

In the green lands at the outskirts of the zodiac kingdom there lived zurich , a man with his small daughter . Separate from the other people in zodiac but still happy ...

It was zurich's daughter's birthday so as to make her day special he went to jungle to hunt some animal for gosh and to get some puble cherry blossoms . That day was strange in itself , usually when he went for hunting he saw birds chirping in blue sky but that day it was all silence with no birds and even the color of sky was faded . By giving his utmost ignorance he continued on his way . But something was bothering him , something strange ..something unusual ! something which might be dangerous . He found his tree of blossoms and nearby he did hunt a rabbit too and started walking back to home . On the way heard a shout ... "father ! Helppp,.. "

It was Antelia's ( zurich's daughter ) voice longing for someone to help ... he ran , leaving everything which he gathered in the jungle . Late !! He murmurred . " it was coming , i knew it ahhhhhh ! I couldn't do anything ;shittt! " . There were lethal marks of scratches at the walls of the house he said " i have to .... " . He ran towards the town gate leading to the tomb . People were schocked to see zurich but he continued . The guard at the town gate stopped him but after recognising he left his way . Zurich rushed towards the tomb and went directly to the king and said " it have started .." the king's facial expressions were of fear . Zurich raising his voice said "i want Antelia back no matter what zodiac have to go through ".