
The Dimensional Vanguard: Rift Breakers

Dimensional travel. A theory that is said to be impossible to reach and yet, humans were creative enough to even build a tech to break through the universe to travel to the other. What's there to discover? What's there to even do? For Earth's benefits? For a new future? Whatever it is, the government had already made their decision to make history. For the first time in a thousand and a million years, it is possible. For a new world to adventure. As they see what's outside of their universe, sending in their utmost great men to these unfamiliar Worlds.

Hushed_Desire · Võ hiệp
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6 Chs

Chapter 3: Spacious World

For a few minutes after departing from her office, they continue to stroll through the interconnected hallways from Sector B leading to Sector C, as they pass every personnel, occupied by their own tasks building a bustling atmosphere.

On their arrival at Sector C, a massive blast door stood before them, on each corner were indicator lights, likely to signal any potential breaches or activation protocols.

Next to it was a lengthy staircase, leading towards the concealed space behind the door.

Veronica casts a swift glance at Nato, conveying a silent communication. With a nod, signaling him to join her walk up to the stairs.

"Ah! Greetings Professor." One of the researchers noticed her while on their way down the stairs. Veronica gave her a respectful little bow before proceeding.

As they arrived at the door, she abruptly opened the door without looking back or pausing.

Nato quickly trailed behind her as he entered the room unveiling an enormous portal.

Stunned by its size, he takes a closer look as he grabs the railings and leaned forward, taking a peek at what's below them. "It's…unbelievable." he muttered, mouth agape.

Including the size of the room, it is considerably large, the open space in the middle and in front of the portal is impressively…clean?

It could fit a whole platoon and a few other large vehicles or transports in that space.

On the sides are just full of wires and computers and in front of him was the ceiling, cameras, wires and tubes leading to the portal.

"What? Surprised that much?" Veronica walks back to him with a grin.

"I mean…how can someone not act surprised by something as ridiculous as this?" His attention fixated on the portal below.

"If we're planning to deploy an army with vehicles, of course we have to make expansion." Copying Nato's gesture by leaning forward to the railings and watching the people occupied by the portal.

"Aren't there going to be risks when expanding its size?" Nato asked, feeling a little bit cautious of the possible accidents that might occur because of its size, including the amount of wires behind that thing.

"Nope…for now." She replied with a straight-face.

'For now', that's quite a scary answer, Nato had a few thoughts about what might be the future accidents that could occur to this place. Assuming that all of those outcomes are gonna be the worst to ever encounter, but he hopes that those wouldn't happen or so soon.

"Let's get moving? To the training room this time." She faced away and continued on her stroll, making Nato pull away from the railings and followed her but his eyes still locked onto the portal.

But Nato pulls himself back and catches up to Veronica, walking beside her, "So, how's this gonna change our world?" He asked with interest.

"Well, if one of our Interdimensional travel comes to a success and by success, I mean if we can build a relationship with other beings. If we can find anything useful within their property then we can conduct research, trades and deals." She solemnly explained but goes on to further explain in detail.

"With that, we can continue to learn, grow and make anew. Tech, knowledge and everything."

"If it fails?" Nato gave another question.

There was a brief pause of silence as they walked out of the Portal room, walking down the stairs. "If it fails then we'll have to let it go and find another." She replied in a serious tone, sounded disappointed if that happened as they finished the last few steps of the stairs.

Finding more Worlds means never ending sacrifices of resources and likely, people.

If they're unlucky enough then they'll have to face that fate.

"Anyways, moving on, we're heading to the training room. You'll get a glimpse of the advanced suit being tested and of course, the soldiers that are gonna come with you." Swiftly changing the topic with a casual tone on her voice.

"Actually, I got to meet one of them. Her name is Ashley Thorn." He replied, his face wrapped with a smile.

"Ah I see I see. So, you've seen what the armor looks like?"

She seemed to have ignored the named soldier he mentioned. That's quite rude from Nato's perspective but he didn't want to make a fuss about it.

"I did, it looks fantastic from its appearance but I haven't seen its performance."

He's excited to see it, other than its looks being different, he is expecting a major upgrade on the armor.

Heading forward to Sector D, the armory and training room, it wasn't far from Sector C. So, when preparations are made on the day of the Operation, they can move towards the portal room in no time.

In front of them was another blast door that's opened, this time it's a bit narrow compared to the Portal room.

The interior was another hallway and to its side are metal doors with a window.

"Over to the left is the armory, and to the right is the training room." She extended her hands gesturing to the doors.

"Well, they're huge spaces. I guess the Government budget was put into good use this time." He sighed as he observed the two rooms.

"This time?" Her voice laced with confusion, her one eyebrow raised in question.

"Ah, nothing nothing." Waving his hands to tell her to forget about it.

"U-uhm, okay? Anyways, let's proceed to the training room?" She paused near the door, placing her hands on her waist.

"So, let me guess, another big ass room?" He guessed, as he starts to notice how most of this place is always something ridiculously spacious.

It's understandable that they need the room for this and that but why everything?

Veronica tilted her head and awkwardly smiled without saying a word.

He took this response as a yes and proceeded to move.

The door automatically opened as it detected a presence, taking a few steps forward, before his very eyes was another… spacious room.

'Son of a b-'

"Oh! Look who it is, if it isn't the Captain himself." A loud and familiar voice announced his name. Cutting him off from the words he voiced in his mind. 'Brother?'