
The Devil's Creed

Issac's life back on Earth was a nightmare, he had suffered all kinds of humiliation and pain. Even after being Isekai, he couldn't live a meaningful life, so he at least wanted to live a peaceful life. But the cruel and cold world wouldn't even let him have that. Isaac from his birth to his death was nothing but a Plaything in the hand of others. Even at his last breath, he believed that Gods will take pity on him and provide him with that Justice he deserved but it seems like they don't want to hear his cries even at his last breath. All the pain, the sorrow that he had bottled up in his heart started to change into hatred. He had sworn to get his revenge on all of them. When he thought all hopes were lost that's when someone heard his call, the one who answers the call was neither a God nor an Angel. The one who lend him the hand and saved him from his death was not the light hand of an Angel but the dark hand of the devil. Without any hesitation, he accepted the call and made a deal with the devil. And that is how the successor of the devil was born, Witness his growth, From weak to strong, From a Pawn to a Player, From On the board to Off the board. Witnesses Him and his path which was so cruel that mere mention of his name would make Primordial Gods and top powerful races of the Universe shudder in fear. ============================================ Now, enough with all these backstories and stuff. Are you tired of reading all those generic stories of either Isekai or transmigration or reincarnated in with system novels? Then trust this is your real deal, I promise you won't regret reading this. It is a completely new concept. Where I and Issac break the norms of a novel and bicker through the 4th wall. Author:[ Join ME and Isaac on our journey and be a witness to Our growth. Watch Me as develop my skill, while this snotnose pansy gets Stronger in that process. ] Isaac:[ Who are calling snotnose pansy? you're a snotnose pansy ur entire family is a snotnose pansy. *sigh* Even though the Author is a dimwit but this time he is right. You should certainly join us on this epic story, Please Watch over us, As I and this idiot of an Author make our way towards the top.] ============================================ Author: The cover doesn't belong to me and all the credits go to its creator. If you are the creator and you want me to take down the cover just directly contact me. ( I want to appreciate your work this cover that I'm using is nice and if possible I would like to not change it ) Issac [ Shameless.]

WOLFY · Kỳ huyễn
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48 Chs

A sacrifice

The situation and the setup remains me of the rituals scenes from the horror movies. Where the group of crazy culties tries to summon Demons from hell.

Are these guys serious!, Do people truly believe in these kinds of bullshits even at this age?

If someone said to me that people like that do exist,

I would have laughed at them.

I thought maybe this was just a prank by my schoolmates, who wanted to pull a fast one on me and record my reactions.

But looking at all the blood and how serious these guys are, I can ignore that possibility.

The Ritual diagram was in a shape of a big circle with a star in the middle which made contact at 5 points of the circle and a pair of dual small circles were drawn at each such point and there was weird writing in between them.

The ritual pattern was drilled around an altar as its Center point. The altar was the one the archeologists excavated from the ancient ruins a few days ago.

The 'church of the dark hours' seems to have used the alter as its sacrifice medium. The entire ritual seems to be made as to the altar as a base to offer something to someone or something.

Wait a minute, I seem to have missed an important point here,

' If these guys have been killing the hostages like wild cabbages, why haven't the police taken any action, I'm pretty sure they must be monitoring us through drones and Infrared Imaging sensors?

Wait, don't tell me these guys have the means to deceive an entire police department and high-level military equipment at an open site.

Is this the reason for the police to not find even a single clue to any of the crimes these guys committed, even though all of them happen at important places in the city?

But I don't see these guys even having any means to possess the technology of that level, hell these aren't even wearing proper bulletproof vests.

Except for the guy who is standing in front of the altar and the few people who are drawing the weird symbol on the walls and ground.

Who gives off a dangerous otherworldly vibe, the rest of the group are your everyday riff-raffs. Who roam around the streets, ready to do anything as long as you pay them the right price.

The group of dangerous people seems to be using the riff-raffs for their handy works like clearing the bodies from the altar after they drain the blood of the victims.

The duo seems to have brought the group of hostages to the podium in the center of the ritual circles where the altar was located.

Then from there, the guy who's standing near the altar takes them one by one at a time and makes them lay on the altar, and uses an inscribed short to cut them at five places ( their neck, wrists, and ankles).

The blood of the victims then flows from the cuts into a hole at the center of the altar and then automatically leaks from its bottom into the ritual diagram.

When the victims run out of blood their bodies are then taken by a few riff-raff vermin and then get chopped into small pieces and tossed into the blood pond below.

The one thing I noticed which is bothering me the most is my mentality towards the situation. I'm pretty sure if anyone else has been in my shoes he would have either been frightened or infuriated to see something like this.

Other than being frightening and surprised in the beginning, I was pretty much taking the situation as though it has nothing to do with me.

Well, I do think after being in my situation not being able to have a concern about the well-being of others may be acceptable but being calm and numb to even the gruesome death of others.

I don't think this is normal !!

But being a calm and collective person did save my life in a situation like this. If I had either been frightened or been infuriated, I would have been caught and become a sacrifice by now.

As I was thinking, I discovered something more frightening.

A pattern

Yes, A pattern in all the crimes that were committed by the 'Church of Dark Hours'. If I remember correctly the total number of mass destruction or murder committed by the ' Church of Dark Hours' was 5 and the number of small double circles in the ritual is also five.

And if we put all the places of the marking in the ritual and the massacres on the map of the city, they will align in a perfect sink with the museum and the altar has its Center.

So the entire situation was a preparation for the ritual and the final act seems to be at the museum. Then does that mean that even the sighting of the ancient ruins was an act?

If so, then I'm dealing with something or someone who has the ability to not only commits great crimes in a major city but also means to fool the entire city.

Even if I escape from this situation, if I go out and say something I should about what I saw are found here wouldn't they, by all means, be able to find me and eliminate me.

Seems like it's one more secret I'm taking with me to the grave.

Just as I was thinking about how to escape from this disaster without being affected by any aftermath.

All the people from the group of hostages brought by the duo seems to have been sacrificed and even their corpse seems to have been chopped and tossed into the blood pond.

When the last body was thrown into the pond the blood almost filled the diagram to the brim with only have few inches left from being full.

After seeing the pond was not full yet the leader who was standing on the podium asked the duo to bring one last sacrifice to fill the pond and complete the ritual.

When the duo received the instructions they immediately went off to bring the last sacrifice, and during all this time I was in my world.

Only to be brought back by the sound of footsteps of the duo passing the stairs, and as soon as I got back from my thoughts, I was able to identify what had happened and wait for the duo to bring their last sacrifice.

I was planning to escape the hall as soon as the duo enter the ritual grounds with their final sacrifice.


Within a few seconds, I heard the sound of the Center hall door opening. Just I was about to make a run for it.

Once again, My curiosity got the better of me. It wanted me to peak at the poor soul who is going to be the last sacrifice of the ' Church of Dark Hours '.

Not just for my curiosity, I too wanted to know the scapegoat that helped me on my escape. I slowly crawled towards the end of the balcony and wait for the duo and the sacrifice to enter.

Just as peaked at the poor soul, only to have my soul lunged out of my body, I was horrified to point it scared the living shit out of me.

Hi, this is Wolfy here. Well English is not my 1st language and since this is my very first time writing a novel. Well to be honest this is my first time even trying to type more than a sentence.

So please, forgive me for any misspelt words or missing punctuations or pronouns. Please guide me and support me.

I'm physically not well and so I can't write on a regular basis, even this novel I'm writing from the hospital and my doctor won't allow me to strain myself. But I will try my best. *Ty*

WOLFYcreators' thoughts