
The Divine system

In a world oblivious to its impending demise, littered with horrifying beasts and demons, What will happen when humanity's last hope, a powerful Divine System is given to a lazy and useless sixteen year old? Will he use it for what is intended(the death of all demons) or will he sleep through earth's destruction?

Forgetter_in · Kỳ huyễn
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15 Chs

Or just lazy

Damien reluctantly opened his eyelids, which were met with the blinding light of his sworn enemy 'The Sun', cursing at what he usually called 'fat ball of fart' , he took his arm to shield his eyes as he slowly raised his head from the ground as he sat upright.

"Fuck! my head hurts so much." Damien said rubbing his temple as he tried to piece together the hazy images that were flashing in his head.

"This is hard" Damien sighed feeling his brain treathening to run out of his head from 'overuse'.

He then proceeded to stand, after trying to get a better view of where he was to see if anything around him could jog his memory.

Upon getting up he noticed something odd, as his line of sight was slightly but obviously higher than before.

"Huh?...how is this even possible?" Damien asked as he tried to balance his body.

Over night Damien had gain over 6' inches bringing him to a total height of 6'2 which was a far cry from the height he was a couple hours ago.

"Shit I hope I can still fit on my bed, I spent most of my savings to ensure maximum comfortability." Damien paced thinking of the stress of having to buy a new bed.

"What even caused all this? the last time I checked, I was 'dead'."

The more Damien tried to recall and comprehend the events that occurred after his death, the more confused he became but there was one thing that was clear 'He had died'.

He remembered being beaten to death and buried, he remembered how peaceful and stress free death was, the more he reminisced about being dead the more he missed it.

"Maybe I should just re-kill myself." Damien ponderd as he, considered jumping of a cliff or maybe drowning himself.

"Naaahhh... the nearest cliff's too far and I hate water" Damien said remembering the 'traumatic' experience of being woken up with a bucket of freezing water hitting his face, the very thought made his skin crawl.

Sigh.... releasing a heavy sigh Damien continued to relish in the memories he had in death's arms.

"He was so nice and warm and he never tried to wake me until––." Damien said tears forming on his eyes his voice trailing off at the end.

Suddenly he remembered something that took place before he passed out 'the weird system notification' that he saw before he passed out.

"What was that weird notification anyway?" After uttering those words a series of words appeared out of thin air.

[ Name: Damien Hunter ]

[ Race: Demi-Divine ]

[ Level: 1 ]

[ HP: 4/10 ]

[ Exp: 0/100]





"WHAT!!!? THE FUCK!!!?." His eyes widened in shock as he yelled in a terrified voice.

"What the heck is all this? Have I finally lost it?

I d-- I don't understand." Damien said as he tried to back away from the menu in front of him but the menu continued to follow, retaining its size through out.

"Would you calm down already?" A strange but familiar voice resounded in Damien's head.

"Wh-Who the fuck are you?" Damien said in a startled voice vigorously turning his head from left to right looking for the voice he had just heard.

"Calm down, I'm the one who proposed a deal with you, that in exchange for bringing you back to life, you would selflessly devote yourself to purging all demons" the voice answered.

Silence filled the air for a moment, before it began to resonate with laughter as Damien clutched his stomach laughing hysterically, he then proceeded to lay back down in the soil he came out of.

"Wh–wh–what are you doing?" the voice in Damien's head asked.

"Isn't it obvious?, I'm going back to being dead" Damien said as he proceeded to dig the makeshift grave.

"You must be joking right? This realm is falling apart and you're being given a chance to restore it and you choose to sleep through it?

"Do I look like I'm joking? Even GOD knows I won't make a deal like that, unless you have a way to send me back to being dead, do not speak." Damien said closing his eyes as he pointing at the air stictly, as if scolding an infant.

The voices metaphorical eyes widened in shock at the tenacity of the mortal before it, never since its creation had it been talked to like that, by a mortal none the less.

"How dare you command me? Do you know who I am" the voice yelled but was met with silence.

"You dare ignore me? I am a being from the heavens, A Divine Entity and you dare ignore me? "

The voice continued rambling about its superiority, whilst Damien tried to put together what was happening, to be honest Damien couldn't care less about all this balancing the realm thing, but something's been bugging him since he woke up but he couldn't tell what.

"Who are you?" Damien cautiously said.

The area around them was still for sometime before, the voice replied.

"My name is Nyrer and I am an intelligent Entity with wide knowledge of the 3 realms, I was attached to the Divine system to guide the user." Nyrer said introducing itself.

"And the system I'm looking at is what exactly?" Damien said.

