
The demonic hunter

Peter was an orphan since his parents death, as such when he turned 16 yrs old he done nothing but being a porter for other parties/teams. After a life or death incident Peter learns that he isn't as normal as he thought. Watch Peter rise from being the weakest to the strongest ------------ Readers note: This story has a slow start and a sort of stupid MC but gradually he will become more powerful then the rest. Also this story has bit of R18 content involved please be mindful on that. ------------ I will try to upload at least 2 chapters a day

Paladin5 · Kỳ huyễn
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38 Chs

: Torture like never before

After activating his new skill, Peter decides to open a portal back to his dungeon. Walking on through the portal he spotted Lisa in the middle of her training.

"223, 224,225, 2…"Lisa said as she swing her sword up and down

"226" Peter called out as it startled her for a second before she turned around recognizing the voice.

"Welcome back darling, I hope….ahahahah" Lisa scream as she covered her eyes from the sight she just witness "Umm why are you half naked"

"Well long story" Peter said as he explained the event that happened, how he was unable to use his demonic power and how the Rose family hired Alex and his group to kidnap and torture Peter.

"WHERE THE FUCK ARE THEY I GOING TO KILL THEM" Lisa screamed in anger while she was in the dungeon practising her new powers Peter was getting tortured and nearly killed if his power had returned.

"Well it so happens that they are still alive and running, want to go on rat hunt" Peter said as he went and quickly got changed behind the throne in the room.

"YES they dare hurt my someone I cherish I'm going to fuck murder them" Lisa said as the two made there way out through the portal.

"Ok so do you know which way they went because if we take too long they will find a way out" Lisa said as Peter stood there with a smile on his face.

"You don't need to worry about that as there is a small barrier around us stopping anyone from leaving unless I say so" Peter commented as Lisa smiled as well

"That handy so who do you want me to go after" Lisa asked

"You can go after the remaining student in Alex gang while Alex himself is mine" Peter said as a sadistic and psychotic smile formed, this sent a small shiver down Lisa's spine as she never saw Peter like this.

"Just be careful darling and I want a crack at that bastard as well" Lisa said before running through the forest going after the remaining members

"Don't worry you will," Peter said as he followed Alex's bloody trail he was leaving behind from his arm.


"What the fuck was that, I thought he only had his regeneration ability so how the fuck did he do all of that, HE A GOD DAMN MONSTER" Alex yelled in his head as he continued running through the forest holding his over the wound Peter made "I need to get back to the school and ask for help from the Rose family execution team or I'm going to die by that monster". Alex kept running before stopping by one of the trees and rested for a bit.

"How much further do I need to go before I'm out of this Goddamn forest" Alex said before hearing a humming noise coming from the distance.

"Mmmmmm oh there you are my little rat" Peter said as he spotted Alex and walked toward him slowly. Alex start to run as he didn't look back and kept on running, Peter continued to follow behind but he didn't want to run as it would spoiled the hunt,

"YOU STAY AWAY FROM ME" Alex yelled as Peter continued walking. Alex continued as he spotted the forest path that could lead him to school but suddenly Alex froze in place as he tried to move his legs to keep running but no luck.

"What's going on why ain't my legs moving? Come on just move I nearly there" Alex begged as Peter footstep kept echoing through the forest louder and louder. "I don't want to die, not here, not by him, come on move just a little bit MOVE" Alex kept begging as he tried all his might to move. Before something grabbed his shoulder and whispered

"You will wish death was all you would be getting when I'm done with you for what you did to me" Peter whispered as Alex face turned from a face of fear to a face of despair as his vision turned black.


"Wow that was fun i wonder how Lisa is doing" Peter said before a notification appeared

[The energy fluctuation inside the user has completely decreased]

Peter was curious as to what that strange energy he felt inside him was as the system didn't know what it was and no other notification appeared. Peter halted those thoughts for now and dragged Alex back to where they tortured Peter. After navigating Peter spotted Lisa and behind her were three corpses of those that escaped all having throats slit. However there was no s blood pouring out,

"Did you drink there blood after killing them" Peter asked

"Sort of I drank a bit but I most of the blood went into my sword as it has ability that allows it to exorbs blood of humans after their death" Lisa said as this took Peter by surprise as when he appraised the sword after creation it didn't say anything about what Lisa had described, so this was a really big deal

"Are you able to absorb the blood the sword drinks" Peter asked in curiosity

"No" Lisa replied with a frown "Sadly any blood the sword drinks I can't take"

"Ok that is a bit disappointing but what can you do anyway we should prepare what we are going to do to him before he wakes up or it becomes dawn" Peter replied as Lisa nodded. They dragged and led Alex's body to a nearby tree before Lisa stabbed her sword into Alex's legs and controlled the blood to freeze his legs.

"What are you doing ?" Peter asked

"It is a skill I learnt from experimenting with my ability, I'm calling it 'Blood Control' it allows me to manipulate blood however I see fit, this so far includes my attacks and blood in any living beings. I don't know if I can control an attack made by another vampire that involves blood" Lisa said as Peter nodded.

"There with that he can't move as we torture him"

"Great so what to spend time together while we wait" Peter offered as Lisa nodded. They decide to cuddle up together and kiss under the night sky.

"AHAHAHAHHAHAH" A voice yelled from behind as Peter and Lisa stop kissing and turned around to see Alex had woken up.

"Darling I think you should use something more incentive to wake him up" Lisa called out as Alex could barely make out who they were.

