
Inkerman Terrace

Inkerman Terrace, Allen Street, August 2001.

This is a very nice townhouse painted white to match the aesthetics of their neighborhood and is situated in central London. The high ceilings, large windows, ample wardrobe space, large kitchen, and four bedrooms were just perfect for Petunia in her opinion. It is within the city, it is convenient, and although expensive, she thinks it is perfect for their new start. She still missed Surrey since it was the first house she and her husband bought to start a family but it is their new start in this world. Inkerman Terrace has been their home for almost a year since they got back to the U.K.

The house has a small garden behind it where she planted a lot of herbs, spices, and her favorite flowers. She has the main bedroom on the first floor, her office in the basement which also connects to the gardens, and the children's rooms on the second floor. Dudley and Harry used to share a room when they were very young but when the MACUSA intervened, they have to stop doing that. It was too dangerous for Dudley because of the event that Harry might have accidental magic and hurt his cousin. Augustus and Ignatius were kind enough to ward their place heavily for their protection, especially in the children's rooms.

Petunia despite her acceptance of Harry and Iris' magic, is still uncomfortable about the idea of magic – especially one that is cast on her or in their home but she understands the purpose of the wards. They were there for their protection and most of all, they ensure no wizard and witch will just pop in here without their permission. Even when Augustus and Ignatius visit, they have to use the door like regular people. This way she won't get a heart attack if someone were to suddenly appear in her home. (She didn't know that she was warded as well and because of her negative reaction to magic on her, Augustus did not inform her of those wards).

Coming back to the U.K. was a struggle. The company wanted her to return to deal with a project of theirs back in headquarters and her ex-pat contract has expired so she and the children have to return. However, the children do miss the United States and she can't blame them. They grew up there and have their social circle of friends they have to leave. Granted, Petunia was just glad that the three were able to shift back and forth between British and American accents. The first time the children spoke "American" always sound so wrong in her ears (sometimes they do it to tease her).

Harry, Iris, and Dudley all grew up healthy and she was happy about it. She did send Harry and Iris to a therapist regarding their abandonment issues after they finally realized about their parents. She was more worried about Harry and his seemingly unusual reaction toward his parents. It worried Petunia thinking that this would impact his mental health severely. Iris was more forgiving but is waiting on her brother more on what to do regarding their parents. Augustus was kind enough to want them to reach out to their parents but the two refused. The adults (including their therapist who happens to be a squib) know not to force it until they are ready.

Dudley has been accepted to Smeltings. It was the same school where his father graduated as well. Dudley was unhappy that he had to attend school alone without his cousins. He was used to having them in the same school or even in the same classes. He was already aware that they will be sent to a magical school which is also a boarding school. That means his mother will be alone in the house for most of the year since all three will stay at school except during summers, holidays, and breaks.

Dudley is a large and muscular boy who enjoyed sports a lot. His favorite has always been boxing and football (A/N: Not American Football, regular football). Thanks to his mother, he is also doing well in class and was in the honors or special classes with his cousins. He does enjoy the occasional popular interests like recently he enjoyed watching star wars. The only thing missing he has is a lightsaber. Though they did fashion some sticks and colored them with neon paint and play in the backyard.

Iris likes a lot of things mostly because she likes to explore a certain thing before considering whether or not she would pursue it. Her favorite so far is being outdoors like hiking (which she does a lot back in Portland) and camping, however, her family does not enjoy camping very much. She is creative and likes music and art, reading fiction stories, and Wushu. She has a blue belt in Wushu. Petunia was against the idea of Iris taking martial arts and trying to goad her to ice skating but she didn't enjoy it. Mostly because she hates being cold and she wasn't a big fan of the outfits many ice skaters wear. But Petunia relented since according to her "you're a girl anyway, I guess you should learn to defend yourself against wolves." They don't know why their aunt said that but it only made Iris research wolves and how one can survive fighting them. But it only made her upset when she learned they are endangered. There is a poster in her room about the wolf conservation center.

Harry was a quiet child who enjoys working with his hands. He always joins Aunt Petunia in the kitchen to cook and bake. Dudley and Iris were not that good at it. Iris almost burned down the house and was forbidden to man the stove or the oven. Harry also likes to read and the only sport he plays is fencing. Aunt Petunia wanted them to try sports so they can have a hobby that allows them to move and improve their motor skills. Harry liked it because it was less messy than football and according to their Uncle Ignatius, it does help with his wand work once they have it. He was top of his year constantly to the annoyance of his sister and his cousin although they always get into the top 10 of the school either way. Harry always finds it easier to learn things. Even when they were taught their magical lesson, he was able to take better control of his accidental magic than Iris.

The children took a break in their lessons with Ignatius and Augustus for a year since they got back. They rarely saw them this year except for their regular phone calls and letters. This doesn't mean they have been neglectful. Ignatius would always send them books to read for the week and would sometimes send them exam papers to answer to their annoyance (especially when it is closer to exams). They did visit the Peverell castle twice. Once with Dudley in tow. They find themselves flying with the brooms because they could not do that in the no-maj territory. Dudley enjoyed flying but he always rides with Iris since she was a more cautious flyer than Harry who seems to enjoy higher speeds and experimenting. Flying was Harry's favorite pastime if he is able since he rarely gets the chance to do so even back in America.

Harry's favorite magical subject has always been history, potions, and most of all, parselmagic. His teacher, Rajnish Mehta, one of Ignatius' close friends is a parselmouth from India who becomes Harry's teacher on the topic. Mr. Mehta is part of a collective group of parselmouths known as the association in layman's terms. The association is very secretive and exclusive so not everyone can access or talk to them very easily. It was a great opportunity for Harry even though he wasn't old enough to join. Harry was able to do some spells because there are some parselmagic that does not require wands though they were mostly basic spells that a child can handle. He also gets a chance to do potions (under supervision of course) since they don't need wand work most of the time. Plus, Harry enjoys this one the most.

