
The Devil of Yuragi-sou

Just a warning before you read this, if you want an "alpha" MC who solves problems with killings then don't bother with this fanfic, its not for you. I'm already tired about people complaining about my MC being a "beta" because he spared a single enemy, so if you don't want that, please don't bother reading this. You have been Warned! ************* Just something that popped into my head after re-watching Yuragi-sou no Yuuna-san, and re-reading Hataraku Maou-sama. Anyway, the Main Character, Alex, suddenly found himself in the body of the Great Demon King Satan who almost conquered the world; Ente Isla. After that, he suddenly heard a voice speaking to him. And its not a system. **** Also, this is a Slow Paced Slice of Life, so if you don't like it, please leave quietly. And if you like MC who is a badass that will just slaughter his opponents, then this story is not for you. The MC, despite being OP, doesn't like conflicts, and will only show his power once in awhile. He only wanted to raise and take care of....well, just read it, if you're interested.

PridefulRoyalty · Tranh châm biếm
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154 Chs

Chapter 5: Play

"This one's a hunted house...or room," Alex smiled as he stood infront of a room decorated rather spookily.

"Papa! I wanna go!" Alice exclaimed in joy while squirming from her mama's arms.

Alex was about to agree when he remembered that Emi wasn't really good at dealing stuffs like this. He glanced at Emi who was looking at him with an almost begging expression.

He smiled and patted Alice's head, "Well, why don't you ask Mama?"

Alice smiled and looked up to Emi, grabbing her shirt with her little arms, "Mama, I wanna go~"

Emi shot Alex a glare before smiling at Alice, "What if mama doesn't agree?"

Alice blinks her eyes and looked around before looking down, "Then...then...I be mad."

Emi suppressed the urge to laugh and pinch her daughter's cheeks, she's just too cute, "Then, what if I agree?"

Alice grinned as she looked up, "I...I gif mama a kiss!"

"Aww, what a sweet little fella," Emi smiled as she leaned her cheeks towards her daughter, "Come, give mama kiss."

Alice's smile couldn't be more wider as she moved a little and gave her mama a peck on the checks.


"But I still disagree," Emi smiled looking at the shocked look of her daughter, "You can get mad now."


Alex looked at the mother and daughter pair and smiled. Emi, for a former hero who bathed in the blood of countless beings, really couldn't handle stuffs like this.

"Anyway, why don't we check this place out."

Alex went inside a room covered only by a dark red curtain as Emi followed him, still carrying a pouting little sephira.

"Welcome! Welcome!"

Alex looked at the girl who was wearing a dark red robe with a hood, an inch sized diamond shaped red gem on her forehead, sitting on a chair with a small table in front, a dark red pillow on it and a crystal ball placed on the pillow.

"Urara huh?"

"ALEXANDER GREMORY!" The girl, who is now identified as Urara, the Chuuma Ninja partner of Sagiri, loudly exclaimed as she glared at Alex.

Emi raised an eyebrow seeing Urara's clear dislike of Alex. There isn't ill will though, so she was curious about why is Urara acting like this.

There are times when Urara will visit the Inn and would glare at Alex as if he was her greatest enemy.

"Ur-neecha! Hi!" Alice lost her pout as she smiled at Urara and waved her hand.

"Alice-chan~ ohh, still so cute, I don't know how could this hateful man be your father." She smiled at Alice before glaring at Aelx.

The demon king just smirked, further infuriating the girl as Alex and Emi sat down on the chairs in front of her, with the table separating them.

"So, you're a fortune teller huh?" Emi smiled as she stared at the crystal ball. She sometimes saw this on TV and believed it to be a scam, but a person from the supernatural side is doing this, so this should at least be reliable right?

"Yup! Yup! So what do you want me to predict here." Urara smiled as her hands moved around the crystal ball. She didn't bother glaring or yelling at Alex since she knew it's just a futile attempt.

Emi took a glance at Alex who was just observing the crystal ball, before looking back at Urara.

She wanted to ask for their compatibility since she was curious, but decided against. She was sure that she and Alex are compatible...after all, they did have a very long time to develop their relationship.

Surely, their life won't turn into something like a crappy novel where the author decided to discard the main heroine who had gotten a very nice character development, and choose a side character with big boobs who absolutely has zero character development, who became strong for no other just so she could be of use to the MC and to elevate her status as a side character.

And it absolutely did not work.


Since the option of compatibility was out, Emi didn't really have anything to ask for, and looking at Alex who seem more interested at the crystal ball, she knew he doesn't have something he wanted to know as well.

Urara noticed their reaction and smirked, "Okay, how about I predict what'll happen down the line for the three of you....or something like that?"

"Oh, please do." Emi nodded.

