
The Beginning

Long ago, there was a kingdom of angels which was led by the God and a kingdom of demons which was led by the devil, they were both divine beings, capable of manipulating as they wish.

They were also best friends.

Whenever there was a calamity over the world where the lived, they both united their factions and delt with the intruders but after they realized the chaos was over.

There were no beings left for them to deal with.

In the end the God and the devil were pure hearted and were not able to decide what to do with the other worlds where the creation of other higher beings that fought against them resided.

The pure hearted beings wanted to take them in their home world as refugees as the world that they live in will die soon after the death of the higher being residing there, but the angels and the demons were against the that as they thought that by inviting other races the dignity of their race would perish.

As a result, the higher beings were confused on what to do with the refugees, but then a brilliant idea sparked in the mind of the devil.

"Would you take care of my follower" asked the devil to the God who was still confused of what was his friend thinking.

"I would always treat them with the same respect as my deciple but what are you planning to do?"

Then the devil spoke,"I will create a world where the refugees can live and channel my magic and aura into it to keep it alive, I will be the higher being the world needs to sustain life, mean while you need to take care of the world we lived in and also make sure that the refugees can live a proper life"

"You need to create a simulation."

"What are you talking about? Even if we succeed in creating the simulation the math doesn't add up here. Beings like humans, goblins, orcs and many more will just go extinct the moment the simulation starts."

"Don't worry I will lend them powers to survive in their toughest moments and create miracles beyond their imaginations you just have to protect everyone and stand as a care taker for this world in my absence."

"Are you okay with that."

"... ..."

"You see my plans are always well crafted."


"What? Is there a problem?"

"A-As much I know you, you will even abandon any kind of luxury there, you will just be a watcher."

"So, what's wrong with that."

"... ..."

"I you have something to talk about, this is your last chance. Because after this, we won't be meating each others for a long time"



"Don't want to live without you."

Then for the first time in a very long eternity, tears fell off the eyes of God

"H-Hey stop behaving like a child."


"Well, we are, but only for looks. We lived for more than an eternity together. We can't do everything while staying together, we always have to take so-"

That's when God hugged me with all his might to stop me.

What could I say, I also don't want to leave him like this, besides there is a bigger reason why I need to do this. I am sorry for doing this, I am also doing whatever I can to control these complex emotions flowing in my mind.

I am sorry my brother.

But i need to do this.....


"P-Please, don't go"


I am sorry...

At the final moments, a drop of tear shed from my eyes.

At last I created the world, granted special things call "Attributes" to all beings. Also made it such that the more you train the better you get and you slowly improve your attribute even though it will be predetermined from your birth.

The attributes were:-






And Luck

Now are you satisfied with all this?

Suddenly a crack through the reality arose out of nowhere inside the cave where the Devil was residing.

An ominous voice echoing through the cave reached the ears of the Devil.

"HO-HO-HO long time no see. I am glad to see you again the Devil. I was willing to see you for so long but it looks like you are not pleased with my presence."

"OBVIOUSLY! and I thought our contract only lasted until the moment you see a touch of my emotion."

"Indeed! I remember in the contract we made, You were to receive unmatched power, even among higher beings similar to your kind, in return I will interfere with whatever you do until the moment I see you being emotional. That's why you might be wondering why am I still here?"

"Just so you know a magic infused drop of tear might be enough to fool your friend but those cheap tricks won't work on me. Furthermore, even if that were a real drop of tear, I am not here to just see one your emotions but every emotion that you will feel in the upcoming future"

"So there is no hiding from you. If you are truely such a divine being, 'THE CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE!!!' you call yourself why would you ever want to see the emotion of a mere lowly being like me. Do the creators don't have any other work to pass time?"

"You are certainly correct but there are two more reasons. First of all, you, right now are the most powerful creature who exists within the boundaries of a universe and Second, I am just the one who is ordered to carry on the task however I can, I have no interest in your feelings so don't take it personally."

"Hmm... I understand the feeling of being boss around by some one superior"

The creator of the universe smiled after listening to the Devil's word and continued.

"Speaking of which have you considered about giving them a past or are you just going to throw the refugees in this world and call it survival of the fittest?"

The devil while stretching his arms replied

"Ah... I was thinking about that, I am just gonna give them a peaceful past that every species live in harmony together and then I am done."

"That is not going to happen."

The Devil was just thinking about what new idea does he have behind that creepy looking smile.

"I went further and created a past myself."

"Why, may I ask?"

"No need, just use it, it will be more fun this way. You may read it as well other wise you would never know what the hell is going on."

The Devil thoroughly analysed the timeline story created buy the being and replied.

"You would never let me sleep at all."

In the timeline created buy that being there was only a little bit of peace. The world was divided into two forces. One containing all the humanoid species and the other contains every other kind of species called monsters.

Then the Devil thought to himself, "Wait, monsters is just a name, what the hell does he mean by humanoid."

Without even asking, the being replied,

"Humanoid is just a name I gave to those species which have low physical strength, high mental strength, can walk on 2 legs and have self awareness..... And are cute and have a skin tone colour on their skin."

The Devil look him in the eyes nonchantly as if he knew that the being knew what he is thinking.

"Don't stare at me like that, read it, there is more interesting stuff there than you might think."