Iris on the other hand like symbols, runes, or sigils or in her words "connections" because they look like they are connected. She likes looking and finding patterns. Nonverbal reasoning is one of her strengths after all. She was always talented when it comes to languages and symbols. Although it did surprise the association that Iris despite not being a parselmouth was able to read parselscript automatically. Ignatius was curious as to why especially as Iris was able to see visually the wards, symbols and sigils as if they are there when they are normally invisible and only "sensed" by normal wizards and witches. "It's like those magic circles you see in anime" Iris once said. Let's just say, Ignatius, getting a TV just to watch anime was such a sight – although it didn't last long because he will start to rant on the inaccuracies about magic in those shows.

Harry has regular correspondence with Blaise Zabini, the young boy they met years ago at Uncle Iggy's yule ball. He occasionally visits them whenever he and his mother visit. Although for some reason, Blaise and Iris do not get along very well mostly because Iris thinks he is a pompous ass, and Blaise finds it very enjoyable to push Iris' buttons.

That's how Harry learned a little about the magical world back in Europe more particularly in Britain and the weird world of the rich and famous apparently. But mostly because Blaise likes to rant about his many rich friends. "Malfoy is such a prat" or "I cannot believe I have to spend a day with such stupid oafs" or regarding fashion "Those shoes were atrocious!". The boy is smart and always sends them letters in a "muggle" way since owls will be very noticeable in the muggle area where they all lived. The Zabinis rented a P.O. box where their non-magical friends can easily send them mail. Blaise's mother has businesses in both magical and muggle areas even though they will never admit that they have business with muggles.


My mother is planning to do our shopping for school supplies on August 5th. I was wondering if we could see you there. If not, then I'll meet you on the train. By the way, if you get the school robes in Madam Malkins, make sure to get the acramantula silks. Those regular robes are atrocious, and get a catalog! You need to update that wardrobe of yours. I refuse to sit next to you in such a fashion!



Harry rolled his eyes at his friend. His clothing is fine. Though he agrees with him and Iris entering the wizarding world officially, he will need to update his wardrobe to meet the new standards of their time. He is aware that robes and cloaks are very popular and the wizarding garb is very different from the muggle ones although Harry and Iris both like the clothing in the muggle world because they were more comfortable at least in their opinion.

They were currently in the living room. Harry was on one of the loveseats with an open book and Blaise's letter while Dudley and Iris were both on the floor, building a bridge with a set of legos they have on the coffee table. The room is cozy and a picture of their family was on top of the fireplace. Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia's wedding picture is on the piano and there are pictures of Dudley, Harry, and Iris on the foyer and the stairs.

"Who's the letter from?" Iris asked.

"It's from that bloke, Zabina isn't it?" Dudley mumbled.

"Zabini." Harry corrected.

"Is he complaining about how he never gets to find the best type of shoes?" Iris grinned.

"Is he glorifying how beautiful and pretty he is to you?" Dudley smirked.

Harry rolled his eyes at them and then chuckled. The boy talks about his beauty and handsomeness a lot. When they met Blaise, Iris, and Dudley did not get along with him. Iris doesn't like him because he was "too arrogant" and Blaise seems to enjoy pushing Iris' buttons. Dudley didn't like him because the boy does have some biased views about people like him and Blaise was not shy about saying so. Harry has to chastise his friend a bit or keep him away from Dudley most of the time. Dudley was warned early on about some of the discrimination from wizards about muggles like him and his mum so he normally just ignores the sod.

"He's just asking if we could meet him in Diagon Alley to purchase school supplies," Harry answered. Harry and Iris have heard about Diagon Alley but they never visited it. Uncle Oggy thinks that it would be best that the two visit them for the first time when they plan to purchase their school supplies because "it's magical". Diagon Alley has a much better reputation in the international magical world compared to other commercial lots.

"But, wouldn't it be hard to make arrangements when we still didn't get our letters?" Iris said. It's August 2nd today. They finished up their birthdays and according to their Uncle Iggy, the letters are usually sent during their birthdays. "Maybe we haven't been accepted?" Iris said. "You think we can still go to Ilvermony?"

Iris was interested in Ilvermony but Harry was more interested in the historical significance of Hogwarts. He feels like it is a legacy of some sort that they should go there (and Uncle Iggy agrees). Harry and Iris got the opportunity to visit Ilvermony once and it was beautiful. Dudley wanted to go with them at the time but he couldn't because Ilvermony was very very strict against no-maj entering their school. He would not have had a good experience if he joined them. Plus, the only reason Iris was interested was that the school is the least elitist school in the world (at least from what they read). However, they know Aunt Petunia would refuse to send them to a school that is too far now that they are officially moved back to England.

"You think we should panic?" Iris asked worriedly. "Are we not magical?"

"Of course, we are. The number of magical stunts that we have done is too many. There must be a reason why we are not getting our letters." Harry said. "Maybe we haven't registered enough because we are only in the country for a year. We should write to Uncle Oggy about it. He might know something."


The three turned towards the door.

"I'll get it!" Iris called out to their aunt who was in her basement office doing some paperwork as she marched towards the door.

Iris Potter opened the door and looked up at the adult woman at the door. The woman is tall, with red hair and green eyes, and is looking at Iris as if she found something she lost.

"Iris?" The woman asked.

"Yes?" Iris answered looking suspiciously at the woman. She looks familiar but she does not recall she'd met her before.

The woman coughed and then looked at the foyer. "Is Petunia around?"

"Yes. Who are you?"

"I'm Lily. Lily Potter. Your mother." The woman answered.

Iris froze on her spot.



In her panic, she slammed the door in her mother's face.