
Ace Adventures 2

Snowy Island

At this moment Ace looked at Shank's. He wanted to thank him for taking care of Luffy. But after listening to Ryan he felt as if Luffy was being manipulated and swindled. He both wanted to thank and Fight Shank's for answers.

Shank's: Did you come to fight me to.

Ace looked behind him at all the dead bodies or broken ship's. Then at the somber face of Shank's and said

Ace: Do you know who I am?

Shank's: You're Fire Fist Ace.

Ace: You know what I mean Shank's. Even if the other Roger Pirates don't know you should know.

Shank's face became darker as he said

Shank's: You shouldn't be talking about this outloud

Ace: Because of some words you manipulated my little brothers emotions to become a great pirate. Now he's hellbent on being Pirate King because of you. He feels guilty because you only have one arm. At first I just thought you didn't have the strength at the time but you did. You used that one moment to solidify the heart of Luffy to become a pirate.

Shank's: I'm not manipulating Luffy.

Ace: Oh then what. Is it the world. Going around your friends constantly telling them about a little boy who said some bold world's. Passing on a hat with symbolic meaning. Losing an arm to a small sea king. If you're not manipulating why go to a small unknown village in East Blue.

Shank's: You wouldn't understand.

Ace: I understand perfectly. You put a target on my little brothers back eating that fruit. Hoping that he could awaken it and become the person you and the other Roger Pirates are looking for.

Shank's: Who told you this

Beckman: He just came from Hatchinos a month ago.

Shank's: Ryan. Ace believe me whatever he told you isn't the whole truth. I have my reasons. Joyboy needs to appear

Ace: No it doesn't. Ace tossed a paper towards Shank's.

Shank's was stunned but instead of Arguing he read it.

Shank's: Morgan's sits down with Disaster Pirates Captain Pendagran D Ryan. Question 1. Why not go after the one piece? Answer. No need unlike the others I know Laugh tale is nothing more than a joke. It simply tells the story of the Void Century. It is nothing but a bunch of dead loser's explaining why they lost. It may be treasures and advanced technology there but only a guy like Vegapunk could properly figure it out. Aside from that it's only a title. The only title I'm interested in is King Of The World. Question 2

Beckman: Shank's

Shank's: Then do you know how to get to Laugh Tale. Answer. Yes Four Red stones are needed. These four stones are locations. And like any treasure map X marks the spot. Question 3. Where are the locations of these four stones. Answer. Big Mom has one, Kaido has one, The man marked by flames has one and Zou has one.

Lucky Roo: Captain

Shank's: Question 4. Can you like Nico Robin read these letters. Answer. No but I found someone else who can. I also hung a copy of the one from Zou on the coast of Hatchinos. I also plan to spread the way to read these Stone's. Last Question. If you did go to the final Island what would you do. Answer: Destroy it. Although I respect history. I don't care for the woes and complaints of a loser. If you set out to Sea as a pirate a dream matter's. Be it King of the world, Pirate King, Pirate Emperor, World's Strongest, World's Best, Admiral, Hero, Savior or whatever it is. If you fail don't go complaining on some stones. You either keep trying or die trying. A loser should have the consciousness of a loser.

Yassop: Captain. Restrain the Haki.





Shank's: What's the situation on the sea now?

Beckman: Countless pirates have flocked to Hatchinos to make a copy of the Poneglyph stone. Also a group of Pirates are planning to surround that guy and gain the fourth stone.

Shank's: Let's go

Beckman: What are you going to do

Shank's: Put the Last stone in my own hand. Wait where's Ace.

Lucky Roo: He left after tossing the paper. There they are in the distance.

Shank's: I'll have to explain things to him later.

MarineFord Fleet Admirals Office

Sengoku: What do I do with this. Originally only Nico Robin could read the Poneglyphs. Now everyone in the world can read it if they want.

Kizaru: Do we put bounties on everyone now?

Akainu: We can use this against them. I say we go to this place and set up a perimeter. And also grab who ever the man marked by flames is.

