
The Dimensional Vanguard: Rift Breakers

Dimensional travel. A theory that is said to be impossible to reach and yet, humans were creative enough to even build a tech to break through the universe to travel to the other. What's there to discover? What's there to even do? For Earth's benefits? For a new future? Whatever it is, the government had already made their decision to make history. For the first time in a thousand and a million years, it is possible. For a new world to adventure. As they see what's outside of their universe, sending in their utmost great men to these unfamiliar Worlds.

Hushed_Desire · Võ hiệp
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6 Chs

Chapter 5: Meets and Hopes

As Veronica guides Nato towards the idled soldiers, she calls for their attention, grabbing their attention instantly at the two approaching unexpected guests.

Veronica went ahead to formally introduce herself to them while waiting for Nato who was catching up.

By the moment Nato closed in, she informed them about him being their leader, gesturing her hands to give the attention towards him.

"Ah! I take that you are going to be our leader for the ongoing mission? Pleasure to meet you, Captain." His strong Russian accent is noticeable. As Yuri removed his helmet, putting it to his side, he bowed with respect, his teammates followed his gesture.

Nato raised his hands leveling his chest, waving away. "You didn't have to bow!" Embarrassed by their gesture.

He covered his mouth, clearing his throat, transitioning a stern expression. "It is a pleasure to meet you as well, Yuri."

"Staff Sergeant Yuri Petrovsky, Captain." Giving himself a proper introduction, straightening his posture with a warm smile.

"And your Colleagues?" Nato looked at Yuri's sides with an eyebrow raised, beside him are his two trusted comrades.

One stepped forward and slightly bowed to give his respects even if Nato told them not to do it, straightening his back and shoulders, his lips showed a sappy smile. "I am Sergeant Rado Stormbourne."

He walked back, gazing at the other and slightly moving his head to signal the other to step forward as it was his turn. "Sergeant Elias Caliber." He solemnly spoke with a simple introduction and stepped back.

"Such unique names, just as your close combat skills. You all left me impressed." He sweetly complimented, praising their efforts in the training.

"I take your kind compliment but please, I almost got myself killed in that." Yuri appreciates the compliment, chuckling at his mistake.

"Well, are you guys finished with your training?" He curiously asked.

Yuri looked behind him between his two comrades. Exchanging gazes, they nodded together, knowing that they're all worn out after a hectic day of armor tests and training that they've been doing.

He looked back at Nato. "Yep, all done and ready to hit the bed after a warm shower." He smiled, saying that made him excited to go to rest.

"If it goes to that then I'll let you guys go. Get some rest soldiers, we got an important mission to do." Nato returns the smile, letting them go to have their own time and rest.

"Will do Captain." He glanced over his shoulder and nodded his head forward. "Come on boys! let's get to our room."

He marched away, passing between Nato and Veronica followed by his friends.

As their loud steps echoing through the room slowly become faint, the sound of the door sliding open and closing.

Nato sighs and looks at Veronica standing behind him to his left. "Wasn't so bad after all."

"I told you it was simple." She scoffed.

Now that the short talk is done. What's next?

"I guess that's it for the evening?" He said, turning his attention towards her.

"Mhm, I was able to show you the important places that you'll be using and were able to introduce you to some of your men." Crossing her arms with a serious expression.

He takes another look around the room, on the other side of the room was the two, Oliver and Tessa having their spar with focus. He looks back at her. "Well, let's walk?"

"*sighs", sure."

"Hey! Oliver, Ashley! We'll get going." He announces his departure.

"Oh! okay broth- AUGH! W-why there?!" Oliver screamed in pain after being hit in the crotch.




The hallways remained in their busy state, every person walked fast with papers in hand. The sounds of voices in each area fill the hallways and their offices. The fellow professors and researchers passing by greeted Veronica before they headed to finish on their tasks.

As they headed inside the empty elevator, she pressed the top floor balcony. The loud ring notifying its departure.

[Going Floor 7, Balcony]

The robotic feminine voice announced.

"I suggest you talk to your family before you leave Earth." Out of nowhere she suggested, leaning back to the wall behind her as she crossed her arms.

"Hmm... I don't think that's possible." He replied with a soft tone.

"How so?" Tilting her head with one eyebrow raised.

"They're in a better place. What remained is my brother." He firmly replied, his eyes darkened in a downcast expression.

"Oh... I'm sorry I didn't know-"

"Yes, you didn't know and it's okay. I don't need your pity right now." His voice turned cold, daring not to look at her.

Having been cut off, she chose to keep quiet, allowing the silence to fill the room, intensifying the awkwardness between them. Regretting the decision of bringing up the question that seemed to trigger a cold response from him.

'But he was right, I didn't know at all.'

She voiced her mind.

She tries to make an attempt by conversing a different topic but Nato seemed to have something in mind to talk about.

"What about the others? Were they told to talk to their family before we take our leave?" Nato asked, his voice remained serious and cold.

"Yes, they were instructed to do it after the announcement." She replied.

"Good for them..."


'Seems like I'll be reading his files later.' She thought to herself, just for her to know him better and to know his past.


[We're at Floor 7, Balcony]

"Let's get some fresh air, alright?" She grabbed his shoulder and looked at him with a gentle smile.

Despite Nato with a downcast expression. He was caught off guard by her smile.


A sight to see that will imbue in his head forever, a smile graced his lips, escaping the lingering mood that had enveloped him a while ago. Replaced with the sense of peace and contentment. Leaving an impression that would make his heart fill with joy.


The night skies adorned with the mesmerizing beauty of the stars, the wind brushing over them, causing Veronica's to gracefully sway and her coat waving.

Strolling towards the railings, they paused, their eyes witnessing the city night lights. Leaning against the railings, they stood admiring the wonderful scenery in front of them unfolding.

"Ahh seeing this view just calms the mind, you know?" A sense of peace and relaxation eases her mind, letting out a sigh.

"Yeah It does. I'm gonna miss this honestly." His gaze fixated at the twinkling city lights.

"Are you sure? You never know you might encounter wonderful scenery out there." She points out a possible outcome. "Expect the unexpected. Remember that."

He sways his head to look at her, his eyes dazzling a scarlet red eye color. "I will." just before looking away. "Do you think we'll survive this?"

She took her time to think about an answer. The death rate is high, anything can possibly kill them. But she gave a reassuring answer. "You will..." with a subtle reply.

"Something I needed to hear."

"I hope it will really work. I hope this will change Earth's future." She clenches the railings. Yearning for its success after years of planning and making, it must succeed but if it fails then it's an all for nothing.

"We can do it. You don't gotta worry too much. Have some faith will you?" In an attempt to cheer her up in which it worked.