"Alright! I'm starting." Urara's eyes flash as she moved her hands around the crystal ball and began chanting. "Elo ihm Essa ihm, Ello ehm Issa ehm~"

"Are you summoning a demon here?" Alex murmured as he just stared at the crystal ball and Urara, wandering how could she achieve something like precognition.

"Ohh...I can see it!" Urara exclaimed as her eyes returned to normal as she gave Emi and Alex a smirk, "You, Emi Yuusa, is worried about a certain "someone" trying to touch something that you treasured and consider as yours."

Emi blinks her eyes but remained silent. Instead, opting to just stare at Alex, wanting to see his reaction.

Urara then looked at Alice with complicated expression but ended sighing, "....this little lady here though...I caught a glimpse of her standing in front of an army gigantic monsters....damn that was scary..."

Alice tilted her head, not understanding a thing about what Urara means.

Emi rolled her eyes and shot Alex a look, but the man just smiled and winked at her.

"As for you though...." Urara furrowed her brows as she stared at Alex, "...I can't see anything. Maybe because you're too strong? Hmm, how strange."

Alex remained silent, and seem to be in deep thought. '...So she can't see my fate huh? It couldn't be because of strength, because Emi is already close to the level of Sephira, and Alice is a literal Sephira albeit being a fragment. But why can't she see mine? Hmmm, questions, questions...'

Shaking his head, he decided not to dwell on it and stood up and just took out a hundred yen coin and tossed it towards Urara.

"Man, what a fortune teller you are, very reliable." Alex smirked, his tone full of sarcasm, "Just take that as an appreciation to your efforts."

Urara caught the coin as her cheek twitched in annoyance. When she look up to glare at Alex, he was already gone along with Emi and Alice.

"What a bastard."


"Wh...Wh...Why are you all here!?" Sagiri exclaimed as she stared at Nonko, Harribel, Rika, Suzuno, and Ashiya who are smiling at her.

"Whyyyy~?" Nonko began as she observed Sagiri up and down, before giving a thumbs up, "Its because we wanted to see you look like thiiis~ Sagiri-chan!"

"Nngh!?" Sagiri blushed as she tried to hide her face with a tray. She was wearing a short skirted maid uniform that shows off her long and plump thighs.

"K...Keep this a secret from Alex and Emi!" She begged with a flushed expression. She may have confessed to the guy but still, it is embarrassing to be seen like this by the one she loves.

Though, she is also quite curious about his opinion on her outfit.

"Hmm, what do we dooo~?" Nonko smiled.

"Nonko!" Sagiri cutely glared at the Oni, only to frown when she spotted something at the corner of the room.

Yes, that cliché thing, that's what she saw.

"Man, there sure are a lot of cute girls here." Said a young man with blonde hair in a pompadour hairstyle wearing an orange shades, a red shirt, a black blazers and black slacks.

"Hey, make your skirt shorter miss maid." Said a young man with a slicked back black hair with the same outfit as the blonde, as he lifted the skirt of a girl who was asking them their orders.

"Kyaa!" The girl screamed as she retreated, glaring at the two boys.

"What? Aren't we supposed to be your masters?" Said the blonde pompadour.

"Come on, call us that, say master, come on."

Sagiri quickly rushed towards them, "Stop it you two! You may be costumers, but you don't have the right to—!?"

Her sentence was cut short as the slicked back young man splashed a water on her face.

"Oi, oi, that's not how you supposed to act right? Make sure to call use masters."

Sagiri's eyes turned cold as she took out a kunai, she was really leaking a killing intent right now.

She glared at the two delinquents as they actually froze in fear, "You son of a bitch...."

Though she may not kill them, it doesn't mean she can't send them to the hospital.

"Ameno-san!" The girl whose skirt was lifted up called out as she put a hand on Sagiri's shoulder to calm her down.

And it seem to work as Sagiri hid her kunai and glared at the two, "Leave."

They did not need to be told twice as they scurried out like mouse being chase by a cat.

"Well, that went better than expected."

Sagiri froze at the familiar voice as she slowly turned around, and came face to face with the man she loves.


"Yo!" Alex grinned as he observed her, "Nice outfit by the way."

"T-Thanks!" Sagiri blushed before moving her eyes at the person standing a step behind Alex, "Emi, Alice, welcome."


"Aren't you supposed to call me mistress?" Emi smirked.

"Rgh," Sagiri groaned at that, but still nodded, "M-Mistress...M-Master, young lady, welcome."

Alex just smirked and sat down on a chair with Emi sitting at the opposite side of him.

"By the way," Alex looked around, "I remember that you, Hibari, Chisaki, and Yuuna are at the same class? Where are they?"

Sagiri nodded, "Yeah, but their shift's over, I heard that they decided to help the other class in a play since Chisaki and Yuuna are friends with most of them."

"A play huh?" Alex smiled, now this is rather interesting.


AN: for those who find this little arc boring the dun worry, I'll end this in the next chap,