
The devil's pure passion

Vidyut Singhania, feared worldwide as a ruthless devil, falls into a coma after a horrific car accident. His presence instills terror in everyone, including his own family. In the wake of his accident, a mysterious woman named Maya appears at Singhania Palace. She enters into a contract-based marriage with the unconscious Vidyut, vowing to care for him until he regains consciousness. Maya tends to Vidyut with unwavering dedication, but the moment he awakens, she vanishes without a trace, as if she never existed. Who is Maya? Will Vidyut Singhania uncover the identity of the woman who married him without his consent and left without his permission? Discover the answers in "The Devil's Pure Passion," exclusively on Webnovel.

Extinctmystery · Thành thị
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30 Chs

Unspoken Tensions

Vidyut brought Ayansh to his bedroom. After entering his luxurious closet room, he took out clothes for himself and Maya. He then returned to the glass room with Ayansh.

Ayansh looked around the glass room, but he couldn't see Maya anywhere.

When Vidyut seated Ayansh on the bed, Ayansh asked in a soft voice, "Daddy! Where is mom?"

Without showing any emotion, Vidyut replied, "She is taking a shower. You sit here; she will come out in a little while."


Hearing Vidyut's answer, Ayansh obediently sat cross-legged on the bed.

Before going into the bathroom, Vidyut observed Ayansh for a few moments and then asked in a cold tone, "You won't get bored here alone, will you?"

Without any expression, Ayansh replied, "No! I like sitting alone. I won't get bored."

Hearing Ayansh's response, Vidyut placed his phone on the nightstand and entered the bathroom with their outfits.

As Ayansh had said, he really did like being alone, just like Vidyut and Maya.

Usually, normal people feel lonely when they are alone. But Vidyut, Maya, and Ayansh perhaps loved loneliness. The three of them enjoyed being alone for hours. According to them, their thinking abilities and humor were boosted by solitude.

"Weird but their own thoughts!"

After locking the bathroom door from the inside, Vidyut turned around and saw Maya lying in the bathtub with her eyes closed.

For the first time, there was a slight glimpse of tranquility on Maya's beautiful face. Her delicate collar bones and cleavage were peeking slightly out from under the water and bubbles. One of her hands was hanging outside the bathtub, and her fingers were lazily touching the floor.

Maya's position was a bit lazy and careless, but she looked stunning and attractive in that posture.

Maya was probably lost in deep thought; hence, she maintained her careless position despite the sound of the door opening and closing.

Vidyut gazed intensely at Maya, placing their clothes on the cloth hanger. His deep blue eyes were filled with intense emotions.

In a low, attractive voice, Vidyut asked Maya, "My greedy wifey! Are you silently inviting me?"

Hearing Vidyut's question, Maya opened her eyes.

As soon as she opened her eyes, her gaze fell on Vidyut's V-shaped eight-pack abs.

Seeing Vidyut coming toward her, Maya shrank into herself under the water. Even after being so close to death, she had never felt such nervousness as she did now due to Vidyut's shameless questions and intense gazes.

Swallowing her saliva, Maya replied to Vidyut, "No! You are mistaken. I wasn't inviting you for anything. I just have a habit of lying in the water like this."

Hearing Maya's response, Vidyut looked into her beautiful brown eyes.

The nervousness in Maya's eyes was evident.

While looking into Maya's eyes, Vidyut leaned closer. Holding Maya's chin with his two fingers, he said in a low, deep voice, "Alright. I'll believe you. But why are you so nervous? Is something bothering you?"

Blinking twice, Maya looked into Vidyut's eyes. Now, along with nervousness, there was a slight innocence in her beautiful eyes.

In a soft voice, Maya said while looking into Vidyut's eyes, "I don't know. Whenever you look at me like that and talk to me in that tone, I feel nervous. I don't know why it happens, but it just does. It's something I've been trying to understand since yesterday but can't."

Hearing Maya's response, a faint, almost invisible smile appeared on Vidyut's handsome face. There was an innocence in his wife, a rare innocence that needed tight protection.

Vidyut bent down and kissed Maya on the lips lightly.

Unlike other days, Vidyut's kiss was gentle and mesmerizing.

Maya's fair face turned crimson red due to the unexpected kiss.

