
The Demonic Child

 On the day I was born, nineteen bolts of lightning struck around our courtyard.   A fortune teller declared me a demon child, cursed to face eighteen calamities in my lifetime.   He said each calamity would demand a life - either mine or someone else's.   Ironically, he became the first victim of my curse. He dropped dead the moment he stepped outside the village, carrying me in his arms.

Dandrio · Kinh dị ma quái
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
60 Chs

A Battle for Trust

  Hearing what I said, Zhang Yunliang's body trembled noticeably, but he quickly left the place, got into his sports car, and with a roar of the engine, he disappeared in a flash.

  Zhang Yunyao clearly couldn't do anything about her unruly brother.

  After Zhang Yunliang left, Zhang Yunyao said to me again, "Master Wu, please don't take what my brother said personally. He's been spoiled by my father. He's always had this bad temper..."

  I waved my hand, signaling her to stop.

  They are from the same mother, but why is Zhang Yunyao so understanding, well-behaved, and sensible, while Zhang Yunliang is the complete opposite of his sister, with an erratic personality and a bit of a nervous breakdown?

  Seeing my unhappy expression, Zhang Yunyao quickly changed the topic and asked cautiously, "Master Wu, what should we do now?"

  I looked back at the coffins in the Zhang family's ancestral graveyard, and the group of listless workers, and said, "We definitely can't move the graves during the day. We have to wait until night. You have the workers carry the coffins to the grove not far away. Leave two people to guard them, and let the rest go home to rest. I'll come back to move the graves at night."

  Zhang Yunyao nodded and went back to talk to the workers.

  But after the strange events that happened last night, even though the workers didn't know exactly what happened, they knew that the Zhang family's ancestral graveyard was not simple. 

  They might even lose their lives.

  Last night, they all slept in the graveyard. 

  They didn't even know how they fainted.

  If they knew they were pulled out of the coffins by me and Zhang Yunyao, they would probably collapse from fright.

  Therefore, the workers all refused to work. 

  Even if the Zhang family offered more money, they had to have their lives to spend it.

  Zhang Yunyao tried to persuade them for a while, but it was useless. 

  The workers scattered like birds and beasts.

  Now Zhang Yunyao was at a loss.

   She came back to ask me what to do.

  I was also helpless.

   I could only tell Zhang Yunyao to call the butler and ask him to find new workers. 

  It would be best to not hire anyone from the nearby villages.

   By noon, they should move the dug-up coffins to the grove, and try to avoid direct sunlight on the coffins.

  After hearing my instructions, Zhang Yunyao immediately called Butler Wang and told him what was going on.

  Butler Wang said he would handle it immediately.

  Although Zhang Yunyao and I were both very tired, we had to stay at the Zhang family's ancestral graveyard to watch over the coffins.

  No one would steal the coffins, let alone the fact that they had dead bodies inside.

  The reason I was watching the coffins was because I was afraid that the person from last night would come back and tamper with the bodies.

  I have to admire Butler Wang's ability to handle things. 

  We waited at the graveyard for more than two hours, and Butler Wang arrived in a van with five or six young men, all strong and healthy. 

  They carried the dug-up coffins to the grove, left two people to guard them, and then Uncle Huzi and I got into Zhang Yunyao's car and returned to the Zhang family's old house.

  I had injuries and was exhausted from the whole night. 

  I fell asleep in the car before we even reached the Zhang family's old house.

  When I woke up again, I found myself lying in bed, and I felt a cold sensation on my arm. 

  I looked back and saw that Zhang Yunyao was wiping iodine on my wound and changing the bandage.

  The afternoon sun fell on her, like a layer of holy light covering her, making her look very beautiful.

  I turned my head to look at her, but she was completely focused on cleaning my wound. 

  After a while, she noticed that I was staring at her and blushed slightly, saying nervously, "Master Wu, you're awake."

  " Thank you." I said sincerely.

  "Master Wu, you don't have to be so polite. Actually, I should be thanking you. You helped our family so much, and you almost lost your life. This is something I should do." Zhang Yunyao explained.

  I tried to move my body, intending to sit up.

  But as soon as I moved, I touched my wound, and it immediately hurt so much that I gasped.

  The place where I was scratched by the zombie last night, although not a serious injury, the nails had pierced deep into my flesh. 

  It was swollen now, and any movement hurt.

  Hearing my muffled groan, Zhang Yunyao quickly leaned over and grabbed my arm, "Master Wu, you have injuries. It's best not to move around."

  "Help me up, I have something to do." I said.

  Zhang Yunyao placed my hand on her shoulder and helped me sit up. 

  This was the first time in my life that I had physical contact with a girl. 

  The scent of her body made me feel a little shy, but Zhang Yunyao didn't seem to think there was anything wrong with it.

  Just as Zhang Yunyao helped me up from bed, someone appeared at the bedroom door.

  "Wu, take your dirty hands off her!" A shout came.

  I looked up and saw a face that immediately filled me with disgust. Zhang Yunliang had appeared here without me knowing. 

  He came at just the right time.

  I was already a bit embarrassed, and I instinctively took my hand off Zhang Yunyao's shoulder.

  This made Zhang Yunliang even bolder. 

  He pointed at my nose and said, "Wu, I knew you were up to no good. You've been eyeing my sister. I'm telling you, don't even think about it. A toad like you doesn't deserve a swan!"

  "Brother! What are you talking about? Master Wu was scratched by the zombie while saving your life. I was just helping him up." Zhang Yunyao explained.

  " He's just trying to take advantage of you. I think he deserves a good beating!" With that, Zhang Yunliang rushed towards me, fist clenched.

  But before he could reach me, another person suddenly appeared behind Zhang Yunliang. 

  He grabbed Zhang Yunliang's arm, threw him away, and sent him flying several meters.

  "Dare to attack my Master? I think you're tired of living!" Uncle Huzi said with narrowed eyes.

  "What's going on? What's going on..." The commotion in the room quickly alarmed Zhang Yucheng, who was in the next room.

   He walked to the bedroom door, his face darkened, and looked at Zhang Yunliang lying on the floor.

  "Dad, this guy was taking advantage of my sister. I saw him holding her." Zhang Yunliang immediately made himself out to be the victim.

  "Dad, don't listen to my brother's nonsense. Master Wu was injured, and I was just helping him up." Zhang Yunyao quickly explained.