
The Devil among Demons

The day Jacob’s family dies is the day he saved a cop, sacrificing himself as he thought ‘Since I have no one anymore, I might as well be useful to someone right?’. As he thought this, his whole world turned black as his consciousness, faded into the void. Next things he knows is that everything is black and there is a thick scaly vine wrapped around him. “The f*ck?” Was his only thought at that moment.

Fenrir_Maxwell · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs


As Jacob woke up, his whole body ached as of he was running non-stop for twelve hours. He had had the "honor" of experiencing this due to his ex-girlfriend, Alice Stem. As soon as he remembered her, he quickly shook his head and stood up. To his surprise, he hit his head on the roof of the cave and fell back down. As he was falling he braced himself for the pain that came from falling on his tail, only it never came.

He looked behind himself but couldn't see his red tail. As he was confused, he also realized that he stood up straight instead of the crouch he used to do before. as he felt his back, he couldn't feel the spikes he usually felt but instead touch the most soft material he has ever felt before.

Now he was extremely confused. When was this soft material when he crashed into the now small looking cave? Just as he was about to look back the system spoke to him again.

-Evolution complete-

-Host is now a Devil-

-New skills <Transformation Lv.1> and <Mana manipulation Lv.1> acquired-

-Stats increase-

-Gender is given-

-Soul advance to the Peak Mid-level stage-

-Skill Shop now available-

-Message from Devil God Kazebo-

-Open message?-

All these red panels suddenly appeared on after the other that it overwhelmed him a little. The system read all the notification in quick succession before he had the chance to read them.

"H-huh. Wait, evolution? Soul advance? Devil god Kazebo? Message? Gender? What?" He said aloud now thoroughly confused. Then he suddenly stopped. Something was off. He didn't hear the usual screech when he spoke instead he heard actual words. He stayed like that for a few minutes before feeling very happy. He could speak!

"Woohoo! I don't sound like a dying cat anymore!" He shouted before quickly shutting up. He wasn't on Earth anymore. If demon beasts start coming this way to investigate the weirdly happy noise, he might not be able to fight them off.

As he read the notification panels, He felt happy that he got his "little brother" back and he also acquired the transformation skill.

"Status." He said excitedly. He can't wait to see his updated status.

/ Status /

Name- Lucifer

HP- 1000/1000

MP- 3000/3000

Stamina- 7000/7000

Soul- Mid-level (Peak)

Souls- 3/500

Age- 3 days

Race- Devil

Gender- Male

Strength- 200

Vitality- 10

Agility- 300

Intelligence- 600

Dexterity- 200

Defense- 100


Sprint Lv.2

Slash Lv.2

Tail Whip Lv.2

Devil Eyes Lv.MAX

Soul Absorption Lv.MAX

Devil's Guide Lv.MAX

Transformation Lv.1

Mana Manipulation Lv,1.

State- Soul Bound, Marked for Summoning.

The first thing he noticed were the new additions in his status. He first looked at his skills section and sees that they all have levels now. He got excited when he saw his <Transformation> skill but confused when he looked at the <Mana Manipulation> skill. He asked his trusty <Devil's Guide> to explain. He could have just clicked on it and read it's description but why would he when he had something that has all the answers?

"<Mana Manipulation> is a skill required for magic. Magic is the use of mana to manipulate the environment to bend to the will of the Magic-caster. Devils and Angels are the most proficient in magic." Replied the monotonous voice.

"Wait, hold on a moment. Magic fucking exists here?! And what is that about freaking Angels?!" He said in shock. Who wouldn't be shocked when they found out that suddenly they could make fire tornadoes and the such and that Angels exist?

Suddenly he heard a boom sound behind. Instantly he spun around crouching slightly and what he saw was...nothing. All he saw were two craters on both sides of the cave. As he calmed down once he saw there was nothing there, he became confused as to why craters were suddenly made.

"Maybe they were unstable parts of the cave? But then what's the probability that it would happen directly opposite of each other at the same time?" He thought to himself. Suddenly, he felt something was off again. His back felt a bit heavier as if something was pulling him back slightly. It wasn't enough to cause discomfort when moving but only just detectable. As he looked back, his eyes became to huge circles.

"Since when...DID I GET FUCKING WINGS?!?!?" He yelled at the top of his lungs in surprise. On his back where two giant wings that looked kind of like how you would imagine an angels wings except these were pitch black in color except for a few stray red feathers here and there. These were the soft things he felt earlier. Once he managed to pry his eyes off his new-found wings, he looked at his hands seeing that they looked more grayish now than the red skin he had before.

He looked back to his still open status screen once he's calmed down a bit and read it from top to bottom. His eyes twitched a bit when he saw his name section at the top.

''You've got to be fucking kidding me." He said with disbelief before he remembered that the Devil God sent him a message.


I see you finally evolved. I found it laughable when I thought of you walking around the demon's cities introducing yourself as 'Jacob' so I gave you a new name. Also you won't be able to tell any other name no matter how hard you try. This name came from your world although the legend of Lucifer is quite funny. They probably got it when I went to earth for the first time and they saw my wings. Anyway, I woke up your sister and I must say, this "anime" and "manga" from your world sounds quite interesting. I was surprised when she calmly accepted her death... ahem! Back to the point, get stronger quickly because the time when you start your service to my grand-daughter is soon approaching." This time the message was like a voice message. He sounded like a normal friendly dude when he started talking about manga but at the end he talked the way you would imagine with a deep voice and coldness.

