

Destiny_Obakpororo_5004 · Hiện thực
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1 Chs

THE Beginning

The night felt so cold and discomforting for Maureen..she was pregnant and was about to go into labour....she screamed as the pain intensified, her mother held her by the waist trying to comfort and lead her through the windy night...

Ahhhhahhhh.. Maureen cried

Don't worry we shall be there soon, just keep pushing on... Mummy Janet assured.

They slowly moved through the street  and they finally arrived the hospital

Delaware City Hospital....

Thus read the large signpost at the front of the enormous building...

Maureen continued screaming as she was dragged into the delivery ward...

She kept cursing.....

I damn the day I met you Joe, I spit on the so-called word you call Love....

She continued cursing bitterly...

Mummy Janet sat at the waiting room praying for her daughter.

Though being a matron in the said hospital, she was not allowed into the ward.

As there was too much intimacy between her and her daughter...

The Doctor came out of the ward sweating profusely...

Sir,  how is the patient..... Janet asked

My dear,  your daughter is bleeding profusely, we're trying our best to stop the bleeding and save both mother and child

Janet began to panic, could this be the end of her child's life, her last born daughter,  the one after her heart....

She started weeping within her...

After three long helter scattering hours, 

The doctor came out of the ward again.

Janet rushed to him and asked

How is the baby?

The doctor shook his head sorrowfully

And heaved....