lilian." Lilian then quickly shook back as he felt her tender hand. "Nice party you had," Stephanie said as she looked back into the ballroom seeing the happy townspeople playing leapfrog and party games. "Well, I'm glad you all like it. It's just that this is a rare time that my dad ever used the ballroom for a party since….forever.".

"I mean, it's such a great party and I'm glad to be here," Stephanie said with her smile her fair face with her signature right dimple showing. She then started to look around the garden. "Woah Lilian, this place is amazing." She said in wonder as she kept looking around the garden.

The garden was very different from the rest of Lilian's house. The garden was a very large space with hedges in different spaces of animals and such. The grass was carefully kept with a few flowers escaping into the open and growing far from the flower patches in every corner. The lanterns were overrun ed by vines with different flowers as the lanterns cast a light blue light highlighting the bloomed flowers that surrounded them and illuminating the garden. In the middle was a large fountain with Koi fish swimming in the waters with a few vines and flowers climbing up the fountain. And behind it, all the famous Willow Maze stood. Each hedge was neatly trimmed to be the exact height with gardeners still walking around, some checking the plants while some enjoyed a night stroll through the maze. Stephanie approached the fountain as she sat down and looked into the fish swimming. Lilian then walked behind her as he noticed her staring at a white Koi fish with black and red spots. "His name is Rin, he is a very brave fish, unlike the other shy ones." Stephanie looked at Lilian with her face of wonder. "He's cute." This then got a small blush to appear on Lilian's face. Stephanie then started to lean closer to have a better look at Rin but she started to lose balance and almost fell into the fountain as Lilian grabbed her just in time ad pulled her close to him. "That was close, maybe just stare at them from afar," Lilian said as Stephanie got out from his grasp and continued to explore the garden. She and Lilian had a wonderful time in the garden. She and he ran around the fountain trying to catch each other, they both made flower crowns as Stephanie taught Lilian how to make them. "Ta-dah!" Lilian then gave Stephanie a flower crown he made from the pink flowers his father got from Mrs. Cindy. Stephanie giggled as he fixed her hair as she stared back at Lilian who was caught off guard by Stephanie and the crown. His heart beating fast as Stephanie then gave him her own crown made from pink roses. "Don't worry about them, I took off all of their horns," Stephanie said as Lilian stuttered a thank you. They both then stood up as Stephanie dusted off some dirt on her dress. She then fell as she struggled to regain balance.

A hand was then extended as Lilian extended his hand for Stephanie. "Sorry, I'm still not used to these dresses," Stephanie said with a small laugh in which Lilian giggled as well. As she was on her feet her gaze now landed upon the maze.

"Lilian, let's go to the maze!" Stephanie said with the most excitement she had tonight. "I…don't think that's a great idea, only the gardeners know the way," Lilian said as he held Stephanie's arm and slightly pulled her towards the ballroom, but she quickly grabbed Lilian as she was determined to enter the Maze. "Come on Lilian, please we got to explore it," Stephanie said with a small put which made Lilian's heart skip a beat as he reluctantly agreed. Stephanie now excited then pulled Lilian into the Maze.

The Maze was even more beautiful than any of them thought it would be. Their maze was filled with different flowers unknown to the kids each as beautiful as the other. Many grew upon the ground covering the green grass with a flourish of color as it made a bed of flowers one can sleep in. The hedges had vines with familiar flowers such as roses who were in the color of the midnight sky and the familiar bluebells of the town. Fireflies now lit the way of the maze as if they were the ones who guide explorers through the maze. The maze had a magical feeling in it as if the rest of the night. It was as if fairies cast their spells to let the world taste a bit of their magic. Stephanie looked around with amazement as she gripped with Lilian tightened. Lilian was now beet red as he followed after Stephanie. There were now some fireflies who flew around Lilian as if to tease him in his blushed state. Then Stephanie stopped as Lilian walked towards her bumping her back. "Sorry, didn't see you there." Lilian apologized but Stephanie just stared at something, Lilian now confused looked at what caught Stephanies attention. There in front of them stood a large door.

The door was in the bushes, it was made of wood carved with detailed and amazing designs, it towered over the kids with the designs in which were made of gold, the door was bolted towards an obsidian black frame that absorbed light but yet the door emitted light with the same glow as of the fireflies within the maze. Stephanie now looked at Lilian who was as confused as her. "What do you think is behind this?" Stephanie asked as she let go of Lilian as ran her hand through the door. It felt smooth to her touch and the carving was solid as if they were really made of gold. "I-I really don't know, maybe it's a closet shed from the gardening tools," Lilian said as he started to approach the door. Stephanie just turned towards him with a look of disbelief on her face. "I don't think a shed would be this fancy." She then held the door now and decided to turn it. "It's locked." She said with slight disappointment in her voice. "Great! Then we can go back to the party an-". "Wait!" Lilian was cut off as Stephanie noticed a golden key on the ground on top of some flowers. She held the key in front of Lilian with a smug look on her face. She then placed the key on the keyhole and turned it. They both then heard a click on the other side.

Stephanie now had the look of excitement return to her face. "Stephanie I really think this is a bad idea!." Lilian tried to reason with her but Stephanie was determined to know what's on the other side of the door. "Come on Lilian, it's your house, and don't you think you get to have the right to know what's behind here?" Lilian wanted to retort but struggled to find an answer. "That's what I thought," Stephanie said as she opened the door. And as the door opened, they were both engulf with bright golden light as they both covered their eyes.

"Hey! Who's there!" A voice called out from a short distance from them. "Over here!" Lilian decided to shout but Stephanie started to yell as she was getting sucked into the door. "Stephanie!" Lilian yelled as he grabbed her right arm and started to pull her. She started to slowly emerge back into the garden but Lilian slipped at some flowers and lost his footing. As he fell he too was sucked into the door as the door then closed now leaving the night to return back to its quiet self.

A gardener appeared from the corner, investigating the noise he heard but found nobody. "Kids these days I swear, always getting dirty everywhere they get to lie down on." The gardener mumbled to himself as he walked away failing to notice the flowers that were disturbed in front of the door. But the location on where the door should be disappeared as the place where the mysterious door should be was just a hedge wall