
The Dimensional Vanguard: Rift Breakers

Dimensional travel. A theory that is said to be impossible to reach and yet, humans were creative enough to even build a tech to break through the universe to travel to the other. What's there to discover? What's there to even do? For Earth's benefits? For a new future? Whatever it is, the government had already made their decision to make history. For the first time in a thousand and a million years, it is possible. For a new world to adventure. As they see what's outside of their universe, sending in their utmost great men to these unfamiliar Worlds.

Hushed_Desire · Võ hiệp
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Chapter 2: Dimensional Vanguard

"So, what brings your visit today, Cpt. Nato?" She asked, occupied in organizing her table.

"You told me in the letter if I have any queries so here I am. I'm sure it was that obvious." Patting the sofa before sitting down, leaving a puff sound on the soft sofa, making him relax as he leaned back.

Placing her last paper on the drawer, she straightened, focusing her attention towards Nato.

She noticed he's comfortable sitting at her sofa, making her smile slightly. "Liking the sofa?"

"Pretty much, yeah, but moving on. I have questions regarding the mission." He started to ask, his voice firm but laced with curiosity.

There's indeed going to be a lot of questions that he would ask as it is essential for each soldiers' survival on this eventful mission that comes in 3 days.

"Go on." She gave him permission, crossing her arms with a serious expression on her face.

"So, before we embark on this new journey and for our new future. With our weapons and armor prepared, how certain are we that these things could help us in a different world? Are these armors specialized in everything or only in certain environments?" Raising one of his eyebrows with curiosity.

"Actually, we've made considerations about the unexpected environments that we might encounter. Yes, we made new versions of our armor that can survive in every environment such as radiation, heat, winter, underwater and so on." She gave her explanation to ensure the safety of the men that will participate in what's considered as the deadliest mission anyone could partake in.

"Good to know… what about food? How are we gonna manage that?" he added another question.

"Since we're gonna make you guys sit in a vehicle. We will provide food inside the vehicle and it will be well contained." She replied firmly.

"If there's more you'd like to ask, communication is already guaranteed, contingency plans are ready at any time and threats? Those remain unknown but we'll provide our best weapons to you and your men. Satisfied?" Directly going to the point without even having him to ask.

Caught off guard by her words, he's glad that everything is under control, he closed his eyes and sighed.

"I guess my questions were predictable. But to answer, yes, I am satisfied."

"Good." Turning away from her seat, she rose and strode towards her bookshelf.

"Have you checked the list?" reaching one of her books before focusing her attention on Nato.

"Oh I did. I gotta say, you've picked some interesting people-"

"I didn't pick them. The higher-ups did. But be sure to get along with them." Cutting him off.

She opened the book and started to read it while walking back to her seat. Mumbling words from her book while Nato sat back further to the sofa, resting his head. "Oh yeah, my brother will participate too."

"Really? That's good." she solemnly replied.

"Also, can you disclose more information about the portal?" It clicked on his mind about the portal, it's been a few weeks since he got recruited by Vanguard with vague information about the Corporation.

"Well, to someone like you. It's allowed." she closed the book with her one hand, making a loud sound upon contact, dropping her book on top of her table.

"Right now, there are 3 active portals. That means we can operate multiple tasks with different platoons at once. Of course with the same purpose. To discover what's outside of our world." she leaned back to her chair, slightly pushing it back.

"You guys are really going to risk everything just to see what's outside? Insanity…" He replied as if he was in disbelief. "Your curiosity is going to lead to our death." he face palmed in frustration.

"Yet, you chose to be here anyways. Welcome to the Dimensional Vanguard" she nonchalantly replied, leaning forward looking at him with a relaxed face.

"That's true."

[ Dimensional Vanguard, it is a private military corporation made by the United Kingdom in the year 2075, it's creation was decided after the discovery of a new found mineral, Aetherite.

It is an energy mineral that possesses the extraordinary ability to open portals when its energy only focuses on its intention, the desire to open different realms, based upon the intention of the individual.

Thanks to its simple and straightforward activation process and authentic performance, it has made it a valuable resource.

The discovery of Aetherite is believed to be found after an encounter of a group of explorers with an ancient civilization. As they stumbled a hidden, long-deep chamber within the mountain range.

Within the chamber, they discovered intricate carvings and inscriptions of a lost advanced knowledge of this ancient civilization of energy manipulation with interdimensional travel which inspired the explorers embark on a tireless quest to reveal the secrets of this otherworldly energy source, which was soon referred to as "Aether".

Further research, they built a portal as instructed from the carvings and inscriptions but instead of relying on the ancient methods of interdimensional travel.

They make use of their advanced technology to create a more efficient and improved version of the portal.

This made a breakthrough as it allowed them to harness the energy of the Aetherite more effectively, which resulted in the opening of a portal to an unknown dimension.

This discovery marked a birth of the new era, knowing the potential of Aetherite with its ability to enable interdimensional travel.

Ever since that success, the study and controlled usage of Aetherite have advanced significantly.

Each scientist and researcher dedicating their efforts to understand its properties, refining the process and exploring its capabilities.

This was supposed to be kept secret within Government property but it's expected that it will be found out in the future.

Making the decision to announce it to the public, attracting millions and billions of people around the globe, the public's response comes in both outcomes, positive and negative.

After its announcement, the UK Government had made another decision to make its own private military corporation with the permission, support and protection of other countries.

Recruiting skilled researchers, scientists, and soldiers at Dimensional Vanguard HQ at Cambridge to help its advancement and operations deep inside of the structure. ]

What an insane history of events in a short span of years. It's truly impressive that they were able to understand and adapt to its properties in 3 years and the corporation is still at its young age.

Veronica decided to get up from her seat and approached the door, she paused, grabbing her coat and glanced over her shoulder, waiting for Nato to follow her.

"So, do you want to see the portal and the training room so you could get to know some of your men?" She asked him, her expression serious.

"It's about damn time." He declared, rising from the sofa with determination.