

Hey beautiful people!!! I know I did promise to release two chapters on Saturday but I have been really busy and I also figured instead of Saturday I will have it released on Tuesday November 30, 2021 but this time with 3 chapters. It will be like my gift to you guys. I'm quite in a good mood because me and my boyfriend will be celebrating our 6th year anniversary yey! So yeah that's my reason.


Just to let this out, I was kind of feeling a little bit sad over the fact that someone questioned my intelligence or how smart I am and insinuated that I'm not smart because of my choice of President in this up coming election. To be honest I'm not one to brag of my academic standing when I was still studying from elementary, high school and to college (one thing I can say is that my father doesn't look at my report card because he's already expecting that I got a high grades. My general weighted average was also enough to run for the position of President and Vice President of the University Supreme Government to where I have studied). I don't also post much on what I bought for myself or to others to social media, not even the fact that I'm writing a story nor the fact that I was offered 6 different companies to buy this story (I really appreciate their offers but most of all I was really happy that they noticed this story even though it has so many flaws). I think I only mentioned the offer here once to let you all know that I will be finishing this story here. I don't brag because for me that will only attract fake people who can only appreciate you when you are under the lime light. I appreciate more the people who can appreciate me and what I do even though they are not seeing my success, for me they are enough. And you guys as my readers are enough to stick to my decision of finishing the story here. I don't brag about my achievements nor anything that I have worked hard for. I'm a very private person who loves to keep it to myself. I don't get why the quotient on how smart I am was being questioned over the basis of my choice of candidate for the election. Maybe I just took it hard because never once I was told that I was stupid.

Anyways if she thinks that I'm stupid for choosing who I think is the right person to do the job then I guess I just need to respect her opinion then. There I let it all out, thank you for reading and listening to my venting ❤️❤️❤️