"Well the 'System' you are referring to, is the Divine System made by the heavens to create a being powerful enough to save humanity from its impending doom." Nyrer replied.

"Wait up.....when you say make the user a powerful being, you mean like Saints?" Damien asked as his eyes turned to stars.

When Damien was growing up, the only thing he had considerd doing with his life when he grew older, except from being a well renowned pork enthusiast and critic, was becoming a Saint.

Not because of the fame or money one would get from becoming one, no far from it actually.

It was because of the heavenly pig deity, an S ranked beast that was rumoured to be the most delicious thing you are guaranteed to taste in this realm, it wasn't only just rare, it was also impossible to eat unless you were not just a Saint but a powerful and wealthy one at that, Arch-deacon ranked at least, or else you will be burned from the inside out, due to the intensity of divine energy contained in the beast.

When he was younger, he had even decided that he would die by eating the beast, as that would be one of the most honourable way any true worshiper of pork would want to die

"So you're basically saying that with this system I'll be able to become a powerful Saint?" Damien said, licking his lips.

"A powerful saint...hmph" Nyrer scoffed

"You'll far exceed any human saint with the help of this system, that is if used properly."

The excitement in Damien's eyes couldn't be compressed anymore as he shot out of the grave.

Nyrer watched as Damien stood out of the grave with vigor and determination.

'Once again my negotiating skills triumph' Nyrer thought to its self.

"Teach me how to use this thing." Damien said

"It's simple just think of the system and It'll appear and if you want to choose something, think its name in your head." Nyrer instructed.

Damien then followed her instructions and immediately after a familiar white menu with black highlights appeared before him.

[ Name: Damien Hunter ]

[ Race: Demi-Divine ]

[ Level: 1 ]

[ HP: 4/10 ]

[ Exp: 0/100]






Damien expressed.

"Anyway tell me about this whole race thing and everything I'm seeing here cause I don't get this whole 'Demi-Divine thing'." Damien said in a voice now filled with seriousness.

Nyrer sensing his sudden change in demeanor proceeded to tell Damien what it meant.

"Okay first off, there are different level of entities in both the Heavens and the human realm.

The cleaner, purer and more in tune your body mind and soul is with Divine energy, the higher your rank, with the unfaithed being the least and God being the highest level.

They rank as follows: unfaithed, faithed, Demi-Divine, Divine, Angel, Arch-angel, and then God." Nyrer took a quick pause to let Damien digest what it had just told him.

"Although, it differs depending on realms, as Spirit-being and Celestial replace Angel and Arch-angel here on earth, overall it's still roughly the same."

"Being born with the Demi-Divine rank in the human world is almost unheard of as it suggests that you have an angel in your bloodline" Nyrer said with a voice filled with intrigue as it pondered the possibility.

"Hold on, I think if any of my parents had wings sticking out their backs, I would have noticed, unless." Damien quickly shook his head trying to remove the thought of his mom making out with a guy with wings.

"H–how sure are you that my rank isn't the systems doing?"

Damien said, doubting the possibility of his mom committing adultery, that is if you can even consider it adultery, since its with an angel.

Damien tilted his head and rose a brow in thought.

"I'm around a 100% sure, simply because the system can't give or create what isn't already there, it's a system, not some magic talent giver." Nyrer said with confidence.

"Okay what of the Deacons and Arch-deacons, they should be around Demi to Divine rank right? Weren't they born that way." Damien said

"No they weren't born that way, for human Saints, they start off as any other unfaithed human, and then over time during their first few years of life, their bodies begin to process and maintain Divine energy, making them achieve a breakthrough that takes them to the next rank, faithed."

"From there they would attend any one of the five Dominion Academies on earth that will teach them how to use faith to activate skills and abilities that will aid them against the demon contracted, beasts and otherworldly powers."

"But like any other thing in life they have to work hard for it, training day and night, relentlessly putting their bodies on the verge of destruction till they break through to the next rank." Nyrer said in a tone that made it seem like it held high admiration for saints.

"Wait a minute, you said something about skills and abilities, Do you mean like those cool things Saints do all the time, like make fire and stuff?" Damien said excitedly.

"Cause I've been wandering for sometime now if you can use those skills and abilities to kill beasts and raid evil organisations... Can you use it to make a bowl of pork cutlet?" Damien said with his hand on his chin and his face filled with seriousness and curiosity as he pondered the possibility.

The surrounding became quiet after that, as Nyrer was too shocked to say anything.

