
The Devils Child Reincarnated into Another World

Sam The bastard child of the devil died to Humans, So an angel took his soul away and brought him to his grandfather. Sama Old Geezer gave him the chamce to reincarnate into another world but at the price of never returning to earth. Follow as he Wrecks chaos and havoc all around the new world

Ender_Child · Kỳ huyễn
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10 Chs

Devils Hand: Circle of Wrath

The day continued with the teachings of the teacher. "Good, since you know the basic egg cate techniques, i will arrive next week when your eggs are hatched"

The man walked out of the courtyard leaving the Five young children alone. "Well that was interesting, anyway's i'm going back home"

Sam said as he stood up carrying his egg. "Well isn't that rude, we haven't even talked about each other's interest"

Kira asked with a bright smile, Sam was annoyed and grumbled under his breath, he looked at the so called holy child. He wondered why he is meeting so much Unknown factors…Then he remembered this is a completely new world

He sighed and steeled his mind, he should expect the unexpected, Sam reluctantly sat back down, his annoyance barely hidden. The last thing he wanted was to engage in small talk, especially with someone like Kira, who represented everything he found tedious and hypocritical in his past life. But this was a new world, and he had to play the part—at least for now.

Kira smiled, clearly pleased that Sam had decided to stay. "I'm glad you're staying, Sam. It's important for us to get to know each other, especially since we'll be spending so much time together."

Ivan nodded in agreement, his green eyes glinting with interest. "Yeah, we might as well share our strengths and weaknesses. It'll help us understand how we can work together in the future."

"What do you mean?" Sam asked with confusion.

Ivan then started explaining. "Once your egg hatches you will be considered an adult you already know that though, I am from the YellowFlame Guild, but i am one of the most talentless people in the guild…."

Sam didn't think yhat was possible, The ifrit definitely wasn't here for show, Honestly a Nephalim, a Seraphim candidate, an Angel candidate, A Whatever fire thing and an Unknown Gods Blessing is something that is infinitely weird to think about.

Sam definitely thinks it's intentional.

"…But let's continue, You see once our eggs hatch, they need to hunt spirit Wildbeasts to devour their essence to increase their energy before we start Cultivating with them" Ivan continued while smiling.

Sam raised an eyebrow. "and how do we hunt them down?"

Kira then butted in. "Well we would have to take a trip to the spirit Zone, their small pockets of space created by the spirit realm where wildbeasts dwell. The Spirit Zones are like mini-worlds within the Spirit Realm, each with its own unique environment and creatures. Some zones are more dangerous than others, so we'll need to be prepared for anything."

Sam's curiosity was piqued. "And how do we access these Spirit Zones?"

Ivan explained, "Accessing the Spirit Zones typically requires a special ritual or a key provided by a guild or organization. Since we're not part of any specific group right now, we'll need to rely on our instructors or find a way to gain access ourselves."

Mai added, "It's important to go in with a plan and be aware of the spirit energies within each zone. Some zones have more powerful spirits and wildbeasts, so knowing the environment beforehand can make a big difference."

Sam absorbed the information. This was more complex than he initially thought, but it was manageable with the right preparation. "So, we need to figure out how to access these zones and make sure we're ready for the spirits we might encounter."

Kira nodded. "Exactly. Preparation is key. We should also focus on honing our individual skills and learning how to work together effectively. It'll make the hunting and cultivation process smoother."

Sam had am idea, he can make a portal to hell…but if he thought about it, he would be making a portal to the spirit world instead, so he scrapped that idea immediately.

"Sam you have no fighting experience right, so let's spar and i'll give you some pointers" Sam raised an eyebrow, he has fought a lot of supernatural beings and humans, he even created his own fighting style which he calls the Devils Hand.

Sam eyed Ivan with a mixture of surprise and skepticism. "Sparring, huh? I appreciate the offer, but I've had my fair share of combat training in the past. I don't know how much more pointers I need."

Ivan grinned, unfazed. "Everyone can improve. Besides, you might pick up something useful, and I could use the practice too. Just a friendly match to see where we all stand."

