
The Disastrous Life of a Transmigrant!

Additional Tags: - High IQ, Unprincipled, Adventure, Romance, Slice-of-Life, Magic, Superpowers, Urban. 1st:- English is not my first language, but I will try my best to avoid mistakes. 2nd:- The MC will be pretty neutral, but there might be some situations where he might do something totally evil or mean. 3rd:- In this Fanfic, some characters may have a slightly different personality, as I will be slightly adjusting their backgrounds to fit my story. ---~Synopsis~--- Kamiya Yato, a normal person who died without even knowing what exactly killed him. His memories were completely erased by a Transcendent leaving only basic knowledge of life, hygiene and the world he was in, Etc... Being thrown into a world that he thought was just a game, Yato took advantage that that world still followed the rules of the game and took advantage of everything. But that wasn't all, Yato didn't know how long he was there, but he began to gain supernatural powers, such as Telepathy, Telekinesis, Teleportation, X-Ray Vision, Cryokinesis, Etc... Thanks to these powers he was gaining, he was losing certain emotions such as a sense of accomplishment, there was no sadness or anger, no happiness or joy. That was his current life. Even though this was so, he had no complaints. For him, living a boring life was not so bad.

Biggubosu · Tranh châm biếm
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30 Chs

Chapter 13 +1

( I left your comment, and rate, your Feedback helps me a lot. )

I used another translator in this chapter... was it too bad?

And here's the chapter.

o (≧ ▽ ≦) o


''Nao-Chan!! Are you okay?!'' Kurumi yelled. Her daughter didn't want to eat coffee jelly? The world was ending and she was the only one who didn't notice?

''Huh?! Don't yell like that all of a sudden. *sigh* I'm perfectly fine, Yato already bought me several coffee jams at Mami Café, I really can't stand looking at another jam anymore.'' Naomi said. Just because she didn't want to eat coffee jelly anymore doesn't mean the world would end, and if it was her she would notice, not only her, there's another super powerful being there who would immediately notice a possible destruction of the world.

'The world actually almost ended a few hours ago.' Yato laughed inside his own mind.

''Kyun, Kyun. [Yato catch me! ]'' Hearing Cookie's thoughts, Yato picked her up.

"Yes, yes, I wonder who spoiled it so much." Yato replied with a slight smile at the corner of his lips.

''Kyun! Kyun! [It was Yato! ]'' Yes, he was the one who spoiled her so much...

Cookie licked Yato's face...

''Kyun! [I love you, Yato! ]''

"I love you too." Yato responded by gently stroking Cookie's head.

''Did you see that? They look like father and daughter." Kurumi said softly as she watched the interaction between Yato and Cookie. { Now only one Mama is missing. }

''No.'' replied Naomi, She got the hint.

"Tch." Kurumi clicked her tongue.

Naomi pretended not to hear this and started walking towards her room.

Kurumi quickly gave up and turned to Yato.

"Yato-kun, do you want tea or maybe coffee." Kurumi said.

"I'm going to drink a coffee." Yato replied. Refusing coffee was the same as becoming a heretic...

Yato was sitting in the chair with Cookie on his lap as he used his hand to stroke his head.

Taking three cups, Kurumi served Yato with a cup of hot coffee. Taking a sip of his coffee, Yato let out a 'sigh' of pleasure...

''Do you like coffee, Yato?''

''Yes, especially in this cold, a hot coffee works wonders." Yato replied.

''Yes, it's very cold outside.'' Kurumi replied, she continued: ''So...how are things with Nao-Chan?''

''...What do you mean?'' Yato tilted his head, not understanding what she meant.

''You know what I mean... Are you guys getting along? She's even calling you by your first name.'' Kurumi said.

''Yes, we started calling each other by our first names...'' Yato said. 'It just flowed, we started calling each other by our first names this morning.' thought Yato.

''Boo! ... Yato-kun, you had to be more aggressive with Nao-Chan. Grab her around the waist and kiss her intensely!''


''Oh...'' A cold growl came from behind Yato, Yato ignored the growl and went back to drinking his coffee calmly.

''Nao-Chan...! n-that's not what you're thinking!'' Kurumi exclaimed.

''I heard perfectly what you said... Grab her around the waist and kiss her intensely.'' replied Naomi, she continued, only this time she turned to Yato: ''Yato, get up.''

''...'' Yato.

"Hey, don't pretend I'm not here..." Naomi said.

"Sigh..." Yato sighed.

Picking up Cookie and placing her on top of the chair he was sitting on. Yato rose from his chair, being taller than Naomi in height, she barely reached his shoulder. He took a quick look at Naomi who was wearing a white coat that showed most of her shoulder, her pink hair was loose as it fell over her shoulder and she was wearing black pants.

''...Put your arms around my waist.'' Naomi said.

''Huh? ... Why?'' Yato was surprised by what Naomi said, his brain started working at double the capacity to understand what was happening.


''Just do it...'' Naomi said.

Suddenly the world stopped... The Space-Time Continuum stopped everyone extremely, everything was stopped by an unknown force.

In a negative color, only two people could move with time stopped, those two were Yato and Naomi.

''Why did you stop time? … Come on, put your arms around my waist." Naomi spoke again without changing her expression.

''...What's come over you all of a sudden?'' Yato said, he was finding it all very strange.

''Anything. If you don't, I will." Naomi replied, just as she said, she herself grabbed Yato by the waist.

Yato, who was Naomi's victim, didn't understand exactly where she was going with this. But, he knew there was something soft pressing against him.

A quick thought came to his mind, nodding to himself, he said, "Is the jelly making you sick?"

"No, I am 100% in my right mind." Naomi said.

''Then why are you doing these weird things? Look at your mother.''

Looking at Kurumi, Naomi noticed that she had a camera in her hands... but where did she get that camera in the first place?

"Where did she get this?" Naomi said.

"I don't know...she seemed to have distorted reality for a moment." Yato replied.

''...Forget about her for a moment.'' Naomi said, ''Now, kiss me.''


Later that same day: Yato had gone back to his house with Cookie that's when he got back, he had fed Cookie before throwing himself on the bed trying to calm his mind that it was a mess.

After clearing his thoughts, he decided to take a bath in the hot spring to relax.

He's been at it for about an hour...

He got Cookie out of the hot spring before she got sick.

Even his clone appeared and noticed something strange about him, he was trying to make a joke, in the end the original told him to shut up...

At the end of it all he ended up going back to his room and ready to sleep.

'In the end... I didn't lend her the game.' He thought Yato closing his eyes.