"Holy shit. My sister even managed to tame a Devil god." Lucifer murmured in disbelief as he tried to imagine her talking to him about 'Naruto' and him listening intently. He shook His head as the image is too ridiculous.

He refocused on his status when he heard thunder outside as if the Devil god actually heard what he muttered. He made a vow that he will never speak ill of Kazebo again. What caught his attention after that was at the bottom. He was surprised that his stats are now 10 times what they were before but the 'state' section was way more surprising. He could somewhat understand what they meant. Most likely is when it's time to do the 'service', he would get summoned and do his job.

After checking everything, he tried to use his wings. At first, nothing seemed to happen before <Devils Guide> was activated.

"Input mana into the wings to activate them for the first time and to connect them to the mana network. They will respond to commands instantly without inputting mana afterwards." It said.

As Lucifer heard this, he didn't know what to do. He has never 'inputted' mana anywhere before except for his skills. He activated his <Slash> skill to maybe get a feeling for it and what he saw and felt shocked him.

The second he activated the skill he felt like dam inside him that was holding back a huge amount of water open slightly. The mana flowed into something akin to veins in his arm as it made its way towards the now human like hand. It formed a transparent red claw as if he wore a glove. He slashed at the wall of the cave causing the side of the cave and the nearby cliff to fall towards the forest.


Some demon birds flew away from the terrifying sight. This time when Lucifer used the attack, he didn't feel heavy or tired in any way. It was probably due to his increased strength, vitality and intelligence which caused the attack to have such destructive force.

Once he got over his shock, he tried to let the mana flow into his wings through the mana network that his skill told him about earlier. As soon as the mana touched the separate mana network in the wings the passageways seem to fuse and now it felt as if he had had two extra limbs on his back all his life. He tried flapping them down slowly.

He had underestimated himself as the second his wings stopped, he flew headfirst into the top of the cave. As he tried to get his head free from the cave, he finally succeeded only to find that it did not hurt. As he felt his head, he did not find any wound, not even so much as a small bump. He figured it was probably due to his high defense stat.

Now that he figured out how to fly, he suddenly looked at his status again and became confused. Now that he thought about it he had no idea why he had evolved in the first place. He needed 4 more souls in order to evolve and he only killed one vulture. This is where <Devils Guide> came to the rescue again.

"Different level souls have different amounts of energy in them. The demon vulture had a Mid-level soul which is equivalent to 4 Low-level souls." It said in the usual emotionless voice.

"That explains why I evolved but why is there 3 extra souls on the bar?" He said. As he looked towards the vulture carcass, he found something was poking out from under it. Now that he is only five times smaller than it than previously when he was ten times smaller and also due to the increase in the strength stat, Lucifer was able to life it up and see that under it were remnants of eggs.

"So that's where the extra souls came from." He thought to himself, only feeling slightly guilty as they never experienced the world before dying but he didn't feel too bad cause it was due to their mother attacking him first.

Just as he put the carcass back down he heard a girl scream echo across the cliff. He was confused and thought he heard wrong because as far as he could see, he was in the middle of the forest and there were no signs of any civilization around even though the message from Devil king Kazebo stated that there are. Anyway he knew that a girl(?) wouldn't be here in the middle of the forest by herself. Just as he was about to forget about it he heard another scream for help this time.

"Help! Anyone!" The girlish voice screamed. On instinct, Lucifer ran towards the exit and jumped while flapping his wings. As he flew he was still confused as the voice of the girl resembled that of a 7 year-old human from Earth, even though he knew it was almost impossible.

As he circled around in the sky, he saw a small black dot running from something that was cover due to the dust cloud it created while running. As he descended, he saw a demon rhino with yellow bones coming out of its shoulders and down it's back and a large metal like horn on it's nose. It was chasing a girl with tiny horns going out the sides of her head. she was wearing a tattered black dress and her face was caked in mud.

Seeing the little girl running, Lucifer was urged to help. The little girl was looked so young so it was hard to see her escaping without his help and he knew he would feel guilty for weeks if he did nothing.

Resolving himself, he flapped his wings as hard as he could before activating his <Slash> skill and aimed for the monsters neck. What he didn't expect was that this time due to using all his strength and increasing the amount of mana above the required amount caused it to create a giant red mana blade that launched itself across the rhino's neck and then some taking out a few trees dozens of meters away as well.

As the mana blade kept going it eventually hit a really thick tree stopping it in its tracks and creating a big explosions that bent the nearby trees almost making there leaves touch the ground.

Lucifer and the girl just stared at the explosion in a daze for a few seconds before they heard what sounded like a stampede coming their way. As they looked towards the direction of the sound, they saw a herd of demon rhinos running towards them with red eyes. They could feel the killing intent emanating from them and Lucifer didn't even know how he used the move he did before and his body was starting to get a bit heavy.

Making up his mind, he flapped his wings and carried the girl off the floor before launching himself in the air as the girl screamed her lungs out.

"AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Was all she said before passing out from fear at suddenly being a hundred meters in the air. Lucifer looked at the girl a she stopped screaming and hovered in air to check if she was still alive. The rhinos looked at them from the ground while stomping and grunting but they couldn't do anything anymore. Lucifer just looked at them before turning around and flew back towards his new cave.

Hello. To anyone interested, please give me some good demon names for both males and females and some good demon powers I can use. I didn't plan anything for this book and am just going with the flow so any ideas would be helpful pls.

Fenrir_Maxwellcreators' thoughts