
Am I Trash?

As this happened the pressure on Ryu also disappeared. this was happening on the stage, but all the people were talking so no one noticed this change in the color of the crystal.

At this moment Shen glanced turning a little and saw Ryu standing back and spoke "Your evaluation is done, now go back to the place"

Hearing this Ryu opened his eyes and removed his hands from the crystal and asked after turning "sir can you tell me the evaluation too"

as Shen heard this he became a little angry and spoke

"hmm, your potential may take you to take you to Body strengthening realm that is if you are lucky, now get back and don't waste our time" one can hear a tinge of rudeness in the words as he was looking down at Ryu.

As Ryu heard his evaluation he became sad, as he came back to his place All four participants were looking at him for a moment with disdain in their eyes.

At this time Rin Min spoke " I thought you were some heaven-defying Genius but you are clearly just a lucky Trash, Hmm and here I was worried for nothing"

She spoke with utter disdain while looking at Ryu and all the people present in the room heard this but nobody said anything to refute her showing that what she is speaking is True.

Ryu did not say anything even though he was being ridiculed.

There was the main reason for it, the First one being that he was warned by his grandfather that to not offend anyone in the city not just because they were weak but because if anyone of lower class offends higher class person then that person's death would be light punishment for the individual.

In this world strength was the only rule and the stronger you are the more you could plunder the lower class.

It was just that reputation was also one of the important things in this world and the reputation of the Cultivators association was at the top ranks in this world.

So offending them is akin to offending the heavens for regular people. And this was also the reason nobody made any mess inside the association building.

As the mockery was going on Chen walked to the front and spoke " enough chatting And let us go back, Your badges will be given to you after compiling the results of the assessment" and walked out of the room saying "follow me "

As all the candidates followed Ryu walked behind them, with a slightly dejected look on his face but his eyes were not of someone who lost all, they were like shining Stars in the night sky.

As he came back to the waiting area the number of people was slightly more and can be seen that more people were waiting for assessment.

Ryu went near Roland, As Roland saw Ryu coming with a sad face he was a little worried but he waited for Ryu to speak.

After a moment of pause, Ryu spoke " Grandpa am I trash?"

Hearing this Roland frowned a little and said: " My child you are definitely not trash, In the eyes of regular person grass can worthless but for a Physician, it can be medicine, so don't worry and first tell me what happened?"

hearing this Ryu nodded a little and said " Grandpa I have tested for Both assessments. In the assessment of elemental affinities, I have Quadra elemental affinity or all elemental affinity "

As Roland heard this he became a little happy but controlled and said "And what about Potential child?"

One needs to know that affinities and potential are correspondingly Working. Like if a person has Fire elemental affinity then he can only absorb fire elements in the environment and not the other elements.

What about the person who has all elemental affinity, They can absorb all the Energy in the environment without any worries. But for a person to have All elemental affinity is very rare. Why??

Well even among the people to have fire and water affinity who are contradictory to each other to be present is hard the first thing, but the parents should have all the elemental affinities to pass them to the child. And with this situation, it is very hard to conceive a child.

Even if the child is born there is another thing and that is potential which is equivalent to affinity.

The potential states how much a person can climb without having much of a problem while cultivating. So Each person's potential is important also.

Let's take a person with wind affinity and have the potential to reach the spirit king realm his speed to reach the realm will be relatively slower than compared to the person who has a dual elemental affinity with the same potential.

And this is the reason why the more affinity you have the better it is for the person as it signifies the person's speed in growth and potential as the limit of the person's growth.

This does not mean that an individual can not bypass their limit. but that requires tremendous luck and opportunity or More time than available.

"my potential is Only for the Body strengthening realm and that is after I push myself"

as Roland heard this His a little happiness faded and There was a worried look on his face for a moment. but it faded soon, he did not want the child to get saddened so he spoke: " Then what's there to be sad for, You can be as strong as your Grandpa right?"

Hearing this Ryu's mood became a little light as thought 'yes the potential does not matter, I just have to work hard and get as strong as grandpa so I can let him rest'

He spoke after smiling a little " yes grandpa don't worry I will get stronger than you at least and let you rest while I work" as the child was speaking like an adult Roland laughed "hahaha yes become stronger than me hahaha.."

As this was happening An attendant came holding some badges and Spoke names "Rin Min, Jin Lu, Ryu Tatsuya "

When Ryu heard his name he went there and collected his badge, Which was different than his grandpa's badge as it was a total bronze metal one with a design of round and in the front His name was written Ryu Tatsuya and at the back, Cultivator association was written.

As Ryu got his badge Roland asked Ryu that does he want to stay or not and Ryu said that he was not in the mood today to sightseeing anymore. So they left the association.

As the Two people were leaving the Building a girl saw them, This was Rin Min and she thought

'Heavens are wrong they gave that trash All elemental affinity and All I got is dual affinity, Well I at least have good potential so I should not focus on the trash from now '

she also left the association with a family member of hers.



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And please give me some stones, I like to eat them very much:)

The_Idiotic_Princecreators' thoughts