The Devil started reading the book again, the more he looked the more complications he found as if the entire timeline is a mystery until he reached the last page where he found the solution of all complications and also the nightmare he has to live with which won't even let him sleep properly.

"You made demons summonable and gave me the title of the one and only Demon Lord, a third division only created of higher beings which might be either neutral or aggressive against humanoids and neutral against monsters, we're you drunk before writing this, you do know that I don't believe in good or bad and summoning demons, that would just create a one sided massacre machine for whoever summoned them."

"Well, you will decide how musch power and effort would the demons lend to their summoner, you are the Devil after all and for the answer for your first question, I never said you have to be how it is believed by the past. You can even have friendly relations with humans. I never said you can't."

"Yeah! I would have done that first hand but you also added the first rule you remember, I can't go out of the door of this stupid cave."

"Well you gotta stick with that, and also, don't even think of controlling a humanoid without making a contract. Because you are the only being who is believed to have extraordinary magic. It will just make your image worse.... And also I didn't mentioned that God is the one who would be deemed as their creater."

"Well I was thinking of the same thing. I thought he was feeling bad when I left. He should have something to have some fun."

"He was feeling bad when you left but you didn't felt bad at all you really are a weird being, may be that's why he likes you."

"Who may I ask."

"Nevermind, buy the way my name is Kuro saying it just so the writer doesn't 'the being', 'that being' again and again"

Not understanding a single thing, the Devil replied, "HUH... What?"

"Nevermind that as well. Okay then, see you again in the future."

The a black cloak enveloped Kuro as he vanished out of thin air.

"Well, I know you didn't left."

Then Kuro once again appeared out of thin air and the Devil said to himself in mind, "I knew it."

"Well you can always play pretend, any ways byyee."

Then he vanished once again.


Then the Devil looked around the cave and just observed.

"Well this is a pretty huge cave, but not for my liking. I will create a subspace of my liking in here, a huge labyrinth should be good enough. And also I want to add some guards every were such that you either have to request the guard to give you the way or you just fight the guard to death. Finally after defeating all the guards, you come to me to a fight or you pass my secret quest by passing through all the guards by requesting with a pure heart. This dungeon will reward humanoids according to your effort. Monsters are not allowed to enter without being the companion of a human."

"Well then all that is left is to bring every refugee here, embed the timeline in their minds and start the time."

"Well then for a long time they won't be able to find my dungeon. Well I expected an outcome like that."

"Well then now I have a lot of time to study about the science behind magic. It's just a hobby but by doing this I can not only pass my time but also create magic spells that can do whatever I want. I guess I will have a lot of free time for now and I won't be bored."

A Thousand years later.

"I am bored."

Kuro suddenly appeared out of nowhere to taunt him,

"Well bored already, I thought you loved magic and the science behind them a lot."

"Yes, I did but..."

"But what?"

"In the middle of finding new magic, I found a magic that makes your mind and body run a lot faster (mind acceleration and body speed manipulation) , I used it to it's full potential to find more magic in a short period of time and accrlerated my mind to I don't know how many times faster, at least a billion times I believe and now I know every kind of magic within the boundaries of the universe and and even the magic that exists beyond space, time and reality."

Kuro's eye balls fell to the ground like a cartoon character. Well that's a higher being for you but now I know so much magic that even I can do it myself.

"Man, you really are a magic nerd."

Suddenly a high rank demon from the higher world appeared.

"Your majesty"

The demon greeted the Devil and said,

"A demon for the first time is to be summoned. What rank should we send?"

"Well, what are the criterion."

"The summoner appears to be from a royal elf family, they are presenting 2 elf souls as gift offering."

"What, Kuro did you set sacrifice as a criteria for summoning."

"Well obviously" Said kuro while eating pancakes that the devil made using food creating magic, "This thing is good. I didn't know you were a great chef as well."

"I am going to change that a little, are you okay with that?"

"But why."

The Devil smiled and replied,

"I don't want people to be killing each other just to summon a demon. Otherwise there will be wars breaking out everyday."

"Instead of sacrifices, I will take their good deeds of their current and past life as sacrifices. Right Kaos?"

The deamon standing on the side replied,

"As you wish, My Lord"

"Now tell me, how many good deeds did they do?"

"Yes my Lord, till now they have done several hundred good deeds in their life, and they have been chanting for thirty days."

"Well then revive the two elves who were sacrificed and and tell them about the new criterion and provide them with a rank 8 demon."

"As you wish my Lord, I, Kaos, will carry out your will."

"Wait Kaos."

Kaos stopped with a sudden jerk.

"You have anything to say my Lord."

"Yeah there is a new cool magic I learned that allows us to communicate over long distance, go teach it to God. It is like this, you have to chant this and then..."

Meanwhile Kuro, being on stand by was thinking,

"Even though he has the name, thoughts and feelings of the devil, his heart is more pure than the kindest humanoids. Now I kind of understand why master took a liking on him. Now I too wonder what kind of miracle will change his feelings and make him feel an emotion as well."

Well that's my job to find out?

"There you have it, now you and God can communicate to me whenever you want to talk to me about a summon or about anything else."

"Thank you my Lord I will proudly carve this magic in the bottom of my soul."

"That would be painful you don't have to do it."

"He truely is a devil with the heart of an angel... No probably, his heart is like God. Souls are a form of power for higher beings and he refused it like it's nothing."