
The diary of a girl's fantastic heart

Once upon a time there was a cute kitten who became a hero when he decided to offer his belly as heaven to the abused and despised souls of millions of mice in the world. But since there is a great hero, there must be an illustrious villain who stands up to him: Lucifer. I am the cute kitten and I am doomed to be the babysitter of a demon in love ... Lucifer's inescapable orders. I also have to channel confused souls, in the midst of their stagnant rebellion, towards the vile temptation to be the protagonists of a romance sponsored by Satan. Reading and connecting with a character with personality can lead you to live his life between the pages ...Would you dare to feel the fire of the demon as if it were magic? Of course, in order to attract you to this game of seduction I must put the cards on the table: A girl with hellishly adolescent whips. Beats that led her to a promise that would condemn her to cross her path with that of a demon too handsome to see past her blue eyes. Now that same demon does not know if heaven was worth his betrayal of Lucifer ... now he is without heaven and without the melodies of the heart of his sweet girl. "Sweet girl of mine ... mine ... only mine" And it must continue like this, because otherwise, the diary of a girl's fantastic heart will be incomplete. ... or not? Maybe the sexy side of magic speaks for all of our demons.

giz · Kỳ huyễn
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81 Chs

Chapter seventeen

How could the white powder protect the thin white line that remained of itself?

I don't want to make it complicated for you; so I'll sum it up in simple words:

The thin white line was camouflaged in the trees like a thin line of frayed bark.

That tree felt truly honored to be considered by such a strange and refined being. Among trees, all are alike; but, for unicorns, trees had certain differences among themselves.

The truth is that the unicorns knew that if they looked at the differences in each tree, they would see them and they would really change. The unicorns were fed up with the same thing, they wanted to see something different and new. That's why they invented the first lie of this world... "crooked tree never straightens out".

Does that phrase sound familiar?

The unicorns said that some of the trees had a thin line of frayed bark longer than the others; so from a distance it looked like a crooked tree. The truth was that those frayed bark lines were not longer; rather they were close to the branches of the trees... at the top and...

"Surely they know something more than we do"-that's what the unicorns thought; which is why they wanted them to feel as earthy as they did.

"If they are here, just like us

Why do they have to have more


Just at the moment they were given of the unicorns' bloody plan; the trees prayed to the sky to be able to touch the closest fragments of light they had, the sheets of light floating around them. They had never been touched or had contact with any other being in existence.... "the goddesses closest to the earth".

The leaves were glad to understand the earth, a complete mystery to them as well. They and the trees needed only a thin line to unite them forever... at the right moment there was the thin line of white dust.

For the trees and the leaves, the white powder was a gift from the universe.

The thin white line first merged with the bark of the tree in which it had been camouflaged. The thin line must have found that which it had in common only with trees. In itself, this was hard work since the white powder had things in common with almost everything that existed.... Why?

That still cannot be counted.

The tree where the thin white line was cast, was one of those that the unicorns said looked crooked.

The strand of frayed bark that had prompted such a qualifier of "crooked"; saw in the need for the thin line required to find the commonality it possessed with the tree, as the possibility of recovering his honor... "the pride of a crooked tree".

To make the story less long; from now on I will call the filament protagonist of the moment as "The Eye". This, as you will remember, was at the top of the branch with the longest extension of the tree. Like all of them, it was curved. You might have thought it was going to detach from the trunk but that wasn't going to happen.

The trout began to coil in on itself, ascending over the bark in three turns. When it reaches the apex of the branch again; by the formation of three concentric circles, the trout looks like an empty eye. I'll call it "The Eye".

At the moment when the thin white line merges with the bark and looks for the common, the corner of the "The Eye" seeks to let the white line know that he is, so to speak, "The Eye of her life".

How can The Eye seduce the thin white line?

Perhaps by being able to catch "it" that looks so much like the light if it is not really it.

As far as I know, light helps those who seek it with perseverance and faith. That frayed strand of bark was not always on the highest branch. At first it was much lower but it wanted to try something different. However, it was not something that had to do with curiosity for someone else or pretending to be higher than the others. Those kinds of issues were things of unicorns not trees or the strands that make up their bark.

The frayed filament wished to climb up to know itself better and for the light to listen better to its question: why can't we all be so close to you?

It was not bothered by not receiving any answer because it believed that, in reality, it had. He concluded that the answers were in oneself and that the laughter of the unicorns brought him out of his concentration. To tell the truth, they did not utter any words; but most of the strands tried to interpret their laughter and made up dialogues.

The thin white line noted the blessing on that "The Eye" and joined its end with the corner of that "The Eye".

"Help yourself I will help you."

But there was a problem that The Eye hadn't realized: that which illuminated him was not real light, and the thin white line knew it when it reached the second circle.

That light substitute was given for performing certain acts for the wrong reasons. I am not talking about good or bad reasons, but about the fact that they do not lead you to at least a certain degree of true freedom.

The tricky eye wanted to seduce the thin white line to regain the honor it had lost, being the supposed cause of the crooked appearance of its tree. If I were to communicate with the The Eye, it would probably know, or deny, and deny me. That he would tell himself that it is for the reasons it should be, but that the eye itself does not feel it should be.

Either way, the thin white line joined with that surrogate light, but it did so in the smallest circle of the The Eye.

However, the tricky eye wanted the substitute light to invade the thin white line and, therefore, they entered into a relentless fight with effects that changed the world I knew.

No one knows what happened in that battle, and if anyone does, they had better get the tissue box ready for their wake. This event is one of those secrets that are as deadly for the one who tells it as for the one who listens to it. Only a suicide could know it, because in death he will not open his mouth except to let go of what he considered a burden.

I say no more what will not cost me my neck because I have a godfather well covered in flames. I say this in case you are thinking about that phrase that says: "One teaches by example"... don't even think about it, that phrase does not go with me.

Anyway, what I want to say is that I don't know the facts of the battle and if I talk about the effects it would lengthen this story and I don't want to overwhelm you... I'm so considerate, I know.

Don't go thinking I'm a believer because believers believe and I'm sure. Yes, I'm sure if I don't talk to you in a KNOW IT ALL kind of way because otherwise, what's the joke in telling you a story sponsored by Lucifer if it sounds like another known paranormal romance?

And I will tell you that Lucifer has a big EGO; so don't blame me for being anything more than a sweet little kitten.

After clearing up possible confusion about me, we have to get back to the spy cat situation:

There was no turning back now, the cat had been entered by the cloud that hid its paws and its effects are irreversible. Only a few seconds had passed since the cloud was inside him and he was already forgetting who he was. Anyone would panic and do something crazy, I don't blame him. Just because he caused the fantasy to cease to be the common reality, we are not going to crucify him, are we?

So, tell that to Adam and see if you still feel like agreeing with me.

Yes, I haven't forgotten about Adam, but it would suit you because the green poisoned apple was not bitten by teeth, but by a look that can bring you to your knees.