

A thousand years ago a fabric tore in space hideous monsters known as devils came into the world, the humans were defenceless against them when the humans thought they will be destroyed, a group of beings known as celestials stepped in and saved the humans from the brink of destruction by fighting against the devils. The devils and celestials fought a long hard war but eventually the celestials pushed them back into their abyss and sealed the crack. After the war the celestials taught the humans how to access mana and awaken their soul spirit before they left. 900 years later the sealed crack started loosening and other smaller cracks started appearing in the world weaker devils came out first but the humans were no longer the same. PRESENT DAY Augustus Lucius, even though he was an orphan he got adopted at an early age , but it seems like fate wasn't him his adopted parents died a few years later, leaving him all alone with his uncle who doesn't even care for him. follow Augustus Lucius in this amazing journey, battling devils.

MikeThomp · Kỳ huyễn
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1 Chs

CHAPTER ONE The pendant

A boy was sitting at the edge of the cliff looking into the horizon, today was supposed to be the day he would awaken but it turns out faith was cruel to him, he ended being among the one percent of people who never awakens. He has been waiting for this day for years but he ended up not being able to awaken

I'm 16 years old today but I don't think I have a future anymore, At 16 everybody awakens their soul spirit, only a few like me never awaken in their life. I feel like I should just give up on life. I agree with you on that scum you should give up on life. I looked back to see who it was,and it turned out to be grenald and his lackeys the bully's of our class , he was always jealous of me due to my good looks,the only thing I have left , and the fact that I never obeyed him even though his father was a hunter. Hunters are warriors who slay devils.

What do you want grenald ? I asked . He laughed

I was just agreeing with your decision to help the world get rid of scum, anyway it's not like you have anywhere to go to, you think I didn't hear your uncle threw you out of the house. What is a non awakener loser like you good for anyways. Don't you know that grenald awakened the highest ranked soul spirit in our school. A rank 3 red fire soul. Said one the lackeys unlike you he is destined to be great.

I looked at them and smiled, even though I know what they said was true I wouldn't back down. You know I've been feeling really down today and then you guys brought your ugly s***t faces, I think if I pound your faces a bit I might feel good. Grenald looked at me in fear and retorted I know you are stronger than us, but don't forget we are awakeners unlike you, I know you are awakeners, that's why beating you will be worth it you people shall become the first awakeners to be beaten up by a non awakener like me.

Then I ran towards them and gave grenald a kick to the face, his two lackeys shrank back in fear . After a minute of thashing them I stood straight and sighed,these might be my last time beating them. I walked back to the cliff to pick my bag up, when I felt someone coming behind me , I looked back and saw it was tim my friend in school, he looked disturbed,tim what's wrong with you, he looked at me and said, I'm sorry Lucius then he came closer and struck me with a knife I was able to dodge it a little but I still got wounded. Having not recovered from the sudden betrayal, I saw grenald coming towards me , I was confused as to how he got up so fast , then I noticed the empty vial on the floor I figured out he must have used a healing potion, but he appeared to be stronger than before which means he took a strengthening potion. He walked towards me smiling grabbed the knife from tim, then he swung the knife at me I was able to dodge it the first few times but he continued and after a while my body was filled with multiple knife wounds, I was bleeding all over I only had one choice if I wanted to escape and that was to jump over the cliff, at least I have a chance of survival if I jumped. Then I made decision before I got stabbed again. I jumped over

As I was falling I was thinking of my life, is this how I end up being pushed to the brink of death by a common bully, my life truly is pathetic, I touched the pendant at my neck given to me by my birth parent, I didn't notice my blood flowed into the pendant, then the pendant glowed.