"Yeah now we can begin the fun" Peter said as he walked over to where Alex was and grabbed his cheek together with one hand before letting go. Alex looked around to see where he was, after looking around he could see three bodies with their throat slit and multiple trees on the fall "YOU BASTARD" Alex screamed as the two in front of him formed a sadistic and creepy smile that sent shivers down Alex's spine.

"Well someone is barking already and we haven't start the main events right dear" Peter said as he turned to Lisa

"Yeah darling I am ready when you are" Lisa said as the two looked at Alex, as he realize who they were

"Peter and Lisa but why are you referring each other with darling and dear what are you two even saying" Alex nervously said as the two continue to giggle

"Well since you asked were married and dear did you know all of them suggested to ask your previous family permission to rape you and kill you disgusting right" Peter commented as Lisa turned her head at Alex in disgust

"Really then I shouldn't show any mercy to him not like I was going to anyway, after all he spoiled one special thing I was looking forward to when we got married" Lisa said

"Now hold on this all a misunderstanding your family.." Alex said before Lisa disappeared before reappearing holding his face like Peter did.

"Torturing my husband for information on me, seeing and cutting my darling dick before I had the chance to see it and then make my husband come to our home half naked, spoiling the first chance I get to see my husband penis YOU CALL THAT A MISUNDERSTANDING" Lisa furiously said as her eye glowed bright red as it period into Alex as his body was frozen unable to move again.

"No I didn't want to but the Rose family…" Alex was about to make an excuse before Lisa grabbed her sword and cut off his ear .

"Arararararararar" Alex screamed as both Lisa and Peter laughed

"Like I care what the Rose family want, this revenge is for me" Lisa said swung her sword down aiming to kill Alex

'If only I didn't accept that mission I wouldn't be die here' Alex thought as he closed his eyes waiting for his death.


After hearing that noise Alex re-opened his eyes to see a person he didn't expect standing between him and Lisa

"Now dear I thought I told you not to hurt him too much" Peter said as he blocked the attack with his sword

"I know sorry I got caught up in my emotion" Lisa apologies as Peter lowered his sword as she did the same

"It's fine now it my turn now" Peter said turning around to face Alex with a massive grin that connected ear to ear "Shall we start"

"Peter wait, listen I know I was a dick but come on man you wouldn't hurt a frie…" Alex begged as Peter cut off his leg before he could finish his sentence.

"ARARARARAR" Alex scream as Peter face turned from laugh to anger

"Don't lump us together as friends, you bastards tortured me, cutting off my limbs and threatening my family. Do you think I'm going to go easy on you and give a quick death for ALL YOU DONE" Peter said in anger as he slowly walked up to Alex and broke every finger on his remaining arm. Before breaking the arm itself and ripping it off the body. Alex screamed as Lisa had never see this type of anger coming from Peter, it sort of took her back

'What the hell did they do to you to make you like this' she thought as her anger at Alex grew 'I swear if Peter doesn't kill you I will'. The next thing Peter did was lifting Alex up and turned to look at Lisa

"Dear do you want to do the honor" Peter asked as Lisa could guess what he wanted to do

"It would be my please" She replied as she walked up to Alex

"Wait don't" Alex begged before his trousers and pants were pulled down showing his penis

"Why you got a big dick" Lisa commented "But sadly I only like one person and it is not yours" before grabbing her sword and cutting it off.

"ARARARARAR" Alex scream before his own voice cut out as Peter and Lisa laughed while downing Alex on the floor. The next thing they did was break all his teeth, cutting out both of his eyes while he was conscious and making him a punching bag. After which Alex was nothing but a corpse that still was breathing fealty.

"Darling what should we do to him now, he's nearly dead" Lisa asked as she check if Alex was breathing

"Let's end this but not with our weapons instead how about you drink his blood" Peter suggested as Lisa turned confused

"I could but how should I put it do I need to?" She asked

"Well vampires do need blood don't they and I believe your ability uses your blood so I don't think it would hurt" he replied

"Yeah but can't i just take someone on the street" she argued

"But do you know how to make sure they don't speak about what happened to other people and be chase by not only the Rose family but also the association and the military" He replied

"Good point that would be bad" Lisa said as shout her mouth and walked over to Alex's lifeless body and bit into his neck. Blood entered her mouth as she continued to drink before lifting her face and dropping his body.

"How was that" Peter asked as he could see Lisa mouth covered in blood as her eye flash red

"Delicious anyway what should we do about his body

"Let hang him at the tree near the path as a warning to the Rose family" Peter said as Lisa nodded.

"Is that smart because the rose family would know that you was the target so they would come after you more and play dirty tricks to have you in their hand to be executed" Lisa asked

"It fine as by doing this they would be less the forces after you and focus on me more don't worry I have a plan" Peter reassured but he made the plan part up as he didn't know what the Rose family had up their sleeves but he would allow make sure to protect the people precious to him.

"If you are ok but as your wife I'm worried that you are underestimating the Rose family so be careful for me ok" She said

"I promise" Peter said as the two quickly hugged after which they both dragged all the body to the path that was close to the school before tying them all to the tree as a symbol of fear.

"Let head home shall we?" Peter said as Lisa nodded following behind him as they two walked back home.

Sorry for being away all this time, I been busy with stuff so I couldn't upload a chapter for this book I love for the last week as well as I apologize for the mass deletion of chapter as well but I found the later story it would have complicated the story more, Thank you for understanding and Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Paladin5creators' thoughts