
the devil's soft spot

Barbie Santana is a young 18-year-old girl just living life with her Pop and best friend Theo when a very mysterious but devilishly handsome stranger walks right into her life Things don't go so well when Theo who's been in love with her all these years finally wants to make a move but has to contend with Mysterio Kieran........... Mysterio Kieran hasn't been able to get the blue-eyed redhead off his mind ever since he set his eyes on her at the young age of 15 he's watched her closely for 3 years never letting anyone get too close to what belongs to him and him alone..........well except her idiot best friend who he can't even stand But how long can Mysterio wait to have those beautiful eyes staring at him again........... Let's find out Guys, I hope you enjoy this book. It's my first book on Webnovel I've mainly been a reader and just decided to try this out once I appreciate constructive criticism and yh warning............ There's gonna be lots of SMUT so if you know you're not comfortable with slow burn sex-filled romance then this book is not for you Thanks once again pls blow this up guys

Rielledivi17star · Thành thị
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Chapter 7: For her

Mysterio's POV

Anger pulsed through my veins as Babara's hurt expression came to mind.

I wanted to kill someone...... specifically Daniella Gaitân.

I was still busy clenching and unclenching my fist trying to release the tension in them when I felt little arms wrap around my legs........

Already knowing who they belonged to, I returned the hug, picking the little boy up.

"How was school Jake?" I asked my absolutely adorable younger brother.

Him and his twin sister Jackie were one of the few reasons I stayed sane enough.

Cos without Barbie I was getting more agitated day by day, but this kids meant alot to me.

And if I had to hold myself up for them. I damn would.

"Wio pweese can we go to the playground Tomorrow?" Jackie asked looking up at me with her perfectly round brown eyes.

Something she took from my dad.

I stared at Jake who'd been silent after my question and sure enough he was trying to give me the same puppy dog look which I definitely couldn't resist.

Actually I could resist it.

But why would I?

They were absolutely adorable.

"Rio please?? Pretty please with a cherry on top" Jake added after his sister.

While Jackie still struggled with her words always calling r's as w's.

Jake had perfectly normal speech. At first I contacted a doctor but they all said it was part of growing up.

But I still found her way of talking cute though.

"Fineee....... we'll go to the playground but......" I paused before they could get excited and start their weird happy dance steps.

They both looked at me longingly waiting for what my but was.

I decided to let them wait..... enjoying the taut look of pure apprehension oh their faces.

I stiffled a laugh.

"Ok fine but make sure it's after school" I finally said.

They burst out into loud giggles spreading kisses all around my face.

The atmosphere was a serene and beautiful one, if you didn't know me, you would think I was a perfectly normal man and not a cold hearted murderer.

But not all deaths are bad.


Honestly enough, in this business I'd realized that some people really did deserve to die.

But wasn't I one of those people myself?

I shook my head laughing at my foolish thoughts when I felt the atmosphere change.

The twins were staring at their mother, Celine Salvatore.

One of my late father's whores.

It was after my father's death, I realized just how much of a disgusting manwhore he really was.

Almost half of New Mexico had kids or an affair with the man.

Something I didn't think possible. But Jake and Jackie were the only ones I took interest too.

There was just something about those kids I loved from the moment I set my eyes on them.

And after thorough investigations any biological child of my father was taken care of but the only ones I stayed with were Jake and Jackie and Unfortunately enough that came with their mother Celine.

Now Celine was a pretty woman, I had to admit, she'd probably met my father at the age of 17 since she had two 5 year olds for him and she was 22...... It grossed me out to think that my father had even thought of sleeping with a minor.

But yeah that was Romeo Kieran.

Well me and Celine weren't the best of companions, since she'd gotten it into her delusional head to try to get into my bed.

I wasn't going to fall for it though, she was my father's mistress, even I had Principles.

And taking my father's whore was a no-go.

But Celine seemed to think different from me....... infact very very different from me.

As a Sicilian woman I knew I shouldn't underestimate her since they tend to always want to get what they wanted. But she was honestly the least of my problems right now.

I'd made it clear that she would never be Mrs Kieran and if my father failed to make her so before he died ,she was better off forgetting the title.

Especially since I had my eyes on a certain someone already.

