
The Demonic Paradise

Ethan always knew that he was different from others. He was far more stronger and faster than the average man, thus causing him to be isolated and avoided by others. But this didn't change his life as his close encounter with Rose Scarlett, a member of the mysterious organization known as "The Hunters." While fighting against a group of demons, a malevolent beings that preys on the souls of humans, Ethan was stabbed and was at the verge of death. Before death could take him, he awakened a dark power within him. He soon finds out that he lives in a world where the light is in an eternal struggle against the darkness. Which side is he on?

NinjaKilla · Kỳ huyễn
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19 Chs

Meeting a Nun

After my spar with my dad, I was now on my way to school. What's better than a good beating before coming to school. At least, I'm talking a break from that. I now have confirmed that dad is not ordinary.

For gods sake my physical abilities had increased and I still lost to him. There's no way in hell that man is ordinary. But I don't know why he didn't talk me anything, I can only assume there is a reason for that and wait for him to tell me.

As I walked to school, I couldn't help but feel weak under the sun. Even on a Wednesday morning, the sun showed no mercy and reflected its hot wave of heat upon me.

"So hot."

I grumbled as I placed my hand above my head in attempt to prepare myself from the sun light. It helped but no that much. If I'm feeling like this, I wonder what will happen to the vampires. I wish I brought an umbrella.


Huh? A sudden voice.

At the same time I heard the voice come from behind me, I also heard something drop to the ground.

When I turned around, there was a nun on the floor. She's spreading her arms wide open and had her face on the ground. That certainly is a clumsy way of falling down.

"Hey, Are you okay?" I approached the nun and offered her my hand so she can stand up.

"Geez.. Why do I keep on tripping over… Oh, I'm sorry. Thank you very much~." Judging from her voice, I could guess that she's young. Is she the same age as me?

I take her hand to lift her up.


The nun's veil flies off from the wind.

Her long, dark-blue hair, which was hidden underneath, falls down onto her shoulders. Then my eyes shifted towards her face.


I was Stunned

A blue-haired beauty was standing before me.

"U-Umm…is something wrong…?" The nun's hazel eyes was looking directly into my face with a worried expression.

It seemed that I was staring for long.

"W-What, No, it's nothing." There was no way I could say I was fascinated by her. I noticed the travelling bag she's carrying on her shoulder. Now I think about it, it's a rare occasion to see a nun in a town. It's my first time seeing one.

"Traveling?" I asked as I picked up her veil.

"No, I was appointed to the Church in this town… You must be a resident, it's a pleasure to meet you." She bows her head.

Huh, Staff reassignment here in the church?.

"I've been in trouble since I got here. I have not been able to locate the church no matter how I looked." She said with a sad expression.

"I think I might know where the Church is." I said to the girl. I think there's an old Church in the outer part of this town. I think that's the one but I doubt it's being used.

"Y-You do! T-Thank you." She said with tears in her eyes. She must have been having a hard time.

Thinking about it, If I help her then I would be late for school. But if I leave her alone like this, I'm afraid I won't sleep peacefully at night. So I took the nun to the church.

On our way to the Church, we went past a park.


What I heard was the cry of a boy.

"John, Are you alright?" The mother of the body asked with a worried expression.

He will be fine since he's with his mum. It seems like he just tripped over. But suddenly, the nun who was walking behind me walked towards the park.

"Hello, young one." Sister went inside the park and approached the boy who was sitting down and crying. I followed the nun as well.

"Are you okay? Boys shouldn't cry over a light injury like this." The nun gently patted the boy's head.

The boy was probably confused why the sister suddenly approached him. The nun put her palm where the boy's injury was and in the next moment, I was shocked.

An orb of light suddenly appeared from her palm and was flashing onto the boy's knee.

It only took one look for me to know what that was. That was obviously magic power, Was she a hunter all along?

When I looked carefully, the boy's injury started to disappear.

Did that light heal the boy's injury?

And then a sudden thought appeared in my mind.

"A Healer."

Healers are hunters who specialize in healing magic. Unlike the other classes, the healers usually serve as support and have less combat powers. I think that's what Leo explained before.

When I look again, the boy's injury was gone and there wasn't even a trace left.

The boy's mother was in shock. Who could blame her, anyone who saw something unimaginable happen before their eyes would have a similar reaction.

"Here, your wounds are now healed. The pain should be gone now." The Nun patted the boy's head and looked at me.

"I'm sorry, but I had to." She laughs while sticking her tongue out.

The boy's mother, who was shocked before, shook her head then grabs the boy's hand so they could leave quickly.

"Thank you, Sister!" The boy said words of gratitude.

She smiled happily after hearing the boy's words.

"…That power…"

"Yes, it's the power to heal. It's a wonderful power that God gave me." She looks a bit sad, even though she's smiling.

Somehow it seems like she has some dark past or something. Everyone has their own story so I probably shouldn't get too deep into it. Our conversation ends there, and we continued walking towards the Church.

We reached an old Church after walking for a few minutes.

Yeah, the only Church I know of is this one. It's just as old as I remember.

I never heard of this place still being used, but you can see light coming from inside the Church, so that means that there's people inside.

"Yes, this is the place! I'm so glad." The Nun showed a sigh of relief after having compared our location with the map she has.

Oh, so this is the right place. That's good.

I shouldn't stay here any longer, I'm already late for school so I have to go.

"Since that's done then I'll be on my way."

"Please wait!"

I said my farewell and tried to leave, but the Nun's words stops me.

"I would like to make you some tea as a gratitude for taking me here—" She offered but

"Sorry, but I'm in a rush so I have to get going."

"…But that's…" She's troubled.

She probably wants to make me some tea to show her gratitude, but I'm late for school so I have to refuse.

"My name is Ethan Myles, Just call me Ethan. What's your name."

"My name is Wendy Maxwell, please call me Wendy."

"Then, Wendy, let's meet again some other time, okay?"

"Alright Ethan, please come and visit." She waved as I walked away. She watched me until I was out of her sight.



"Is this the right place?" I said as I stood before a particular house.

Not a mansion or an apartment, but just an ordinary house.

It's my first job as a hunter, so I don't want to mess it up.

What shall I do?

How does a hunter operate you may ask?

Hunters are contracted to do a job and receive payment upon the completion of said job. Payment varies depending on the contractor and the extremity of the job.

Usually a job is as simple as killing a specific demon, but if the cause of the demonic activity is unknown, Hunters are required to do some investigative work first.

In some cases, some jobs require Hunters to function more as body guards. In this instance, a job consists of protecting someone or something from demons, and the actual number of demons killed has no affect on the reward.

Obviously, I couldn't meet the client in my school uniform which I have long changed out of. I was now wearing a black jacket, a simple white T-shirt underneath, black jeans and shoes from a famous bland.

Anyways, I walked over the front door to knock but noticed something strange. The entrance door was already open.

"What? Who leaves their door open in the middle of the night?" I frowned as I suddenly had a feeling of unease.

I walked into the house and looked inside from the entrance.

There were no lights in the hallway. There is a staircase that led to the second floor, but there were no lights on.

There is only one room at the end of the first floor with some lights on, and it's a faint light.

Yeah, there's something definitely wrong here and the fact I don't feel any presence just proves that.

Are they sleeping? Impossible. Then why was their front door open?

I look into the room from the door that is slightly opened, and the brightness is due to the candles.

It was very quiet and I entered the room to inspect. It's a living room and there is a television, a sofa, a table, and such. It looks like an ordinary living room—.

Then I stop my breath as my eyes widened in horror upon seeing what was glowed to the wall.