
The Demon Slaying Ninja

giridhar_babu · Tranh châm biếm
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3.cureing a virus

author's note: sorry that i havent done ANYTHING because i was .... busy going through..... life, yeah, lets just leave it at that.


after making it to 

"master you can't just make someone a demonslayer because he's strong for all we know he could be demon"

"sanami has a point point master" giyu said with a matter of fact tone

"EVERYONE SHUT UP" shouted naruto

"FIRST,why do have rapidly spreading virus in you'r body th-"

"how do you know that" said the master in surprise

"i'll explain later first let me up there"

before naruto could move all the hashiras put there blades infront his neck

naruto sighed and said"i can kill you all right now but i won't,all i want to do is cure that master guy's virus? disease? i dont even know anymore just move out of my way" he said in cold tone

everyone one was surprised and the master said "let him go"

"but he ju-" tried to argue sanami but was stoped by the master

after naruto got to "ThE MaStEr" that everyone is calling him and put his hand on his back,after a while he saw that the virus was going after his DNA for some f'ing reason he just decided to get it over with and figured out a cure and then he shouted out loud "F'ING DONE" kurama got a good laugh from there reactions 

"how!? it's only been 20 minutes or so" asked shinobi not beleaving him in the slightest

"i'll give you the long explanation in my sad backstory but the short answer is chakra which i will explain in my sad backstory which will be later" said noruto while looking at giyoma

"it will take 10 to 20 minutes to cure the virus but the blindness will take a while depending on how long you have been blind and YOU" naruto said while pointing at giyoma

"i get becomeing blind but WHY, do you not have pupils also i'm giving you'r sight back no if's or buts about it "and then he mutturing about this dimension being weird

"any way i will stert the treatment later for now i'm leaving i'll be back later" as he said that he shunshined away

obanai said after a few second's "what the f just happened"

hey guy's sorry for the unintentional vacation i will defeinetly right more often now that i don't have thought's about.........well evrything thats happened thank you so mush for reading!!!!!!!!!!!

giridhar_babucreators' thoughts