
The Devil Invade

This is a story of Darby Pentanon . ----------------------------- ^ -|°|°|- ^ ----------------------------- [ Darby Pentanon is the main Character or Protagonist whatever . ] ----------------------------- ^ -|°|°|- ^ ----------------------------- Who got literal God's power unknowingly and he had a lots of Adventures, Betrayers etc. And now he and Darby Sailol which is as a friends toward Darby as well as he is the villain too . ----------------------------- ^ -|°|°|- ^ ----------------------------- [ So here comes the second main protagonist of thos story . ] ----------------------------- ^ -|°|°|- ^ ----------------------------- After so much of struggle they chose to die so now that they died and now they are reincarnated into normal and wealthy humans and now that there businesses are pretty famous among many countries so they decided to make their businesses even more famous so they decided to work in a partnership and they both meet again and since they were enemies from their past life so it is obvious that something unusual happening would take place among them and so happens read the full novel lto get it cuz it is full of confusions and add it to your library and vote me and review me as it helps me a lot ,If you missed even a single chapter it would result in a great confusion as this story changes within seconds.... ----------------------------- ^ -|°|°|- ^ ----------------------------- And the main biggest twist is in Chapter 27 so if you wanna jump it would be a waste so Enjoy and I have planned many things for this novel so stay tuned cause you don't know where is the interesting part well we'll get to that otherwise I would yell all the intrest at once never mind.... ----------------------------- ^ -|°|°|- ^ -----------------------------

Sankalp_Verma · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
28 Chs

The Mysterious King ( Chapter 03 )

While everyone was searching that why did the portal opened right behind the Darby but meanwhile the King was again and again talking to a farmer and was asking about some wheat but everyone ignored it but then King asked Darby to go into the portal with some flour and pour it over your whole face, without asking any questions

Darby entered the portal and poured flour on his whole face but he was now summoned in another world and for everybody he present there only without any motion because his mind was not present in his body he was in another realm but he was present in the present but his mind has gone to another realm and there the king stood and his master and they were learning martial arts and about it and suddenly whole body of Darby started to disappear as it was going to the mind and the master called Darby and started their training and the past king was again and again asking his master that who is this man but the master was telling him to wait for a while ,

So the master asked Darby that is he ready for the practice and then he started his practice to be a great warrior but there were some conditions like he can't stay more than a week as his body was continuously time traveling so his body could just disappear and till the time his body is disappeared his brain could be damaged or it can also just disappear from past ,

Without any further late they started there training with basics like just telling about the moves and performing self defense in order to save yourself from enemy attacks so the training of Darby began