Aokiji: Then do we get rid of the bounty on Nico Robin or Keep it.

Garp: I say get rid of it. The girl hasn't done anything dangerous. And with this the fear the WG has against her is completely gone.

Tsuru: We can't go back on a bounty. At most make it so only captured alive and send it down that she can be ignored if seen.

Sengoku: Alright I'll send it down

Two Weeks Later Wano Kuni Skull Island

Ace: So you also have father problem's to.

Yamato: Yeah. At first I really hated him. Then when I read the story of his life. I was a bit hesitant and sad. Then when he told me that as long as I can fight on equal footing with him I can decide things in the crew. Until then I can only accept it.

Ace: My dad was terminally ill and died before I was born. My mother died protecting me after my birth. I once felt anger towards that man now I don't know how to feel. One side I understand he could do nothing and he would still die. On the other hand I hate him to the bone. But you can't choose your birth. You can only live as you are.

Yamato: Well said. By the way who are your parents. They must be pretty strong.

Ace: My father is Roger the Pirate King.

Yamato: WHAT!? Seriously.

Ace nodded.

Yamato: Look at this. This is the journal diary of Kozuki Oden. Who rode on your father's ship during his final year.

Ace was shocked and looked at the book. He and Yamato read it together. The more he read the more shocked he became. When at the end he said

Ace: That Joyboy should be my brother Luffy.

Yamato: Oh. Really.

Ace: Positive. In three years this sea won't know what hit them.

One Month Later


Masked Deuce: You did it you beat Knight of the sea Jinbe.

Ace: He's really strong.

Pirate: Captain Ace It's the Whitebeard Pirates

Ace: You all get out of here.

One Month Later

Ace: I'd love to join your ship but I might kill you.

Whitebeard: Gurarararara. Brat you're too young to kill me.

Ace: When I met Ryan he told me a few things. For instance. Those with the initial D in their names are bound by this sea. Those with Ambitions thrive. If you have no ambitions as a D you can only hide away or stay low-key. Otherwise this sea will get rid of you. If a D gives up his ambitions to support another then he and that individual will fall. When I asked about the old man Garp and how he doesn't have any ambition do you know what he said

Whitebeard: What did he say

Ace: He said Garps ambition is justice. He not accomplished his ambition but he also protects it. It's like you. Only one is people and the other is symbolic.

Whitebeard: Gurarararara. That's your worry. That because you join me the Sea will kill me. Gurarararara. I've sailed this sea for year's no such thing can convince me. I Am Whitebeard.

Three Days Later Jack The Ripper

Ryan sat inside the jacuzzi on the deck as they sailed and said

Ryan: What a pity. He ended up joining Whitebeard. The fall of another Legend begins.

Kuro: Shank's grabbed the last Poneglyph.

Ryan: It's expected. In his eyes only his self or Luffy are worthy of going to that Island. Anyway he'll make a move and we'll take advantage of it. At that time we'll use the power of the New World to keep him in his own territory. Like a Cage.

Kuro: WG ship's have been entering Big Mom's territory. And even such a powerful Zoan fruit wasn't fought hard against Kaido. Are they trying to woo them

Ryan: Most likely. How are those three by the way.

Kuro: They've been under observation. Sukiyaki has been asking to see you though.

Ryan: Is it to ask me about his grandson again.

Kuro: Who knows

Ryan: How's the sea

Kuro: Powerful guys keep popping up. Most of them one time bloomers. Of course most of these guys are vengeful and tend to do suicide attacks against the WG.

Ryan: How's that project going.

Kuro: Very well. Although the Aramaki guy couldn't be recruited. Issho has joined. Other guys have also joined and it's starting to get the attention of the marines and WG.

Ryan: It's to be expected. Gathering the world's bounty hunters and those rising strong in one place. They should be very concerned. The Adventures Union. A place where monsters gather. Most importantly it has nothing to do with our pirates. Or so they say.