
The Demon Queen's Contract

In a world where magic intertwines with reality, a dying human girl named Elara awakens to find herself in a foreign land. The air smells of ancient forests, and the sky is painted with hues she’s never seen before. Before her stands the enigmatic Demon Queen, Seraphina, her eyes as cold as the ice that encases her throne. Seraphina proposes a desperate bargain: a contractual marriage between them. In exchange for Elara’s hand, Seraphina promises to save the crumbling human kingdom from impending doom. Elara, with nothing left to lose, accepts, thrust into a web of intrigue, danger, and forbidden emotions. As they embark on their perilous adventure, Elara discovers that Seraphina’s icy demeanor hides a tragic past. The Demon Queen’s power is unmatched, her wrath swift and merciless. Yet, beneath the frost, Elara glimpses vulnerability—a longing for connection that defies her ruthless reputation.

Huli_Poline · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
69 Chs

She's here

I took a deep breath, trying to calm the racing of my heart and the tight knot of anxiety in my chest. I had to focus, to ground myself in something familiar. Suddenly, an idea struck me.

"Anara," I called out, turning to her with a hopeful expression. "Is there any section in this library dedicated to romance books?" In my former life, I read so many of them, and it might help me relax.

Anara's face softened with a smile. "Of course, Queen Elara. We have a wide selection of genres here, including romance. Follow me."

I trailed behind her as she led me through the labyrinth of bookshelves. The library seemed endless, each row more intriguing than the last. Finally, we arrived at a section labeled "Romance and Drama." The shelves were filled with books of all shapes and sizes, their covers ranging from simple to ornate.

"Here we are," Anara said, gesturing to the rows of books. "Feel free to browse. I'm sure you'll find something to your liking."