"WH-WHAT!! Are you daft?, Why the fuck would you be able to have a skill that cooks FUCKING PORK?!!!!" Nyrer yelled in Damien's head wishing it could choke him to death as it continued to spit insult after insult.

" Woah!! calm down.... I was just asking a question, and by the way you sure do curse a whole lot for a 'Divine entity' from the heavens." Damien said pouting whilst cleaning his ears with his index finger.

"Fine I'll assume your stupidity is due to cluelessness" Nyrer said with gritted teeth.

"No.. there... isn't a skill for that" Nyrer said

A look of disappointment flashed on Damien's face before he asked his next question.

"You said this thing would make me stronger right? How exactly do I do that?" Damien asked as he began to walk further into the forest looking for a way out.

"Isn't it obvious? You gain exp. and level up" Nyrer snorted.

"How do I do that?" Damien asked again

"You either complete quests or you defeat enemies to gain exp. and then later level up." Nyrer said.

Following its words Damien proceeded to glance at the system.

Although it was big, the menu didn't seem to hinder Damiens sight in anyway.

[ Name: Damien Hunter ]

[ Race: Demi-Divine ]

[ Level: 1 ]

[ HP: 4/10 ]

[ Exp: 0/100]





Seeing the options before him, Damien decided on opening the option titled 'Quest'.


[Main Quest]

> Reach Level 10

[Daily Quest]

Pushups 0/50

Sit-ups 0/50

Pull-ups 0/50

Run 0/5km

>>Time remaining till completion 14 hours 23 minutes and 34 seconds.

>>Failure to complete this quest will come with punishment.


>> Rewards [ 3 free stat points to distribute]

"WAIT WHAT!!!!!" Damien exclaimed.

Looking at the quest punishment for failure, Damien almost lost consciousness as he fell to his knees, he hadn't even started but he could already feel the physical strain of a month of intense continuous work out.

"Can't you reduce the punishment Nyrer?" Damien cried

"Sorry, I am only here to guide the user I can't change the system" it replied.

Trying to compose himself, He then left the 'Quest' option and open up his Skills, still on his knees, hoping that it could cheer him up as that was the one he was most excited to open.


---> Passive Skills

[Inspect Lv1]

Due to Arch-angel Uriel's absolute wisdom and enlightenment, user will be able to identify and get intensive information on any thing he glances at.

[Senses Lv1]

Due to Arch-angel Micheal's absolute senses, all the users five senses will be greatly heightened, and the user will be able to perceive the world in a whole new light.

>> Faith powers skills

[Hp restoration lv1]

Due to Arch-angel Raphael's absolute and Divine healing, users Hp will restore itself using Faith.

Faith– 5F for 5 Hp

[Divine Slash Lv1]

Due to Arch-angel of Death, 'Azrael's' swordmanship prowess, user can release a deadly strike filled with divine energy that will purge and torment whatever it touches.

Faith– 4F.

Damien stared at his skills in awe as he wasn't expecting to have such useful skills.

"So like....with this sense skill, every bite of pork I take will be over 10 times better than the ones I've had previously?" Damien almost lost consciousness once again as he went into shock the thought of every bite of pork increasing in taste was simply too much for his mind to handle.

After taking some time to breathe and relax himself.

'I keep finding more and more reasons to continue this' Damien thought to himself.

"Nyrer, real quick what's all this Arch-angel absolute thing I'm seeing everywhere?" Damien asked scanning the lay out.

It took Nyrer sometime before it was able to reply back as it wasn't expecting such skills either.

"It appears that the Heavens might have given you little bits of the 'Graces' belonging to the Arch-angels it may be just 3% of their total power but any entity would kill for something like that." Nyrer said with different emotions in its mind from excitement to curiosity but most of fear, fear of how powerful Damien could be, his existence alone could shake the very core of the 3 realms and even more.

"Umm.... that's really cool and all but what exactly is this Angel's Grace you metioned?" Damien asked scratching his head.

'Never mind, this idiot would probably die before he gets anywhere." It said facepalming and shaking its head.

Immediately after, a notification appeared on the screen. Once Damien glanced over it his face froze.

"WAIT!? WHAT!!!?"

>>Emergency Quest<<

>>Request by The Archangel of Death Azrael<<

>>Kill those that brought death to you


–Kill Brett

–Kill Tyson

–Kill Cole


>>Time till completion 1 week<<

>>Failure to complete: Fate worse than death<<

"YOU'VE GAT TO BE FUCKING KIDDING ME!!!!!" Damien screamed at the Heavens.

This chapter was mostly to give you usefull information about the world around Damien, please don't forget to review and comment.

Forgetter_increators' thoughts