
The Demon Queen's Contract

In a world where magic intertwines with reality, a dying human girl named Elara awakens to find herself in a foreign land. The air smells of ancient forests, and the sky is painted with hues she’s never seen before. Before her stands the enigmatic Demon Queen, Seraphina, her eyes as cold as the ice that encases her throne. Seraphina proposes a desperate bargain: a contractual marriage between them. In exchange for Elara’s hand, Seraphina promises to save the crumbling human kingdom from impending doom. Elara, with nothing left to lose, accepts, thrust into a web of intrigue, danger, and forbidden emotions. As they embark on their perilous adventure, Elara discovers that Seraphina’s icy demeanor hides a tragic past. The Demon Queen’s power is unmatched, her wrath swift and merciless. Yet, beneath the frost, Elara glimpses vulnerability—a longing for connection that defies her ruthless reputation.

Huli_Poline · Kỳ huyễn
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69 Chs

That's one way to start things

As we neared the eastern province, the landscape transformed dramatically. Rolling hills gave way to rugged mountains, their peaks shrouded in mist. The air grew cooler, carrying the scent of pine and damp earth.

Nestled in the valleys between these imposing mountains were quaint villages, their stone houses clustered together like a collection of ancient secrets.

Each village was surrounded by terraced fields, where hardy crops struggled against the harsh climate, and rivers meandered through the land, their waters clear and cold.

The eastern province was known for its resilience and stoicism. The people here were descendants of warriors and scholars, their history etched into the very rock of the mountains.