As soon as Vidyut placed his hand on Maya's bare stomach under the water, she shivered. Her grip on the bathtub's corner tightened.

Vidyut's hand moved down from Maya's stomach. Feeling the warmth of Vidyut's hand on her sensitive body, Maya's body started to shiver. She quickly buried her face in Vidyut's chest.

About an hour later, Maya and Vidyut came out of the bathroom. Maya's fair face was still crimson red.

Upon entering the room, Maya saw Ayansh sitting on the bed with his head down.

Seeing Ayansh, a slight smile appeared on Maya's face.

Maya walked over to Ayansh and stroked his head, prompting him to lift his small face and look at her.

Maya was wearing a black high-neck body-fit T-shirt and black jeans. On her left wrist was a black luxurious chain watch that greatly enhanced her classy look.

Kissing Ayansh on the forehead, Maya said lovingly, "Baby! You look so cute in this night suit. From now on, I'll arrange similar night suits for you. You look so cute and handsome in this."

Hearing Maya's compliment, Ayansh's ears turned slightly pink. He felt shy hearing Maya's compliment.

Wrapping his tiny arms around Maya's neck, Ayansh changed the topic and asked softly, "Mom! Where were you for so long? Do you know how worried I was looking for you?"

Hearing Ayansh's question, Maya found herself in a dilemma. What answer could she possibly give to Ayansh's question? Since last night...

Before Maya could say anything, Vidyut, adjusting his luxurious Rolex watch, said to Ayansh, "Your mom was with me last night. We were preparing to bring your little siblings, that's why you couldn't find her."

Hearing Vidyut's words, Maya bit her thin lips. Her face, which was returning to normal, turned crimson red again, and she started to feel heat.

Hearing Vidyut's words, Ayansh curiously asked, "My siblings? You mean my younger brothers and sisters?"


Hearing Vidyut's confirmation, Ayansh looked at him with curious eyes and asked, "What process will bring my brothers and sisters? Please tell me. I'll help you with that process."

Hearing Ayansh's words, Maya was speechless. She looked at Ayansh in astonishment. Although Ayansh's small face showed no expression, his bright blue eyes clearly reflected his longing for siblings.

After a few moments of silence, Vidyut emotionlessly said to Ayansh, "Just go to bed early every night. It will help us a lot with that process."

Hearing Vidyut's answer, Ayansh's eyes squinted, while Maya's mind went numb. But quickly regaining her composure, Maya interrupted their conversation and said, "Baby! Enough talking now. Come with me. I'll give you a shower."

As soon as Maya mentioned the shower, Ayansh's ears perked up.

Clinging to Maya, Ayansh said, "Mom! I can take a shower by myself. You don't need to worry."

Hearing Ayansh's words, Maya stroked his hair and said, "Baby! Don't worry! I won't look at anything. You can change your clothes yourself. But I won't let you go to the bathroom alone. I promise! When you change your clothes, I'll cover my eyes."

After Maya insisted repeatedly, Ayansh finally agreed to take a shower with her.

After they both went into the bathroom, Vidyut went to his study room.

Varun had been waiting in the study room for Vidyut for the past hour and a half.

Seeing Vidyut, Varun stood up from his place.

After giving Varun a glance, Vidyut adjusted his tie and sat on his revolving leather chair. He was wearing a black Raymond business suit.

Despite his cold and untouchable aura, Vidyut looked very charming and attractive in that formal outfit.

After sitting down, Vidyut gestured with his two fingers for Varun to sit. Understanding his gesture, Varun sat on the chair directly opposite him.

Varun looked at Vidyut. His eyes were filled with countless questions and hesitation, but Varun couldn't muster the courage to say or ask anything.

Vidyut was not unaware of the turmoil in Varun's mind, but he didn't say anything to Varun immediately.

Vidyut took out a thick charcoal black cigar from the packet and placed it between his teeth. Every move he made was filled with calmness and class.

Vidyut lit his cigar and, without saying anything, took long drags, leaning back in his chair, and looked emotionlessly at Varun.

For about half an hour, Vidyut continued to smoke, finishing three or four cigars without saying a word, while looking at Varun.

Under Vidyut's emotionless gaze, Varun started to feel nervous and suffocated. After a while, his legs began to shake unknowingly.


To know what happens next?

To be continued…

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