
The Doctor Lover

Zuzzy is a witch doctor who was kidnapped while with her fiancé in his yatch… Mark Lee is the new ceo of Lees Specialist Hospital….. Both were at logger heads, but what happens when they finally meets…

Tangle33 · Thành thị
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61 Chs

I am the best Surgeon I can save him!!

Chapter 6

Mark Lee was watching the interview of the CEO of Shi Hospitals Group on the television as he waited for Richard's arrival together with his wife.

He was so excited to meet Beatrice Yang who had captured the very aloof heart of his cousin. Richard was so loyal to his childhood love Betty Tang. It was an unrequited crush that he believed had lasted too long.

Ruchard was like a brother to him. Like him, he had a rare disease, but Richard's condition was more grave. The doctors called it hemophilia. Since childhood, Richard was often kept behind closed doors to prevent him from getting injured.

He often visited him abroad where his Uncle tried all kinds of possible treatments to get Richard healed. Mark was happy that he had returned home and found a woman, who Richard mentioned, was a great doctor and was in the process of improving his condition.

Mark grinned mischievously because he was very excited to tease his cousin by asking his wife to help him treat his unexplainable disease too. He laughed out loud at the thought of Richard's angry face.

Then he sniggered when he heard how Abraham Song answered numerous questions from the interviewer.

The Song's had totally taken over Shi Hospitals Group after Old Master shi died. He had seriously fallen ill when his only family member - his granddaughter - was pronounced dead, after a decaying body, which was identified by authorities as Yera Han, was found in a nearby river where her kidnappers had presumably kept her.

He was not sure about the details of the investigation since it was not his place to meddle in others' affairs.

But it was such an unfortunate event, and he felt really sorry for the Shi Family.

"Look at all those smiles," he whispered irritably.

The Song's were even trying hard to compete with him. They copied most of their hospital's programs from the programs that his hospital had implemented. So different from when the Shi Family was in charge of the Shi Hospitals Group before.

"At least, the Shi Family had their originality," he murmured scornfully.

His thoughts were interrupted when the helper said that the dinner was ready. He looked at the clock. It was already past seven and Richard hadn't arrived yet. He was never late whenever the two of them met.

He picked his phone up to call him as he became worried , just as the phone rang, an unfamiliar voice picked the call,

Hello, the unfamiliar voice for the other end of the call, "Hello?" Mark said, " may I speak to the owner of this phone?"

The owner is in kings specialist Hospital, he was involved in an accident…

In shock, Mark Jumped up, shouted into the phone,

"What? Where?" He burst out and jumped off the sofa to rush towards his car, he even forgot to wear slippers.

"Bro, hang in there!" He murmured as he rushed to the Kings hospital which wasn't far to his villa. That was the hospital Richard and his wife were taken.

Mark's heart was beating like a drum as his body shook frantically.

'Oh God, please save them,' he kept chanting as he drove. Richard must not be injured. Those were the words that kept playing in his mind.

His cousin couldn't afford any kind of injury.

He ran inside and immediately dialed his assistant's number as he looked for where Richard and his wife were taken.

Both were inside the operating room.

"Go and immediately inform the doctors that Bernard has hemophilia!" He instructed the nurse who obeyed immediately.

"What happened?!" He was shouting as agony took over him. One of the hospital staff explained the situation.

Senior Tan arrived at the hospital with Assistant kim and saw how his nephew was waiting outside the operating room, barefoot.

Mark saw him and stood up. The operation was taking so long.

"They are operating on Richard right now. His wife was transferred to the recovery room. The doctor said that she was not hurt badly, except for a mild head injury. The result did not show anything to be alarmed with. Uncle, Dr. Lin said that Richard is not in good shape," Mark said, as he burst out crying.

Senior Tan hugged him. His tears had started to fall from his eyes too. He knew that the moment Richard had a cut on him, or worse, was injured like this, his life would be at risk. That was why he had always tried very hard to protect him by hiding him from the world and locking him up.

"Oh please, Judith," Senior Tan muttered in distress. He was begging his late wife not to take Richard yet. He had recently had a dream of Richard got married happily, but his wife was also present at the wedding in that dream. This was before the wedding, but after the wedding nothing happened, that kept my mind at peace, he thought.

Was this some kind of premonition? He shook his head as he patted Mark's back.

He was delighted that Richard had finally managed to live a normal life with the person he loved, but then how come something like this happened?

He felt a stinging pain in his heart.

When Beatrice woke up, the first thing she did was to ask for Richard.

She got out of her bed inside the recovery room, still feeling dizzy.

"Where is Richard ?" She asked.

"Ma'am, he's still in the operating room right now," said a nurse, who quickly caught her when she was about to fall down.

"Please, go back to your bed. You are still in shock," said the doctor in charge, but no one could stop her as she bolted toward the operating room.

She did not care about anything else as she walked staggeringly straight up to the door.

"Oh my God, Beatrice. Why are you here?" Mr. Tan gasped when he saw Beatrice buzz the door of the operating room. She looked very pale due to concussion in her head.

"Father, please let me in. I will save Richard. I can save him, let me in," she pleaded desperately. She was becoming hysterical when no one came to open the door for her. She kept buzzing the door while simultaneously knocking on the glass door.

"Open up!" She shouted with her body still shaking.

Mark held her when she was about to fall.

And then the door opened. The doctor shook his head.

"I'm sorry, Dr. Lee, Senior Tan. We tried our best, but the bleeding was too extensive, the internal bleeding had already damaged his organs and tissues…" the doctor was not done talking when Beatrice dashed inside to look for Richard.

"No, it can't be! I'm the best surgeon in the world, and I can save him!" She shouted frantically as she ran and looked for Richard .

She found Rochard's lifeless body in the operating room, already all cleaned up by the other doctors. Mark followed her closely.

"Hon, please wake up!" She shouted as she checked Richard's pulse. Her eyes were clouded with tears.

She cried hard as she kissed Richard's cheek.She couldn't bring him back anymore. There was no more life left in Richard's body, not even a single beat...

Mark caught her falling body when a doctor approached quickly to check on her.

"She just passed out," the doctor said.