
Chapter 13: The Clincher

As Alex walked out of the other side of the portal, he was immediately greeted by the sight of his little garden in front of his mansion.

Turning his head, he looked at Starrk and Harribel—who was looking around the place in wonder, this is the first time that they came here after all.

"Alright, you can take Emi's and Hisui's room if you want. Since Emi lived with me, and Hisui always stays at Hanzo's room, so no one really use them. Don't worry, the room is quite wide, so you can share them."

"Also, you guys need to go to work." Emi added, there are already enough Stay-at-home people in this little group, she doesn't want to add more. "You need money to pay your rent after all."

"What?!" Apacci and Mila Rose exclaimed. "We can't allow lady Harribel to work! We'll work on her stead! Its beneath lady Harribel to do these kind of things!"

"I agree." Sung-sun nodded, covering her mouth with her sleeves.

"Its fine." Harribel spoke, "There is nothing to do here anyway. Might as well."

"Urgh." Starrk groaned, "Can't I just stay here? I can accept sleeping here outside. It looks pretty peac—okay."

He nodded his head when Emi suddenly narrowed her eyes. Even though she wasn't really looking at him, he knew to never cross this violent woman.

Her strength is only match by her vicious tongue that would make even demons cry in depression.

"Mmmh~" Nonko stretched her body before releasing a satisfied sigh, "I'm gonna head to the hot springs. Its been awhile since I've been into one. Bye~"

Nonko quickly rushed outside of the sub-space to head to bath.

"I'm going too." Lucifer yawned before putting his hands on his pockets as he began to walk outside.

"Grhg—?!" He stopped, his eyes almost popped out of his sockets as the collar of his clothes suddenly tightened around his neck.

"Where do you think you're going?" Alex smiled as he was holding Lucifer's shirt, tightening it around his neck.

It was at that moment that Lucifer suddenly remembered his punishment—becoming a social worker.

"Papa! Don't pick on Looshifer!" Alice looked at Lucifer worriedly as she was being held by Emi, "Papa!"

Emi just looked at Lucifer with a blank look, "I don't know why she likes you but, please don't spread your NEET-ness to her okay?"

"I told you! Its not contagious!"

"I don't know man, that seems pretty contagious to me." Genshiro grinned, "Maybe you need to get out a bit more you know? Enjoy the sun or something."

"Shut up! You sorry excuse of a Dragon God!"

"Guh?!" Genshiro winced. That hurt more than he thought. It shot straight to his heart.

"Hm," Ashiya suddenly faced Alex, "My liege, if you will excuse me. I shall tend to our café immediately. I left the place for....three days here."

Alex just waved his hand as Ashiya nodded and left. Alex watched his general as he left before turning towards Harribel and Starrk.

"Anyway we—?"


Alex blinks before turning towards the door of his sub-space, where Chitose can be seen, breathing heavily as if she just ran a marathon.

"Alexander..." Chitose run towards Alex and grabbed his shirt, "Please! You need to help Sagiri!"

"Hm? What do you mean?"

Chitose took a deep breath before she began explaining, "Earlier, when we were having lunch, Sagiri suddenly got a call that Gotei 13 was attacked!"

The former Arrancar all perked up hearing their former enemy getting attacked. They knew the strength of Gotei 13, so its rather surprising that someone actually dared to attack them.

"The Chuuma Ninja gave their assistants, and Sagiri left with the use of Teleportation Talisman. We don't know what happened after that, but we just suddenly got the news that more than half of the Captains were already down, and possibly dead...we wanted to help them, but the Sub-space of Gotei 13 is hidded and no one can just find it. Alex, please help her."

Alex looked at Emi and nodded at each other. Emi handed Alice to Harribel, with Alice looking at Emi, confused.


Emi smiled and kissed her forehead, "Mama and Papa just have to pick up Sagiri-neechan, so stay with Tier-neechan for a bit okay?"

"Un, Okeh."

Emi nodded and patted her head before looking at Alex, who nodded at her.

Alex turned towards Chitose, "Don't worry, Sagiri is my friend, I'll protect her and bring her back safe and sound."

Chitose smiled, "Thank you."

He nodded, before turning towards Emi, "Let's go."


"Alexander Gremory..." Yamamoto suddenly flashed beside them, "Thank you for helping my granddaughter, but more importantly, do you know these people?"

"We do." Answered Emi, giving the angel Daniel a glare as he desperately tried to pull his sword back. "They're a bunch of animals who have more dick in their personality than they do in their pants."

"Ouch." Alex cringed, as always, Emi's tongue can really hurt, he was sure even a Sephira won't be spared.

"You—!" Daniel conjured a purple light spear on his palm before thrusting it to Emi, who easily caught it in her palms, "—Impossible?!"

Emi remained silent and just pointed a finger at his face. Daniel immediately felt his life getting threatened as he let go of the sword before teleporting, just in time for a silver energy lance to shot out fron Emi's finger.

