
The Doctor Lover

Zuzzy is a witch doctor who was kidnapped while with her fiancé in his yatch… Mark Lee is the new ceo of Lees Specialist Hospital….. Both were at logger heads, but what happens when they finally meets…

Tangle33 · Thành thị
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61 Chs

Breakfast In Bed

Chapter 22

Zuzzy woke up on a comfortable bed. However, her head was spinning around, and it felt too heavy. She cursed, this feeling only happened to her whenever she was hungover.

"Tsk, did I drink a lot last night?" She muttered.

"Rise and shine, darling…" Mark greeted her with a tray of breakfast food in his hand and of course, his heartwarming smile.

"Do you want to have breakfast in bed, or on the table? Hmm, never mind, breakfast in bed is better. I bet you're hungover, so I'll feed you instead," Mark offered as he sat beside Zuzzy on the bed.

Zuzzy was in a daze, as usual, from Mark's cheerful greeting. She didn't know how to react.

She noticed the presence of dark circles under Mark's eyes, so she asked, "Didn't you sleep? You have eyebags…"

Mark gave her a cheeky smile as he snorted, "Don't you remember what you did to me last night?"

Zuzzy's eyes widened, "Oh, did I do something crazy?! I often heard that I do crazy things when I'm drunk, but I don't usually remember what happens as soon as I'm sober."

Mark sighed and held the spoon. "Eat first, this soup is good for hangovers. Let's talk about it later because you need to get ready for work," Mark commented as he blew on the soup he collected from a single dip into the bowl by the spoon to make sure it was not that hot.

Zuzzy blushed and grabbed the spoon from Mark's hand as she timidly said, "I can eat on my own."

Mark did not release the spoon, and instead, a gentle smile formed on his face as he said in his most soothing tone, "Don't be stubborn now. Your husband wants to serve you well, so let me feed you."

"Ahh…" Mark gestured for Zuzzy to open her mouth. She felt a bit awkward, but her headache stopped her from arguing with him and so she meekly did what he instructed.

After breakfast, Mark left her so she could get herself ready, and said that he would wait for her in the car. Zuzzy took a quick shower and dressed up.

Today, she would start working at Lee specialist Hospital as their new general surgeon. She had mixed feelings; nervous, and excited at the same time.

This would be her comeback as a surgeon, and she would do it at one of the most prominent and well-known hospitals in the city… She looked at her reflection in the mirror and tried to smile. Finally, she would be able to step inside an operating room again, instead of assisting the doctor in charge of the emergency room at a small hospital she was working at. She missed performing surgeries.

Money really talked. Mark could give her Zuzzy Shi's credentials under the name of Beatrice Yang because he had money.

Mark was smiling as soon as he saw Zuzzy emerging from the front door of the mansion. Last night she tortured him a lot, causing him not to fall asleep at all. But in return, he got to watch her calm and beautiful face when she was deep asleep.

He came into the final conclusion that he liked Zuzzy a lot. He wanted her badly. Who would have thought that he and Richard would also have the same taste in women?

So he vowed to do his best to capture Zuzzy's heart, and to make her stay by his side forever.

Zuzzy gasped for a second, seeing Mark standing and leaning his back on the front passenger seat's door, crossing his arms over his chest. He looked manly and undeniably handsome, just like Richard. From where she was standing, it was really as if she was seeing Richard.

He smiled and proceeded to open the car door for her, just like what Richard would often do for her. A thought suddenly sprung into her mind. Being near Mark was actually not such a bad idea at all. That way, she would be able to see Richard's face in him whenever she missed Richard.

Zuzzy and Mark arrived together at the hospital. They were about to enter the elevator from the basement parking lot when Zuzzy halted her steps. "You go first. It wouldn't be good to go in together. I'll meet you in your office," Zuzzy suggested before the elevator door closed.

All throughout his way to his office, Mark was greeted respectfully by each of his staff. He saw assistant Kim and instructed, "Get the chief surgeon in my office."

The latter quickly obeyed. As soon as assistant Kim relayed the message, the chief surgeon promptly reported to him and was immediately introduced to doctor Beatrice Yang.

"Doctor Lin, this is my wife, so please take good care of her. And please keep the fact that she's my wife confidential between the three of us. We got married in secret, so we prefer to keep it that way, at least for now, until I personally announce it. I actually prefer that she stays at home and just enjoy being pampered, but she insisted on pursuing her career, so…" Mark explained but stopped when Zuzzy nudged his side.

Zuzzy interrupted by extending her hand to the chief surgeon and said, "It's nice to meet you, doctor Lin… I really admire you. You're one of the few surgeons I really look up to."

Doctor Lin stood frozen in his spot, his face paled as he stared at Zuzzy, as though he had just seen a ghost. Before he entered Mark's office, assistant Kim had already informed him about the significant facial similarities between their CEO's wife and the late former CEO of the Shi Hospitals Group, Zuzzy Shi. But the likeness was so striking, it was like they were twins! He had not met Zuzzy Shi personally, but he had often seen her photographs in various medical articles.

"Kim, come in here and give the confidentiality agreement to Dr. Lin so he can sign it," instructed Mark on the phone, which awakened Dr. Lin from his state of daze. He smiled and quickly accepted Dr. Beatrice Yang's hand and shook it.