I took in her appearance as she strode into the house casually.

She was always dressed extravagantly........like that could make a difference to me.

If only she knew I fell for a simple girl with simple clothes.

The thought made me laugh. What a waste!.

She was a blonde tall woman...

..... Probably 5ft8 or so with a slim figure, light blue eyes and slim pink lips she was always nibbling on to try and get my attention. She was wearing a tight green body fitting gown that stopped just below her knees , the top part tight and spilling her small sized breast.

She believed in those superficial diets so she was way more slender than my girl.

She was nothing like my girl.

Right behind her, Dante walked after her. He looked slightly uncomfortable....... clearly she had tried to get in his pants again, something he knew better than to fall for.

For someone who was dying to be in my bed, she was really shameless. At first she'd gone around sleeping with my men.

All of which I killed for even daring to touch my late father's woman.

It seemed to make her happy knowing I killed them. In her demented twisted mind, she had thought I liked her that was why I killed them

Until the day I cleared up that little misunderstanding in her head. That all she was to me was my late father's whore.

That truth hurt her beyond belief and it settled me.

But she still tried to get into their pants though.

Knowing my men, it was hard this time cos no one wanted to die cos of a chick who couldn't keep it in her pants.

I didn't have a problem if she wanted to date someone.

Just not my men.

I gave her a scowl as she got closer knowing what she'd probably tried to do with my right hand man.

She shot a smirk back at me "Come on kids, let's get inside....... Stop bothering Rio" she chided them softly.

"Mysterio to you Celine" I deadpanned at her.

She gaped at me dumbfounded.

Ofcourse she knew I didn't want her calling me Rio, only specific people called me that and she wasn't even close to that.

But she definitely hadn't expected me to call her out in front of the kids.

Well Surprise!.

Before she could speak up Jackie said"Only us call him Wio mommy" .

Celine gave her daughter a dirty look while pulling then inside meanwhile I had to stiffle a laugh.


"So have you done what I asked you to do?" I asked Dante without even glancing at him.

He got the message though cos he answered quickly

"Yes boss........ Minister Gaitân has no way of winning the elections now".

He said blankly..... Good, Now His stupid daughter has caused him his whole political career.

Maybe if he had raised her up well, she wouldn't be such a bitch.

"Good...... And what about the replacement?" I suddenly remembered I had told him to get a replacement also.

"Yes boss........ I've gotten someone, he's Russian, His name is Dmitri boss" he said stiffly.

Seemed like he didn't like this Dmitri guy too well.

"Send his credentials to my study" I ordered, he nodded again.

He was about to walk out when I called out to him again" Has the Senators son gone to see Her?" He nodded again before adding"He came soon after she arrived.....Boss, they're going to the beach later today though" he said, looking at me knowing I would definitely want to go see her again.

Ofcourse I would.......How would I miss a chance to see my Babara again in one day?.

"Ok , get the car ready... we're going to the beach." He nodded again and left. Dante wasn't one to talk much, that was one of the reasons I made him my right hand man.

He was loyal.

Why wouldn't he?

He owed me his life after I'd saved him from the rotten life he'd been living.

Before he could walk out the door I called to him again

"Celine......" He froze as he heard her name already uncomfortable just talking about the little wench. "Be careful around her Dante.....

..I don't want to have to kill you too" I added , he nodded again"Yes Boss" he said before leaving.

I liked Dante but if he fell for Celine's poorly used charms I would have no choice but to kill him.

After all I was the one being seduced the most by her yet I didn't sleep with her. So if they valued their lives, they wouldn't too.

The only reason I hadn't killed the slut was because of the twins.

But I had a feeling I'd be changing that soon and my feelings were rarely ever wrong.

Yayyyyyy!!! Another chapter done. I know at this rate I'd be finishing this book in a month and I honestly wished I could go faster but well let's see.

I just wanna finish this book before I resume lectures as I might not have so much time when I get back to school 🤕.

But don't worry I have you all in mind so I'll do this.

And yeah pls for y'all confused. Babara Santana is the same person as Barbie and also who Theo calls "B" or Santana most times.

Yh also don't forget to VOTE COMMENT and SHARE.

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Love y'all.

Pls let's blow this up guys 💜