"Hey~! Hey~! Don't ignore me here mm-kay?" Gabriel suddenly appeared just ten meters away from them as he gave them a pout.

Camael also teleported beside him as Daniel just stood a little bit behind the two.

"Old man, just go and help those captains of yours, we'll handle these guys." Emi spoke, glaring at Gabriel.

Yamamoto nodded before looking at Sagiri, "Retreat first Sagiri, recover your spirit power and—"

"No." Sagiri shook her head, before glaring at Daniel, "I can still fight. That man over there, I can handle him."

Yamamoto glared at his granddaughter, "Stop it. You need to rest. Even at your full strength you won't be able to beat him, that man is at least a Transcendental."

Daniel who was listening just grinned at Sagiri, "How cute, you think you can beat me? If it wasn't for Emilia Justina stopping my blade, you would've died just now."

Sagiri narrowed her eyes. But couldn't refute what he said. If it wasn't for Emi suddenly saving her just in time, she might've died.

She was about to retreat when she felt a hand on her shoulders and she suddenly felt her spirit power recovering, along with her stamina and injuries.

"What?" Startled, she looked up, only to see Alex smiling at her, "...Alex."

"Sagiri ain't gonna lose to a nobody like you." He ignored the look the others were giving him and just continue, "Every single day, I have seen this woman training harder than anyone else, pushing herself to the limits. That's exactly why, only she herself knew what she can or can't do. If she says that she beat you..."

He grinned and looked at Sagiri, who was staring at him, "...I'm sure she can. Right? Sagiri!"

The Ninja smiled and took out a kunai, "...Yeah...Without a doubt..."

Emi rolled her eyes at Alex. She isn't dense enough to not notice the feelings of her friend, and she was sure that Alex knew this too.

And she knew, that those words of his were the clincher. At this point she won't be surprise if Sagiri declare that she wanted to marry Alex.

But would Emi allow that?

The answer is no.

Emi truly and undeniably hated the idea of sharing Alex with other women. It wasn't that she didn't like them or didn't trust them or even that she thought herself superior to them.

She simply didn't like the concept of her choosing a singular man while he may or may not prefer her over others. If she was the only one, then she knew that she was truly special to him, that she was truly the only woman he would ever be with, that he would ever look at affectionately.

But if she chose to share him, then there was uncertainty. Would he merely pay attention to her because he pitied her, would he just see her as another one of the pretty faces, would she even be unique in his eyes?

It was why, even if it break the heart of her friend, she isn't willing to share.

Sagiri slowly floated as she did a half-tiger seal with her right hand while smiling.

'The only one who knows huh? You really overestimate me..up until this point, I didn't even understand it myself...no, I was so embarrassed and ashamed of myself...even trying to deny it...but..this warmth...its burning inside my chest...'

"This is my first time using it on combat so I don't have much mastery over it, so I'll end this quickly..." She smiled, looking at Daniel with determined gaze.

'That's right...I was so ashamed of myself, for liking the man of my friend...that's why I keep looking away, denying this feelings that was buried under my heart...'

A powerful burst of Spirit Power covered Sagiri. After a few moments, the spirit power disperse, revealing Sagiri in a completely new spirit armor.

Her full body spirit armor now looks a lot like a traditional belly dancer's outfit, with a massive amount of small and large kunai, forming a lotus on her back.

'..I knew it from the start..that there's no way I could be with you...that's why I decided to ignore this feelings...but..but even so!...'

"That's—!?" Yamamoto's eyes widened seeing the Spirit Armor suddenly evolved. "...This Spirit Power...she breached it...Transcendental, she reached it!"

"Tch." Daniel clicked his tongue before spreading his wings.

Alex grinned, looking at Sagiri. Emi smiled, happy for her friend.

Suddenly, a powerful Celestial Force exploded as Alex and Emi turned towards Camael, who seem to be glaring at Alex.

"Sa..tan..." Camael spoke with a hoarse, his tone full of anger, "Demon...king...Sa..tan.."

Alex raised an eyebrow, "The heck is wrong with this dude? Oi, Gabriel, what's up with your friend? Its like I killed his entire family or something..."

Gabriel laughed, "Haha~ He's just agitated, The Demon King Satan is in front of him after all."

"The hell? I don't even know him."

"Haha! Then you can blame your parents for giving you that name."

"It was Leilah that gave me this name though."

Gabriel blinks his eyes in surprise, before he smiled, "...I see. So it seems that you means a lot to her, she named you after him."



Camael flashed towards Alex and thrusts his trident. Raising an eyebrow, Alex just casually grabbed its tip before flicking his forehead.

Boom! Camael was sent flying away.

"Anyway," Alex grinned and clenched his fist, "I need to talk with that sloppy ass angel over there. Emi, Sagiri, take your opponent and let's end this."

Emi and Sagiri looked at each other before smiling.

" " Roger! " "