

It was dark. There was an eerie silence around me. The room I was in had wooden walls with some sort of cravings on them, they seemed ancient. The cold breeze flowing around gave me chills. I was walking around exploring the room when I came across a strange piece of literature on the mantel. I knew what it was the moment I touched it; I was holding "The Grimoire". My startled fall off the bed woke me up.

Hi, I am Susine Verlak, a proud citizen of Camelton and a member of SaberFate. In this world, every type of creature dwells, be it a werewolf, vampire, warlock, or demon bearer. I am what you call a ‘Hybrid’, a demon bearer of ‘Nightshade’, a very powerful demon of hell, and got turned into a werewolf against my will at the age of eight by the notorious clan ‘Phantom Trails’. Since I am distinguished as 'The Demon Wolf'


“Susine, breakfast!” called Hamish for the third time. Hamish is my caretaker for eight years now, he is more like a best friend. I reluctantly jumped out of bed, got ready in the usual baggy clothes, and headed down.

On the way to the guildhall, I started thinking about the dream. It was the Grimoire, but why out of all the demon bearers it called out to me? Lost in thoughts, I bumped into Bruno, my other best friend, and the best swordsman in town. Well, not better than me!

“You okay?” asked Bruno.

“Yes, let’s head down to our usual spot. I have something to tell you guys.”

Seated at the far end of our exquisite hall ‘SaberFate’ I faced my other two friends and comrades Kaleb and Carla. As usual Kaleb, the best gunman had a group of girls around him trying to get his attention and in the process making Bruno jealous. That was their daily tussle, fighting for “the most handsome guy of SaberFate’s position.”

I cleared my throat and said with my usual dreadful smile I continued “ladies if you could give us some privacy.” grumbling they all left at once. “This is important, yesterday I had a dream and I know where the Grimoire is.”

“ Grimoire as in the book of spells!” shrieked Carla. Always the most excited one, Carla was our guild’s powerful sorceress nicknamed Tatania who could control the element of water and was damn good at it. Alas, my badass best friend is five years older than us and supposedly our team leader during missions.

“What is that?” inquired Kaleb.

“ It is a book of spells which can be acquired by a demon bearer, which is me! Moving on, it gains its potency from the three swords it holds known as the ‘Great Swords of Hell’, interesting right? The first sword is called the Invisible Sword because you won't know until it pierces you. The second one is the Wind Sword which is made of air and has a very high speed like real high. And finally, we have the Fire Sword which is molded out of pure Hellfire and when impaled, it will engulf the enemy into black flames.”

“Woah, amazing so are we going to find it or not?”

“Of Course we are!”

“We need concrete information as to where it is located and how to acquire it,” said Bruno

“Correct, and we all know who can tell us the information-”

“Gustaff!” everyone roared in unison.

We found Gustaff in a pub wasting away his youth, sitting on the unoccupied chairs, he eyed me and said, “you look exactly like her…..your mother Neo, a great loss indeed.” When I did not reply he went on, “So what do you guys want this time? the last time I met you I almost died for the information I gave of the mafia gang,”

“Oh we assure you that won’t happen again,” beamed Carla

“Yeah yeah, let’s see” scowled Gustaff.

“Anyways,” she said sharply, “we need to know where The Grimoire is and how to get there.”

“I need to search my attic, come to my house in two days at noon I will tell you then and be sure to be loaded!.”

Wasting two days in desperate waiting, finally, noon came and we walked down to the edge of town to where Gustaff lived.

While passing down the streets, Kaleb suddenly groaned, “ Oh hell no, why can’t anything come easily to us.” because not a few blocks away stood six members of the rival guild, ‘Blue Scorpions.’