Sam considered the offer for a moment. It might be a good opportunity to gauge Ivan's abilities and get a sense of the level of combat skill expected in this new world. Plus, a bit of sparring could help him acclimate to the physical demands of this realm.

"Alright, let's do it," Sam said, standing up. "Where do you want to spar?"

Kira and Mai moved to the sides, giving the two space. Kira watched with interest, her golden eyes following Sam and Ivan as they prepared. Mai, meanwhile, seemed more focused on observing the techniques they would use.

Emmy took on the role of referee with a mix of enthusiasm and seriousness. She stood between Sam and Ivan, making sure they had enough space to spar while also maintaining a clear boundary for safety.

"Alright, let's keep this friendly and focused on learning," Emmy said, looking at both participants. "No serious injuries, please. Just a chance to see how you both handle yourselves."

Ivan stepped back into a fighting stance, his green eyes glinting with determination. He seemed more relaxed now, his previous nervousness replaced by a confident focus. Sam, on the other hand, assumed a stance that was fluid and loose, ready to adapt to whatever Ivan threw his way.

"Ready?" Emmy asked, glancing between them.

"Ready," Ivan said, nodding.

Sam gave a small smirk and nodded in agreement.

With a nod from Emmy, the sparring match began. Ivan started with a series of quick, practiced strikes, aiming to test Sam's reflexes and reaction speed. Sam, showing his experience, deftly avoided the initial blows, his movements a blend of agility and precision.

Sam's Fighting technique was divided into Seve Variations, but he usually uses the first one.

Devils Hand:Circle of Wrath, it's a sequence of various gripping and clawing techniques.

Sam dodged one of his attacks and countered by grabbing his hand then made his hand into a claw gesture. Suddenly Ivan stared at Sam's red pupils, he saw the illusion of a Wrathful being tearing it's opponents limb from limb with no hint of emotion.

Kira who was watching suddenly stood up. "I think you boys should stop fighting, You may accidentally get hurt"

"Sure" Sam rolled his eyes and let go of his hand, Ivan Ivan flexed his hand, wincing slightly as he rubbed the sore spot where Sam had gripped him. He looked at Sam with a newfound respect and a hint of wariness, realizing that Sam wasn't just boasting about his combat experience. There was something unsettling about the way Sam had moved, as if he had tapped into something darker and more dangerous than just a simple fighting style.

"Well, that was… enlightening," Ivan said, trying to shake off the lingering discomfort. "You weren't kidding about having combat experience. I could definitely feel it."

Sam shrugged, not bothering to elaborate. He wasn't keen on revealing too much about his past life or the techniques he had honed over years of battling supernatural beings. This was a new world, and he needed to keep his cards close to his chest.

Kira, who had been watching intently, now looked at Sam with a mixture of concern and curiosity. "That technique of yours, Sam… it felt different. Almost like there was more to it than just physical combat."

Sam glanced at Kira, his expression unreadable. "It's just a technique I developed over time. Nothing special."

Kira didn't press further, but it was clear that she wasn't entirely convinced. "We should all be careful with our abilities. There's a lot we don't know about each other, and we need to make sure we're not pushing anyone too far."

Emmy, sensing the tension, quickly stepped in to lighten the mood. "Alright, I think we've had enough excitement for one day. We should head home and get some rest. We'll need our energy for whatever comes next."

Mai nodded in agreement. "Emmy's right. We've covered a lot today, and we need to be ready for when our eggs hatch. Let's call it a day."

The group slowly dispersed, each of them lost in their own thoughts. As Sam walked away, cradling his egg, he couldn't shake the feeling that things were going to get a lot more complicated once their spirits hatched. There were too many unknowns, too many variables that could go wrong.

After going back home he was immediately forced to eat lunch by his mother, he fought supernatural beings but not a mother…Of course he was born in the womb of a dead woman in his old life.

'Didn't i have to eat my way out of her…to survive? I guess I've come a long way since then,' Sam mused darkly as he picked at his food. His mother, ever the disciplinarian, was watching him closely, making sure he finished every bite.

"Eat up, Sam," she said with that no-nonsense tone he was all too familiar with. "You're going to need your strength.

He has experienced the wooden spoon but Not the Slipper.